Chapter 17

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The Fairy Queen and King heard the blast and ran out to see what just happened. "Omg Bracken," The Queen said running over to unconscious son. The Fairy King saw Kendra in the distance still unconscious and ran over to her. The fairies in the area were helping the waking Gavin. "Bracken are you ok," The Fairy Queen asked seeing that Bracken opened his eyes and started to get up. "Where is Kendra?" Bracken asked grabbing onto his mother for more balance. He then noticed his Father carrying her, "What happened, is she ok" Bracken said wobbling over to her. "Bracken she is fine, she just needs some rest, come with me so I can explain what is happening," The Fairy Queen said. "Father please just lay Kendra on my bed, I will visit her shortly," Bracken asked following his Mother.

Bracken was sitting on his bed to Kendra reading a book when she finally woke up. "Kendra talk to me" Bracken begged his eyes begging too. Kendra sat there for a minute try to remember what happened then burst out crying. "Are you Ok," Kendra asked getting off of the bed and walking as far away from Bracken as she could. "Hey, I am fine. Now are you Ok" Bracken asked walking toward Kendra. "Stop! Please don't come toward me. I can't hurt you again Bracken please," Kendra begged shooing him away with her hands. Bracken stopped and just looked at her, "Do you really think that I can stay away from you." Bracken laughed stepping toward her. "Bracken seriously listen to me I can't control it, and I don't know what I would do if I ever hurt you again," Kendra said creeping toward the door handle. She got to the door handle and open it and ran, "Kendra please wait, I can help you, you just have to trust me," Bracken said grabbing Kendra by the waist. "Just come sit down with me and let's talk, you can control this but you just need a little help," Bracken stated.

They both sat on the bed and talked about everything that has happened. "I am so sorry, Bracken!" Kendra said hugging him. Bracken also wrapped his arms around Kendra, "It's ok," he said. "Do you want to practice tonight, because tomorrow we are going to kill this basilisk," Bracken asked letting go of Kendra and bringing her to her feet. "Sure, what do you want me to do?" Kendra asked. "I want you to heal my hand," Bracken said pulling out a small dagger and cutting his hand, silver blood oozing out of the cut. "Bracken!" Kendra yelled running toward him. "Think about the cut closing and me being fine again. Focus on the fine points like; the blood clotting, the skin growing back, every cell being fixed and let your energy guide you. Kendra got lost in a daze of thoughts, she let some of her best memories flow through her, it felt like hot water slowly pulsed through her veins and through her hands. It started fast and faster. Faintly in the background of her mind, she heard Bracken say "Kendra you got to stop, pull back now." Kendra tried but the water wouldn't stop flowing, then as if the water had a kink in the pipe it just stopped and Bracken returned into view his back right in front of Kendra's. "There you are" Bracken smirked giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. The happy memory ending...

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