Chapter 19

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"I am going to go find the basilisk," Gavin said running to the exit of the pond. Kendra and Bracken stood about 10 feet away from grabbing naiad hands. Bracken turned to Kendra and just crossed his arms. Bracken, we need to talk," Kendra said not even able to look at Bracken. "Yes, we do, about you forgiving yourself. It was an accident," Bracken said putting an arm on Kendra's shoulder. No, Bracken hurting you is one of the worst pains I have ever had to live with. I think that we shouldn't see each other anymore." Kendra said removing Bracken's arm from her shoulder. "Are you serious, Kendra!" Bracken shouted, "I can't freaking live without you, I can't stop thinking about you, and I can never, ever stop loving you." Bracken said. Tears began falling from Kendra's eyes. "You are not breaking up with me over this silly little thing, that you can control," he added. "We can more about this later, Kendra." Tears kept falling from Kendra's eyes and all of the sudden rain started falling from the sky. Bracken looked up and his mouth dropped at the sight. "You are one of the strongest people I met Kendra," Bracken said pulling her into a hug, which she tried to fight but ending up giving in. "Shhhhh, it's ok, let us go kick this basilisk's butt," Bracken said throwing some playful punches in the air. Kendra whipped her wet eyes and the rain stop, "Ok" Kendra sniffed. "You are beautiful" Bracken smiled kissing Kendra on the cheek and grabbed her hand. "I can't believe I tried to break up with you," Kendra laughed. "I know, that wasn't your smartest move," Bracken laughed. They were walking back to the yard when they heard an ear-splitting dragon screech. They started to run and when they reach the yard, a giant black dragon and a small snake compared to the dragon. Kendra froze as the sight of Navarog again, fear and anger building up inside of her. The two creatures scratched and clawed at each other, Bracken ran over to help with the fight, Kendra wanted to help but the sight of the dragon made terrible visions come back. 

(Flashback to the unforgettable betrayal) Kendra saw a huge black dragon grow out of her hope to be boyfriend, Gavin. Staring at the dragon in complete shock, but it was broken by the screams of Mara who was thrown and most likely dead, then in horror, she heard Dougan scream and the dragon eat him. "Dougan!" she screamed tears falling. Her heartbreaking over the loss of her two companions. Kendra ran and ran until she found this small little opening and ran into it. Kendra climbed down into the knapsack and saw the healing Warren. Warren staggered up seeing how Kendra was trying to tell him something but just couldn't breathe. "Dougan...Mara... Dead" she spat out, "Gaaavin, traitor." Warren looked at her and brought her into a hug, "Take a deep breath," Warren whispered. "Kendra, I know you are in here," she heard Gavin say outside of the knapsack. Kendra grabbed a sword and started to head up the latter, "Don't" Warren yelled trying to follow but winced because of his pain. Before he could say anything else, Kendra was out of the knapsack and facing Navarog. "You think this twig will hurt me," Gavin smirked grabbing the sword. "Next time you face me, bring a better sword, oh wait there won't be a next time." Gavin laughed. Kendra just stood there thinking of what to do next, when she saw Raxus peek into view. "This will be a shame, I did like you," Gavin said looking back at what Kendra was staring at. Gavin faced Kendra again, then lit the knapsack on fire, "Now your poor cousin will die all by himself in there Kendra," Gavin laughed. All of a sudden Raxus came into view and swallowed Gavin. Kendra just stared at Raxus, "Was I scary?" Raxus asked, "Terrifying," Kendra said forcing a smile, (Back to the battle). 

Kendra was still frozen remember all of what Gavin did, rage flowing through her she felt some hot in her hand. It reminded her of Vasilis but it was shorter with vines around the handle and all made out of her light. She tossed the sword back and forth from her hands and slowly walked toward Bracken, Gavin, and the thing that stoned her brother. 

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