Chapter 5

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As the screen glowed I could see that everyone was around the TV except Grandpa because he doesn't really like TVs. Newel and Doren and Verl were even there. . . When the movie ended I stood up dramatically and asked Bracken "are there such things as Mandrakes." He looked puzzled by the question and just kept quiet. I was trying not to show the tears forming in my eyes but probably failed because Warren patted me on the shoulder and whispered "It's ok, Seth is strong and we will find a way to get him back." That did it, I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks. I was about to go upstairs and see Seth, then to the tree house when Bracken said "Well, I don't know if mandrakes are real but my father will." I heard Grandpa Sorenson say "OK now everyone off the bed." When I got upstairs, I ran to Seth's side gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, grabbed my pillow and a blanket, and then headed downstairs. When I heard nothing but the running of the shower in Grandpa and Grandma's room. I made my way down the stairs and to the door, I almost reached it when I heard Bracken mumble " Kendra, what are you doing" I rushed over to him and sat him back down on the couch. "I am just getting some water, you can go back to bed" I lied. But he didn't believe me. "Kendra where are you going," he said more awake. I knew I was busted but Bracken can't know I am sleeping in the tree house, he will hate it. " NO WHERE" I responded in a harshly whisper. "Kendra" he said his silverish eyes melting all over me. "Fine" I said throwing my hands above my head. " I was going to the tree house." I put a finger up to shush him " And you can't stop me," I finished with that. I ran and was almost to the door when two strong hands grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up, then set me on the couch. "Hey" I yelled but put a hand over my mouth so it was muffled yell. " No you're not" Bracken said in a calm voice but also was also stern. "I'm sorry" I said "Can I go to bed now" I said as my head hung low in shame. "Yes" Bracken said lifting her head up and kissing it. I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't mad at myself for not being quiet enough. I walked up the stairs and I could feel Bracken's eyes on me, making sure I don't bolt after the door again. When I opened the door to the attic, I waited a few minutes and then bolted to the window cracked it open and the called out for Hugo. "Hugo" I said loud enough to be heard but not to loud for Bracken to hear downstairs. When Hugo came running over, I whispered to him take me to the tree house. "Will, Kendra be safe if Kendra goes" Hugo in his loud voice that was trying to be in a whisper. "Yes Hugo I will be safe, but I just need to go to the tree house." "OK" the golem responded in his loud voice. "But I stay with Kendra" he added. "OK" I agreed and I climbed on his back. When I got to the tree house Hugo lifted me up and I climbed in the window and set up my pillow and blanket, that I brought with me when I heard someone coming up the tree house. I froze hopping it wasn't Bracken but at the same time wanting it to be him. I let out a slight gasp when a head appeared from the entrance.  

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