Chapter 3

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POV Kendra

"Sorry Bracken for interrupting, I said but this is important. I know what did this to Seth, I shouted probably louder than should have, but I really didn't care."It seemed like I had everyone's attention "So I continued, Its something called a Basilisk. Basically a Basilisk is a creature that if you look into its eyes you will die instantly, I explained. If Seth is just paralyzed, that must mean he had just seen a reflection of the Basilisk's eyes. I stated. Probably off of the lake, I added. I don't know how to get Seth back his normal self but I will find out." After I finished my little speech, I handed Dad and Mom the book with the page open to explain more about the Basilisk and ran upstairs. When I got upstairs, I ran to my dresser on the far side of the room and opened the 3rd drawer and pulled out my library card. Then I put on my black converse, grabbed my backpack and headed to the door.

 On my way to the door, I ran straight into Bracken, headfirst, he fell onto his back and landed on him. I am so sorry I repeated like 1,000 times. As I tried to help pull Bracken to his feet, instead I let out a small ahh as he pulled me back down into tight hug. I hugged him back probably with to much eagerness. After our long embrace, he got up and pulled me up to my feet because I was still in shock and awe. Where are you going? Bracken asked cocking his eyebrow up. The library I breathed back in response. I want to find out how to fix this with Seth,or at least get an idea. I said quietly. I didn't think Bracken could hear me, but then he asked, "Can I come with you" "Of course, I said," trying to keep my voice calm,but probably failed. I always look forward to spending extra time with Bracken, I told myself. As I rushed downstairs, I could feel Bracken right behind me. When we made it to the kitchen, everyone was still in the study, discussing what I had just explained. When I ran by all of their heads went up and stared at me a Bracken. "Mom and Dad is it OK if Bracken and I go to the library, we will be home by dinner. I asked a little out of breath." "Of course"my mom responded. I saw as my mom's and my dads focus went to Bracken, my mom smiled while my dad gave Bracken this hateful look. I decided to ignore it, the asked "Vanessa can I please borrow your car." "Of course, but only if you drive" she responded forcing a smile, but I could tell she was trying to hide the discomfort in her voice. It probably was because she didn't trust Bracken, and Vanessa didn't want him near me." I grabbed the keys to Vanessa's car, which were right on the counter. As Bracken and I rushed out the door and to the car, I realized that I missed Seth more than ever.

 Then we took off, with me driving of course, mostly because Bracken and Vanessa hate each other. I wish they would get along, Bracken was one of my Best Friends, hopefully more someday. "How far is it to the library," Bracken asked quietly. I can tell when when he wants to ask me something but he just can't bring himself to say it. Um-mm it's about a 45 minute drive, I responded with a smile. Then immediately after said, come on Bracken what do you need to say to me. I looked over to his direction and he was looking down at his feet but I could have sworn I saw a little blush. Well Kendra I have been trying to ask you something all day, he went on. His  blush getting redder by the second. Then Bracken said with more confidence "Kendra I was wondering if you would want to..." RING RING RING, Kendra's phone went."Perfect Timing, I mumbled." I looked over a Bracken right before I answered the phone, he had this annoyed look on his face and then it just vanished. "I picked up the Phone" ... "Hello Vanessa"I answered with a smile in my voice. ... "Yes Vanessa the car is doing great, I haven't ran into any trouble with the engine. ... If some does come up I will tell you. I said a little annoyed. When I hung up, I faced Bracken and said, "Sorry Vanessa wanted to know if the car was OK, she must of ran into some car trouble recently." "Kendra" Bracken said with so much confidence in his voice, that is surprised me. "Yes" I responded nervous but anxious at the same time. "Will you go on a date with me." he said loudly. Now it was my turn to blush. I was probably redder than a reddest tomato in the world, "Yes" I said probably louder than I should have. I was way too excited, It's just a date I said to myself, but my thoughts kept going to what is it was more than a date. What is he wanted to be my Boyfriend.Because of thinking about that, A huge smile broke out on my face. Bracken looked at me with a happiness and confusion in his eyes. Then He grabbed my hand and we just smiled at each other.

When we got to the library, I parked the car and then we walked hand in hand into the library. Hello Mrs. Jones, I said with calm voice or I was trying to have a calm voice. Well good morning she responded in a quiet voice. Then I saw her eyes move to Bracken, and then our hands which were together. I suddenly held Bracken's hand tighter to mine, and "Were going on a date!!! kept running in my head." Bracken turned to me and smiled, I smiled back and my face went into complete shock. "Dang it" I yelled in my head, I keep forgetting you can read my mind when you touch me." While I was looking at the floor Bracken spoke. Hello Mrs.Jones I am Bracken, Bracken said. Then she gave Bracken a nice smile and then went back to her computer. Bracken and I walked away, or Bracken walked away and I followed because, I was still looking at the ground completely embarrassed.

 When I finally looked up we were in the Mythological section, it was towards the back of the library, so thankfully no one was there. Finally Bracken turned me so that I faced him and gave me a hug. Bracken then whispered in my ear, don't be embarrassed I am excited for our date too. He kissed me lightly on the forehead which made me want to kiss him, Bracken must have heard that because the next thing I know Bracken and I had our first kiss. With a big smile I frantically went looking for books that have to do with a basilisk. I found 3 books about basilisks, while Bracken was looking at a book about Medusa. Bracken come on, I said in a playful voice. He didn't seem to hear me. "Bracken" I said a little bit louder,but my voice probably sounded stern. "Huh" he breathed, sorry this Medusa person is really interesting. "Come on Bracken" I Complained, Seth is paralyzed we need to help him. I added trying to make him hurry up. But when he looked up at me he started to panic. I think I was more worried than I thought. Sorry sorry, Bracken said in a comforting voice. Before I knew it he grabbed my hand and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. We found an empty table and sat down. 


I am not the greatest writer, but I wanted to try this out. I am starting school soon, but will publish as fast as I can. I really hope you enjoy this sorry. If i get anything wrong or you have suggestions go ahead and say them. I will try to add them or fix anything.  I am working on details but I  want to try are keep this series going by having more trouble than just the basilisk. Really hope you enjoy!!!

And if anything is spelled wrong or any use of improper English, sorry I am still new at this free writing thing. 

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