Chapter 21

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"Kendra, Kendra wake up," a familiar voice said. Kendra groaned and rolled over to find Seth wrapping his arms around her. "Seth," Kendra cried hugging her brother. When they finally broke apart they were both in tears. Kendra saw Warren leaning on the wall by the door and finding all her strength ran over to hug him. "Hi," Kendra said looking up at her cousin/best friend. "Hey, did ya miss me," Warren chuckled hugging Kendra harder. Warren helped Kendra back to the couch. "Wait, Bracken!" Kendra fake yelled facing the unicorn. "You said that you would wake me up when you made the potion," Kendra whined. Bracken gave Kendra a shy smile, "I just couldn't wake you up, you were too cute," Bracken said while Seth made barfing actions in the background. "Have they been caught up on everything," Kendra asked right as Gavin walked in. The room froze as Seth and Warren took in that Gavin was alive. "I guess not," Kendra joked seeing how they were reacting. All of the sudden Warren rolled up his sleeves and charged at Gavin, getting a few punches in before Bracken tackled him off Gavin. " Warren calm down," Bracken yelled holding the fighting Warren's arms down. Seth just looked at Kendra, "I bet you wish you were in Warren position right now." Seth joked trying to ease the tension. "Seth!" Kendra rolled her eyes leave it up to Seth to make jokes at the worst times, but she was so glad he was here and safe. "Hey just saying if Warren didn't do that, I would have," Seth whispered to Kendra before walking over to Bracken and Warren. Kendra went over to Gavin and saw that Warren got a least two good punches in. Placing her hands on his bruises and a bloody nose. "He doesn't know the full story," Kendra said to Gavin who just groaned a small "I know". Kendra felt the hot water swirl inside her and onto Gavin skin, but it was a lot slower. 

"Kendra, are you kidding me," Bracken harshly said throwing off her concentration. "What now," Kendra said wobbling up. " I need you to rest, not use your energy" Bracken pleaded. Kendra smiled and then added, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Bracken just looked at her with a half-serious face half concerned face. "I am fine, look," Kendra said doing jumping jacks. Bracken smiled in his goofy way then added, "If you get sick again, I get an I told you so." "Deal," Kendra said grabbing Bracken's hand and shaking it. Bracken walked over to Gavin and helped him up, Bracken whispered something unintelligible and Gavin walked upstairs. Seth's glare sent a message to Gavin that was, I would kill you right here right now if Kendra wasn't in the room. Gavin shuttered and walked upstairs, all the eyes in the room went to Kendra. "What," Kendra whined. Seth and Warren both pointed to the stairs where Gavin just walked up. 

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