Chapter 15

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 "I will open up the portal but is there anything you need from me." Kendra thought for a little bit then said, "Could we talk in private please, just for a minute. I kinda need you right now" Kendra said, her eyes starting to water. The Fairy Queen looked at her and worriedness filled everyone's mind when she said, "Of course, Gentlemen please leave this room now." Bracken, Gavin, and The Fairy King all exited through the entrance, but Bracken gave Kenda a worried glance before he left so that the Queen and Kendra were alone. "What is the matter," The Fairy Queen asked patting the seat next to her so Kendra could sit down. "Well it started about a month ago but it was just little things." Kendra started

(Flashback) Kendra was just sitting on her bed reading Patton's Journal while Bracken had his head on her shoulder also reading parts of Patton's Journal. "Ok, ok goodnight," Kendra said closing the book "You have to go to leave before I accidentally fall asleep," Kendra said to Bracken pushing him off the bed. "Hey, I am going, no need to be mean" Bracken whined while getting up off the floor. "Goodnight," Bracken said leaving the room. Kendra fell on the bed and took a deep breathe in and closed her eyes. When she opened them she saw this little ball of light. She shot up off the bed and grabbed the light before Seth could see it. Thousands of thoughts filled Kendra's mind. '(Do I tell Bracken? Do I tell the Fairy Queen? How did this happen? Why did this happen? Will this happen again? How do I make it go away? Did Patton know how to this? Should I hide it? Where do I put it? Why am I not telling Bracken?); Sitting in the corner of the room was a toy chest, Kendra ran over and quickly emptied it out and shoved the ball of light in. Kendra shoved the box under her bed just as Seth walked through the door. "What are you up to," Seth asked looking at how freaked out Kendra was. "Yep, yep all good" Kendra said with a weak smile. "Whatever, you make Bracken depressed! He is sitting on the couch downstairs reading a book," Seth said in disgust. "Well, I am off to bed so turn of the light!" Kendra scowled. The light turned off and Seth noticed a small amount of light coming from the bottom of Kendra's bed. "What is that light under your bed," Seth asked. "Nothing," Kendra said shooting up out of bed. "Ok, now I have to know" Seth demanded shoving Kendra to a side. Seth grabbed the chest and opened it, and 2 balls of lights came floating out. "Kendra what are these" Seth asked. "I don't know, I made one of them but now there are two and I don't know how to get rid of them, AND YOU CAN'T TELL BRACKEN!" Kendra said grabbing the chest and shoving the balls of light in. "Goodnight Seth," Kendra yelled pulling her covers over her head. All Kendra could hear was Seth give a small UGG and plopped on the bed. (Back to Reality)

"It sounds like your powers are coming from your emotions," The Fairy Queen said. "Powers?" Kendra asked. "Yes, since you are half fairy I expected this to show sometimes once you accepted it," The Queen said smiling patting Kendra on the back. "Have you had any more things happen?" The Queen asked seeing how worried Kendra's eyes were. "Well," Kendra began, "Ummm, this is kinda awkward and I am a little scared to say this but what the heck." The Fairy Queen smiled while Kendra finished her thought. "When Bracken and I kissed, he may have thought that I was on my tippy toes because he is super tall, but I floated." Kendra finished. "I floated!" Kendra exclaimed. 


Hoped you liked it! Will update soon, have a great day :)

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