Chapter 6

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POV Kendra

"OMG Warren, you scared me" I exclaimed! "Sorry I overheard you and Bracken fight" Warren was saying but I interrupted him by saying "It was not a fight, it was a disagreement." I said the last word with more force. I saw Warren roll his eyes. "Hey, I saw that" I exclaimed. "Whatever" he said play punching me in the arm. "I came up here because I wanted to see if you were OK, I know that you are really upset about Seth" Warren said. "Do you want to go for a walk?" Warren asked as he started climbing down the tree house. "Sure" I said as I followed him down.

I was walking right behind Warren in complete silence, until he started asking a lot of questions. One of them was "So why did you leave the room" we were getting closer and closer to the pond. " Well, I just couldn't see Seth like that, it was too hard. It feels like no one around me knows how hard it is and it sucks." I said feeling tears in my eyes. Warren stopped right outside of the pond and looked at me, he stepped on step towards me and gave me hug. Before I knew it Warren wouldn't get off he was frozen, or stuck. "Warren" I said " I can't really breathe" I said trying to gasp for air. "Warren" I finally yelled "get off." Warrens grip was just not letting up, while the sun was already halfway up. I kept struggling against him until finally I got out of his grip. My hands were on my knees and was was panting while I was yelling at Warren. "Warren what the heck was that" I yelled. I looked up and saw that Warren was frozen. "Warren are you ok" I said as I poked him. He was rock solid, he looked just like Seth. I quickly stepped back and screamed and ran into the pond area. I contacted Bracken with the necklace he gave me a few years ago. "Helllllllllllllo" I said tears in my eyes my voice cracking. And then I dropped the necklace.

POV Bracken

I woke up before everyone else the sun was just rising. I was planning on going to the Fairy Kingdom today to ask my Father if he knew anything about Mandrakes. I wanted to wait for Kendra to wake up so I could say bye. Normally Seth was up and we would play cards or some game he made up so he could win. I started to get hungry when Kendra's Grandparents came down stairs. Her Grandma made some breakfast while Mr. Sorenson and I talked about my trip to the Fairy Kingdom. I was about to take a bite of my eggs when I heard a scream. I dropped my fork and ran up the steps to see if Kendra was in her room. I threw the door open and saw that the window was open and Seth lying in his bed. Panic flooded through me I bolted out the door and down the stairs tripping on the last step and ran out the door. The last this I heard was Mr. Sorenson yelling "Bracken!! Wai..." I was running through the forest when I saw Warren's frozen body. "Kendra" I yelled, but there was no answer. Kendra's Grandpa was catching up and saw Warren's body. Right behind him Vanessa appeared, "Vanessa, don't worry we will find something" I said but she was hugging the frozen Warren. "Where's Kendra" Mr. Sorenson asked trying to stay calmed. When he said that I ran into the pond and saw her sitting on the ground her head in her knees. I quickly walked over there hoping and praying she wasn't frozen. I heard a few small sobs and gave her a hug from behind.

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