Chapter 12

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Bracken and Kendra walked through the doors to the dining room, where they saw Gavin devouring his food. "Hey Kendra," Gavin said still eating. "Are you ready to help me out?" Kendra asked unable to focus because of Gavin's sloppy eating. When Gavin finished he stood up and sat next to Kendra and Bracken. "Yes, what is it that you need help with," Gavin asked leaning towards Kendra who just backed away into Bracken, who could help but smile as his girlfriend. 

"Well we are needing you to kill a basilisk," Kendra said. "What the heck is a Basilisk doing here," Gavin exclaimed! "Does it seem like we know?" Bracken said. "What damage has it done so far," Gavin asked looking toward Kendra. "Well, so far it has destroyed the house and turned my family to stone," Kendra said tearing up. "Please don't cry, It's Ok your family will be with you soon and I will kill that basilisk," Gavin said placing an arm of Kendra's shoulder. Bracken went rigid the hairs on the back of his neck standing straight up.

 Kendra slowly moved away and shook Gavin's hand off of her. "Let's go kill this thing" Gavin exclaimed hopping out of his seat. "Hold on we still need to find a way to turn stone people back to people," Bracken said standing up too. "We should try to find that out before we go rush and kill it, we need to figure out what we are dealing with. We can just go it guns blazing," Bracken added. "Ok let's get our research on," Kendra said standing up next to Bracken. "But First let's get some sleep, I am exhausted!" Gavin begged.

 Gavin left first and Bracken and Kendra started walking. "Tomorrow we will go to the library and try to find something," Bracken said. "Sounds good to me!" Kendra said grabbing Brackens hand and stopping. "What if I can't find a way to undo this little curse or if I can't find one of the ingredients Bracken," Kendra said. "Hey, Change all those I's to We's and don't worry about it ok, we will get everything," Bracken said putting Kendra's sad face in his hands. Bracken brought Kendra's face closer to his and kissed her. "What was the for" Kendra asked kissing Bracken again. "I just love being with you and am so glad you are with me!" Bracken said kissing Kendra on the forehead. "Let's get some sleep, you can sleep in one of my sister's room," Bracken said leading Kendra to a room right next to his. "This is my sister Krissy's room, clothes will be there in the morning," Bracken explained. "Goodnight cutie," Bracken said kissing Kendra one last time. "Night" Kendra said smiling a Bracken. They walked into there rooms but gave each other one last glance before entering.

Kendra walked into Krissy's room, it was painted purple and had drawing everywhere, her favorite was a fox prancing on a falling log. She layed down on the bed and went over what happened with Bracken. She just couldn't sleep so she decided to try to find the library that Bracken had mentioned. She needed to help her family and to see them all again soon.

Bracken walked into his room and was totally freaking out, he just kissed the woman of his dreams and she kissed him back. What was this feeling he is feeling? Why is there a knot in my stomach whenever I think about her? Why can't I stop thinking about her? Why do I miss her already, I saw her 30 seconds ago? What was that nickname? Why am dying to hear her laugh, her smile, her appreciation? I think I love her!

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