Chapter 11

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Hey, I am going to try to update every week, since its summer. But I am not positive, I do love this story and am not planning on leaving it. So I will do my best to update more. Sorry for the long wait. Love you all! Have a great summer everyone.

"Ga-Gavin" Kendra sputtered. "Now look who is stuttering," Gavin said smirking. "How are you ALIVE" Kendra yelled anger flowing inside her. "Chill Kendra, did you really think you could kill me that easy." "You killed people, you betrayed everyone, you betrayed ME," Kendra said shaking. "I am really sorry about that, um how is Warren?" Gavin asked. Bracken came up behind her and said, "Kendra it's Ok, calm down." "Kendra looked at him and laughed saying "Sorry, I don't know what got into me." Gavin interrupted them by saying "Kendra how can I make it up to you."

 "I don't know who you are but please can we talk about this later, Kendra is already going through a lot," Bracken said pulling Kendra away. "What is happening maybe I can help?" Gavin said begging. Kendra gave Gavin a cold stare and said, "Ok! But I swear if you even think about betraying me again, I will destroy you and this time you won't come back." "I promise," Gavin said. "You sure have changed since the last time I saw you!" Gavin remarked.  "We will talk more about this later," Bracken said leaving with Kendra. 

They walked to Bracken's room and sat on his bed. "Who is Gavin," Bracken asked after a minute. "Well, before we met, I might have kinda had a tiny crush on him," Kendra said looking at the floor. "Oh," Bracken said, realizing now what that was all about. "May I ask what he did?" Bracken said lifting Kendra's face so he could see it. "Ummm, he kinda killed Dougan and trapped Warren in the knapsack that we had, And pretty much broke my heart!" Kendra said but then added, "Until you can along and fixed me up again." She smiled at Bracken and then Kendra put her head on his shoulder. "So why is he helping you then," Bracken asked while stroking Kendra's hair. "He is the only one I can think of that can destroy the Basilisk and if that means getting my family back, so be it" Kendra stated standing up. "Come on let's go tell him all of the details," Kendra said grabbing Brackens hand and pulling him off the bed. 

Flashback"Come on, THAT WAS OUR POINT" Doren and Seth yelled. "It was out," Warren said back. "Do you even know how to play Volleyball, Warren" Seth mumbled. "Hey! I heard that Seth" Warren yelled back. "OMG enough arguing, we can just redo the point," Kendra said grabbing the ball and tossing it at Seth as hard as she could. "Somebody's mad," Seth said running to the line to serve it. 

Seth served the ball and it went straight at Bracken who passed it without ease. Kendra did a sloppy set but Warren got on top of the ball and smashed it into Seth's arms. "Owwww!!!" Seth Hollard rubbing his arm. "Our point" Warren shouted high-fiving Bracken and Kendra. Kendra served the ball over the net. Doren passed it to Newel who set it, but Doren hit the ball into the net. "What kind of set was that" Doren yelled at Newel. "A good kind, that's what Doren" Newel yelled. "OK, that's it" Doren yell tackling Newel to the ground. "We lost because of you" Doren yelled. After a few minutes of Doren, Newel, and Seth complaining that they lost. Warren walked up to them and said "Good game." "Shut up Warren, we don't want your pity." They all said at the same time. Which made Bracken, Kendra, and Warren laugh. "BURGERS ARE READY" Grandpa Sorenson yelled! "Finally, I thought you were trying to starve me" Seth complained. "Whatever" Grandpa Sorenson said messing up Seth's sweaty hair. 

Hopefully not too many typos :) Hope you enjoyed, Uploading soon!!

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