Chapter 18

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Kendra woke to Bracken's eyes staring at her. "Good morning beautiful," Bracken whispered into Kendra's ear. "Uggggg, 5 more minutes," Kendra said rolling over. "No, we are killing the basilisk today, and then get the ingredients to get your family back," Bracken explained. "Well, in that case, let's go," Kendra said hopping up off the bed. Kendra walked over to Brackens dresser and grabbed his brush. "Cute, brush" Kendra said. "Hey, no mocking the brush," Bracken smirked. Kendra ran the brush through her hair and put it up into a messy bun. "Somebody looks adorable," Bracken said running his hand through his hair. "Awe, thanks," Kendra said, "No weird-O, I was talking to myself" Bracken laughed wrapping his arms around Kendra into a big hug. "Kendra, I lo..." Bracken started but was interrupted by Gavin who was knocking and yelling through the door.

Kendra looked back and forth between a frozen unicorn and an angry dragon. Kendra gave Bracken a smile and a quick kiss on the lips, which seemed to bring the unicorn back to life, and then went to let Gavin in. Right when she reached the door handle, a pale Bracken showed up next to her. "Finally, what were you two doing," Gavin said throwing his hands in the air. He looked over a Bracken pale face and said in a more normal tone. "Dude, are you ok? Well anyway, the portal is open and ready for us to cross" Gavin said still staring at Bracken. "I didn't know unicorns could get that pale," Gavin said cracking up, "It looks like you just had your heartbroken," Gavin said laughing even harder. "Wait.." He yelled, "Did you two break up?" Gavin said hopefully. "No, no we didn't," Kendra said looking at Bracken in concern. Kendra grabbed his hand and started speaking telepathically. "Bracken, are you ok you are starting to scare me?" Kendra asked but getting no response. "Bracken, I swear you better talk to me" Kendra yelled into his mind. Looking at Gavin, Kendra asked out loud "Can you give us a minute." Gavin looked at Bracken and mouthed Good Luck before Kendra dragged him into the room. When they got into the room Kendra turned around to face Bracken. "What is it?" Kendra said facing Bracken. Bracken mumbled something along the lines of I..I and then collapsed on the floor.

Bracken woke up to a pacing Kendra at the foot of his bed and the Fairy Queen telling her something. "Omg, this is all my fault, I could have killed him," Kendra said. "Sweetheart, you are still learning about your magic, you need to forgive yourself," The Fairy Queen said looking down at her son. "I don't think I can" was all Kendra could get out before Bracken sat up. "Bracken," Kendra exclaimed running towards him but stopped and backed up. "Son," The Fairy Queen said her relief flooding through Kendra, "How are you feeling?" she asked handing Bracken some water. "Good as new," Bracken said throwing his feet off the bed and staring and Kendra who looked away. "I am going to go get Gavin and you can just meet us by the portal," Kendra said walking swiftly out the door but before she was out of sight she added, "Glad you are feeling better." Bracken turned to his mother with questions in his eyes. His Mother just hugged him and said, "The blast she hit you with cause some serious problems than we thought and she isn't forgiving herself." "Well, I better go, thanks for everything mother," Bracken said giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and heading to where Kendra and Gavin were to meet him. The thought Gavin and her together made him sick so he hurried up the pace and to the portal to see Kendra and Gavin waiting there. Bracken walked toward Kendra but she moved on the opposite side of Gavin. Gavin looked overjoyed and put an arm around Kendra's shoulder. "Ready to go," Gavin asked. Kendra quickly removed Gavin's arm around her shoulder and saw Brackens face. It was full of jealousy and a little bit of anger when they made eye contact. Kendra looked at the floor and stepped into the portal. After the bright light faded she was standing next to the pond, but not to close, she saw another bright flash and Bracken stood next to her and then Gavin appeared. Bracken tried to grab Kendra's hand but she moved it away and didn't look at him. "Kendra?" Bracken asked confused. 

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