Chapter 2

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POV Bracken

Seeing Kendra like this broke my heart, I had to carry her back to the house because she refused to leave her brother. Once I took her home there were a lot of worried people. Warren went into the woods with Vanessa to get Seth's body. As I sat there, I told Kendra's mom, Marla, and her Grandpa Stan about what had happened and where they found Seth. Marla started to burst into tears just as Kendra's Dad, Scott came down the steps. He gave me one of those this is your fault looks. I never understood why he hates me. Probably because I love his daughter. But his wife likes me, she even gave me permission to ask Kendra on a date. She made Scott say yes even though he looked annoyed. Kendra and him had a special bond and he is a very overprotective father. Just as I was about to go upstairs to check on Kendra, Warren and Vanessa came through the door with Seth. They laid him on the couch and, I went over to check on him. He is alive I yelled, he is just paralyzed, I added. Marla started to burst into tears. I could have sworn Errol gave me a thumbs up and then went to go hug his wife. Warren and Vanessa hugged each other and Stan went over to me and gave me a pat on the back. Now if everyone can go to the office so Bracken can tell us what happened Stan said in a loud voice so it was heard over all the excitement. 

POV Kendra

I lay just crying my eyes out, my brother was dead. What could I do, all of the sudden I hear a something downstairs.Bracken shouting "He is alive,he is just paralyzed. " Seth's alive I whispered to myself. Seth's alive we can still save him. When I finally stopped crying, I looked terrible my eyes were bloodshot red and my hair was crazy, but I didn't care Seth was alive. Then it hit me, I remembered reading about mythological creatures in 9th grade. Then I ran to my bookshelf and pulled out a copy of Mythological Creature Are And Where to Find Them. When I found the page I was looking for, I ran downstairs.

POV Bracken

I have no idea how Seth became paralyzed, I said as everyone sat down. All I know is that Seth is treatable. I will ask my mother if she has any idea what or who did this. I have never seen or heard of this before but my mother does know more than me and can probably find out how to fix this. Just as Bracken said this Kendra ran through the door...

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