Chapter 8

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While Bracken leads me through the big castles gates. I thought we were going to meet the Fairy Queen and tell her everything that is happening at Fablehaven, instead, Bracken brought me to a bedroom. It was a boys room that had some trains and some weird plants. "Welcome to my room," Bracken said while leading me over to his bed. "I am not tired," I said pushing against his force. "Just try" Bracken pleaded. "We are all tired we will talk tomorrow," He said bringing me closer to the bed. "Fine, but just for you," I said as I climbed on the bed, and I fell asleep.

POV Bracken

"Kendra are you cold," I said walking to shut the door. I turned around and saw a sleeping Kendra on the pillow. I laid a blanket on her, and then went to the other side of the bed and laid down.

POV Kendra

When I woke up it was still pretty dark but, I could still see everything. I guessed it was about 3:00 am. I looked over and saw Bracken asleep next to me. I of course blushed and quietly got out of bed and took a look around Brackens room. I saw a lot of stuff about space and even a picture of a Bracken as a little boy and his sisters. All of a sudden a hand covered my mouth and lead me out of the room. I tried to struggle away but the person was just too strong, I tried to scream but my voice kept croaking from all of the crying earlier. Someone lead me down the hall getting closer and closer to the door down the hall. Finally, my entire senses were awakened. I quickly stepped in the person's foot hard, there was a slight release on the hold that's when I ran. When I was free I kicked the person in the stomach and then the leg. Because that is what Warren taught me last summer.  (Flashback)"Ok, now Kendra," Warren said. It is time you learned some fighting skills, Coulter would have taught you but... "You don't know when to shut up do you," Vanessa said giving Warren a cold stare. Warren just rolled his eyes. "First you will need to try to break free, maybe by kicking, biting, or even screaming. Once you are free you need to kick them, Hard," Warren said. "Preferably in the stomach or in the leg area" Vanessa added. "Kinda like this, She kicked Warren in the stomach then on the leg. "AHHHH, WHAT WAS THAT FOR" Warren yelled at her. I just laughed and so did Vanessa. "All right that's it" Warren yelled. He ran at Vanessa knocking her to the ground and gave her a big kiss."EWWWW" Vanessa yelled. I fell on the ground laughing. "What is going on out here," Grandpa said. Warren got off Vanessa and said, "Just teaching Kendra some self-defense" "Um Ok, be safe" Grandpa said looking at me, laughing on the ground, and smiled. Then Seth ran out and yelled, "Ooooh me next." Which caused everyone to start laughing. (Back to Reality)   I heard the man hit the ground and I ran all the way out of the castle, to the big open plains, only wanting to get back home. I looked through my pockets looking for my necklace, as it lay in my hand, I started talking to Bracken.


What do you guys think about having Gavin back?? I will try to write more, and I may switch to 3rd person but Idon'tt know yet.  Hope you liked it and have a great day.

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