Chapter 20

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Kendra was running now, she could feel the anger inside her trying to break loose. It felt like an animal trying to escape from her grasp. She was holding on to it the best she could but then she reached the basilisk. Its eyes have been scratched and it was using his other senses to fight his 2 opponents. Bracken saw Kendra and a flash of panic went through his body. "Kendra, what are you doing?" Bracken argues getting nipped by one of the basilisks fangs. Bracken fell to the ground and rolled to the left to avoid another attack from the basilisk. Gavin was back again in his human form lying on the ground cut, scratched, and beaten. Kendra lost control of the rage inside her and with all of the power inside her she jumped, swung the sword, and chopped off the basilisks head soaking her in it green sticky blood. The sword disappeared from Kendra's hand and she felt exhausted. Ignoring her body's begging please to stop she walked over to Bracken and healed the poison in him. Kendra fell to the ground all of her strength leaving her body, she used all of her strength to get up and heal Gavin. Dizziness hit Kendra like a wave on her way to Gavin though, she healed all of the poison but left a few scars. Bracken appeared next to Kendra throwing her off Gavin, "Kendra you pushed yourself too hard, all of your strength is gone, you need to stop." Bracken said. Kendra was pale white and had purple under her eyes, all of the color in her lips was gone. "I am fine, Bracken stop worrying," Kendra mumbled then hit the ground. Gavin rushed over to her and looked at Bracken, "What the heck was that" Gavin said in awe. "She just cut off that Basilisks head!" Gavin shouted jumping up and down. "Yeah, I guess she did," Bracken whispered picking up Kendra and bringer her to the hose outside, where he rinsed off all of the basilisks goopy blood. 

Kendra woke up to freezing water, and Bracken. "Sorry, that the water is cold," Bracken said turning off the hose. Bracken walked into the house and Kendra saw that a wall was missing and the roof had holes. Grandma, Grandpa, Dale, and Tanu were turned to stone, but they were all holding something to see reflections, which made Kendra kind of giggle at the sight.  Grandma was carrying a metal pan, Grandpa had his mirror glasses, Tanu has a punch of potions and Dale carried a mirror. Bracken carried Kendra to her room and there was Seth, Bracken handed her a t-shirt and shorts "Put these on, I will be outside if you need anything." Bracken said placing Kendra on her feet and she regained her balance after a few minutes. Bracken left and Kendra slowly put on the clothes. When she was done she staggered over to Seth and grabbed his hand. "I killed the Basilisk" Kendra whispered. "I really miss you," Kendra said tears building in her eyes. Kendra started to walk to the door when she felt a sharp pain all over her body, "Bracken" Kendra managed to get out before she fell to the floor shaking. Bracken rushed in and scooping up Kendra feeling how hot she was. Bracken grabbed a few blankets and brought her on the couch downstairs. Bracken wrapped Kendra in the blankets like a burrito. "Gavin moved all of the statues into the study". "Kendra you have a pretty bad fever because you pushed yourself too hard, we all have our limits and you passed yours by a lot. You should feel better tomorrow." Bracken said holding her hand.

 "Go into the study and grab a blue tin and then go to Tanus' room and see if he has any of the ingredients we need," Kendra said weakly coughing into the blanket. Bracken shortly returned to see Gavin talking and Kendra crying. "I am just so sorry," Gavin said seeing Bracken walking over, he got up and went to do something in the kitchen. "Can you put the tin box by the door for the brownies," Kendra sniffed. "Come here," Bracken said snuggling next to Kendra on the small couch. "I don't want to make sick," Kendra laughed weakly, "I don't really get sick," Bracken said kissing Kendra on the cheek. "I have great news, Tanu had the moon pipe but only to make 2 viles, and I will get the other ingredients before tonight," Bracken said sitting up. "Really, I am going to see Seth," Kendra said as enthusiastic as she could before coughing like a mad man. "Yep, and one other person," Bracken said, "Who do you want it to be," Bracken asked after Kendra stopped coughing. "Warren," Kendra breathed. "Get some rest now, I will wake you up when the portions are ready," Bracken said giving Kendra a quick kiss. She could hear Bracken say something to Gavin about bringing Warren and Vanessa to the house. But before she could make anything out she fell asleep. 

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