Chapter 4

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Hey super sorry it took so long for me to update. School is kinda hard right now. This is kinda rushed so sorry if it sucks. Hope you like it!!!

_______________________________________________________________________________Chapter 4

POV Kendra

As I looked down at a book, I read some pretty crazy things. I almost broke out into tears but I didn't want to do that in front of Bracken so I held them in. Then I read something that made my heart hurt, because of all the tears that I tried to hold, one tear managed to escape, it slide down my cheek. Bracken looked over at me, but I turned away. I heard him whisper "Are you OK," Which made it worse. I was not crying I repeated to myself but just saying it made some tears fall. I tried to think of positive things like Seth will be fine, and me and Bracken's first kiss, but the only thing thing that popped in my mind was Seth's body on the couch back at the house. From behind I heard Bracken stumble for more words. Before I could look behind, two strong arms went around my waist and pulled me into a big hug. I awkwardly tried to hug him from behind, but it didn't really work. "Let's head home," Bracken whispered in my ears. I just nodded knowing that my voice would crack. He kissed the back of my hair and then let go of me. When we were walking back to the car, I got the keys out of my backpack. When I was about to unlock the car, Bracken grabbed the keys out of my hand a sprinted to the car. "Hey" I shouted, "Vanessa doesn't want you driving" I added putting my hand on my hip. "I can drive, she just won't know about it." Bracken said with a smirk and a very well hidden smile. "So now you want me to lie to Vanessa," I laughed. Bracken stood there and smiled."No" he responded, I am going to drive and you can't stop me," with that he hopped in the drivers seat and started the car. "Hey" I laughed again, Bracken just smiled. "What is the matter Bracken" I said as I sat down in the car. "Oh" Bracken said blushing, It's just nice to hear your laugh again." "Oh" I said blushing. When I looked over Bracken was smiling. " Ready to go" he said. "Yep" I agreed.

POV Bracken

"Hey Kendra" I said. "Yeah" she responded forcing a smile. "Well I was wondering if you had anything in mind for our date." I added. "Oh" she said, "well this isn't really a true date, but we could watch all the Harry Potter movies.' Kendra added then she stopped and let out a small gasp. Kendra started to mumble Harry Potter over and over again, she kept getting louder then yelled, " WE NEED TO CALL WARREN." "Kendra what's wrong, I am freaking out over here." I said. She didn't answer me and fumble around trying to find her phone. She found it and called Warren. I just sat there and drove, because I knew she wasn't going to explain what happened yet.

POV Kendra

It felt like a year with every ring that rung, when Warren didn't pick up. When I finally heard a familiar "hello." and I started to talk " Warren you need to get Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets now" Then I quickly added, " How could we miss it before, we watch it every year." Right when I finished talking, Warren started "OMG, Kendra you are right, It will be on and all you have to do is press play when you get here." Warren said. "Bye" I said, "Bye" Warren responded. After a few seconds of silence, Bracken finally asked, "What just happened Kendra." "Oh yeah" I responded " you haven't seen Harry Potter." I added. Bracken looked at me and waved a hand, that meant for me continue. So I continue "Well basically, there is a Basilisk in the 2nd Harry Potter movie. And they find a way a way to cure the people who are paralyzed, so maybe the plant that cured it was real or something like it." I finished. He looked at me like I was crazy, but then did a little snort and continued driving. We pulled into the Fablehaven driveway and Vanessa was sitting on the porch. I saw her face turn red, and she gave me a death glare. Sorry I mouthed at her and she just rolled her eyes. Bracken then faced me and said "I'm dead right." I just laughed and got out of the car. Vanessa was in Bracken's face right when we got out of the car. But stopped when I gave her the ,don't even think about it, look and she kinda backed off. But of course she responded with the ,come on shrug, which made me smile. Bracken grabbed my hand and we walk inside. When we opened the door in it was completely black and smelled like popcorn. We stumbled through until we found the  couch, we set down and the room glowed with the starting light as Warren started the movie.

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