Chapter 7

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POV Bracken

"Kendra" I said in a smooth voice while rubbing her back. "Are you OK sweetie" I said getting really worried. After a few minutes of silence I got up and grabbed her necklace. I put it on her knee and asked her mind to mind "what's wrong." "Nothing and everything"she thought back, I thought for a second and thought "Hey, it's going to be alright I am here to listen what's on your mind." So many emotions went through my head when a small voice said "First it was Seth now Warren, what will happen if you are next or everyone else in my family. What is we don't find anything and I never hear my brothers voice again." Then she jumps to "It was right behind me Bracken" Kendra sniffled. I was so caught up in her thoughts and feelings, I didn't notice that she got up. When I finally snapped back into reality, I noticed Kendra had stood up and I quickly gave her a hug, and we started to head out of the pond when I stopped her and told her to shush.

POV Kendra

After a few minutes of silence I asked Bracken "Why did we stop" still trying to keep my voice together. He lead me forward and we walked out of the garden and I saw Grandpa Sorenson and Vanessa frozen. Bracken lifted me up into his arms and ran to the house. I was crying now when we got to the house it was was destroyed. The tears in my eyes made it hard to see but the house was definitely destroyed. When we ran in Bracken set me down but picked me right back up and ran to the pond. When we got to the boat shed he put me down and started opening the little garage. "Bracken what's the matter? Why did we leave the house? Where are we going?" I asked shaking. "I will tell you more once we get to the Fairy Kingdom" He said in a strict voice. "I want to go back" I yelled. Why was I yelling I thought. "I this is my fault and I want to fix it OK" I yelled again trying to stop the anger because I didn't know why I had it. "Kendra, please just trust me, I will tell you everything later" Bracken pleaded while he got the boat on the water. I climbed in the boat and sat as far away from Bracken as I could, I avoided eye contact so that he would know I am still pretty mad at him. It was a silent ride there except for the ores hitting the water. When we hit the island, jumped out and helped pull the boat up and then started walking behind Bracken as he lead me into a bright light. When I stepped out of the light, it was one of the most beautiful things I had seen. Beautiful green plains spread across as a Valley, a huge castle was shimmering white, little villages were made for the fairies, while many unique animals grazed along the plains. For a minute everything bad in the world disappeared and I gave Bracken a hug from behind. He then lead me to the entrance of the Castle and we walked through the big doors.

Sorry I kinda rushed through this so there many not be amazing grammar skills, if you know what I mean. Hope you guys like this because, I love writing it!!

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