Chapter 23 (Finale)

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"Hey let's head to bed, we have had a long day tomorrow," Bracken said. He kissed Kendra and left for Vanessa's old room. Warren hugged Kendra and headed to Dale and his spare room. Kendra and Seth were still on the couch. "I am not tired, I want to go swimming. I need to move I have been so stiff lately," Seth joked. "The first one in the pool wins," Seth said running upstairs to change. Kendra didn't go to the steps instead she bolted to the door. Before Seth realized what she was thinking, Kendra was out the door and about to cannonball into the pool. Seth as fast as he could run, dove into the pool barely missing the edge with his head. "Why did you start being cool," Seth said once both their heads were above the water. "Since ever," Kendra said submerging Seth underwater. He came up gasping for air and Kendra just laughed, which cause a full-on epic water war! "Oh it's on," Seth said splashing Kendra.

"We didn't bring any towels" Seth chattered. Kendra held out her hand and warmth surround them when the light dimmed and the warmth left both of their clothes were dried. "Wow, where did you learn that," Seth said stepping inside. "I don't know, I just knew how to," Kendra said plopping down next to Seth. Seth turned on his favorite movie, Back to the Future, and after a few minutes, the siblings were both asleep.

Bracken woke up early and went to go check on Kendra in her room, but she wasn't in her bed. Bracken walked downstairs and saw the siblings curled up on the couch the Tv stuck on something called 'Back to the Future.' He turned it off, taking a mental note to ask Kendra about that movie. Gavin hobbled down the steps and into the kitchen making a small nod at Bracken. Seth's voice appeared in Bracken's head "Hey, can you get Kendra off me I am Hungry!" Bracken walked over to the couch and Seth and he quickly switched places. After a few minutes, Bracken fell asleep while playing with Kendra's hair. Seth walked into the kitchen to make a peanut butter sandwich when he saw Gavin eating a bowl of Lucky Charms. After they made eye contact, then both quickly glanced down. "Do you wanna play a Mario Kart?" Seth asked looking at Gavin. "Sure." Warren walked in and saw Bracken and Kendra on the couch. He put a finger in his mouth making the gross symbol when he heard a small laugh coming from the couch. "Help me" Kendra whispered. Bracken had accidentally fallen on her and was curtaining her. Warren went to lift Bracken, but Bracken being a defensive sleeper, threw Warren on the ground before he realized what he was doing. "Dude, what the heck!" Warren shouted shoving Bracken off him. "Sorry," Bracken soundlessly said scratching the back of his head confused on what just happened.

"Come on, let's get packed," Warren said after he was full-on Kendra's famous waffles. Everyone went upstairs to pack beside Kendra who went into the Study. "Grandma, Grandpa, Vanessa, Dale, Mom, Dad, Tanu, I am so sorry that this happened. We are doing everything we can to find the cure. I will be safe don't worry Grandpa, I love you guys. Goodbye," Kendra cried. She walked over to Grandpa and Grandma Sorenson and gave them a quick kiss on the cheek, she did the same with her parents, and then Vanessa, Dale, and Tanu. Kendra stepped upstairs to pack and joined Seth on the stairs, who looked like he has been turned to stone again. "What?" Kendra asked, worried that the potion stopped working. Warren was walking down the steps, and he did the same thing. "Bracken, Hurry!" Kendra cried, running to see what was wrong with Seth and Warren. Bracken came running down the steps in a panic. He started to smile when he noticed Kendra's worried face he whispered, "Turn around." Behind Kendra was Grandpa Sorenson looking up at her. "Grandpa?" Kendra asked confused. That was when everyone else that was previously stone strolled out of the study and crowded behind Stan. Simultaneously Seth and Kendra ran to go reunite with their family. "How?" Kendra asked Bracken as she was in a huge embrace from her mom and grandma. Warren went and hugged Dale and Vanessa. Bracken shook hands with Grandpa Sorenson and Scott. "You did this Kendra, I can sense your ora all over them," Bracken said. Seth smirked, "That is just weird Bracken." Bracken gave him a dirty look but ended up laughing with everyone else. "Who's hungry," Grandma exclaimed. Everyone but Seth, Warren, Kendra, and Bracken raised their hands. "Well I am making turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy," Grandma said with her hands on her hips, with that they all said together, "I guess we could eat."  

Hope you liked this story, I think I may write another but it won't be this long or I kinda hope it isn't this long. Thank you so much for the support and the love with these chapters, I hope you love reading it just as much as I loved writing it. Check out my future stories which will probably all be about Fablehaven.

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