Chapter 9

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HEY, everyone, I am switching to 3rd person just so everyone knows. Now back to the story :)

Bracken woke up with the Fairy King's face right in front of him. "Father," Bracken said shocked. He looks over to Kendra's side of the bed, remembering her talking to him. "Where's Kendra," He asked now standing up. "Your girlfriend is a feisty one," The Fairy King said with a smirk. "What did you do with her" BRacken yelled shaking with anger. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, you should be asking what she did to me?" The Fairy king said seriously. "What," Bracken said all the anger vanish and was replaced with confusion and worry. "Well since you asked," The Fairy King said smiling. Bracken made the motion for him to continue. "I took Kendra out o the room and went down the hall, she kicked me on the foot and then punched me in the stomach" The Faith King continued. "Ooh and she has quite the punch, then ran out of the palace" The Fairy King added. Bracken just stood there confused and worried for his Princess"Welllllll... let's find her, your mother wants to talk to you guys, I guess it's important." The Fairy King said growing impatient. As they both walked down the hall Bracken asked: "What does The Queen need from us?" "Your mother has some upsetting news for Kendra," The Fairy King said face going all serious. 'Great more bad news' Bracken though. 'What's the bad news' Kendra's voice rang in his head. 'How did you hear that' Bracken asked in awe. 'I don't know, the fairy is teaching me some cool tricks and they actually like me! Kendra's voice exclaimed. 'That's great' Bracken replied feeling a little worried' 'Don't be worried' Kendra's voice chimed in. 'OK now this is getting kinda creepy' Bracken said unsure what else to say. 'So what was the bad news' Kendra's voice asked. 'Well the Fairy Queen wants to talk to us, she has some pretty bad news' Bracken said. 'Nothing as bad as what is happening at Fablehaven' said Kendra's voice now shrunk to a whisper. 'Where are you' Bracken asked breaking the silence. 'I am by the fairy village, do you want me to meet you on the hill where we entered.' Kendra's voice asked. 'Sure, I absolutely really really like you so please be safe.' Bracken said 'Ok, I really really like you to' Kendra's voice said with a laugh. When Bracken returned to the real world he didn't know he was smiling. "What's that stupid grin on your face for?" The Fairy King asked not even needing to know the answer. Bracken slapped his face back and forth, trying to get it off. "Nothing," Bracken said looking at the ground. Then Kendra's voice popped into his mind 'That's my favorite grin, don't get rid of it.' 'Ok this is kinda creepy how are you doing this' Bracken exclaimed. 'I don't know' Kendra said. As they were almost at the top of the hill, Bracken saw a silhouette of Kendra.

When Kendra saw Bracken, she ran down the hill into his open arms. "Hi," Kendra said looking into Brackens silverish eyes. "Hey," Bracken said kissing her on the forehead, which they both blushed too. "Cough" "Cough" The Fairy King made. 'Who is this' Kendra asked in Brackens mind. "This is my Father," Bracken said out loud. "Oh," Kendra said now seeing the similarities between The Fairy King and Bracken. "You may remember me from this morning," The Fairy King said with a smirk. After a few seconds, she remembered, "Oh, the kidnapper" Kendra said realizing for the first time that she punched Bracken's dad. "OMG, I am so so so sorry..." Kendra began but the Fairy King cut her off saying "It's all good, I kinda liked how you defended yourself who taught you to do that? "Warren and Vanessa" Kendra said, suddenly missing them like crazy. "Let's go see what The Fairy Queen wants," Bracken said grabbing Kendra's hand and they all made their way to the palace.

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