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We sat at the back of the restaurant in a booth with poor lighting, it felt straight out of a gangster movie. "Do we have to sit back here?" I ask Jimin who still looked around cautious before taking off his mask. "Yes have you any idea what the company would say if they found out I was here." he whispers pulling up the menu shielding his face. I grab the menu and slam it on the table, grab his ear pulling him towards me. "Your company doesn't know your here. Then who were the people that KIDNAPPED ME!!" I yelled-whispered tugging on his ear then release him. He rubbed his ear and stuck out his tongue. "Mom told you to stop doing that."

"Oh well guess what mom's not here." I grin pulling his cheeks, Jimin grabs my cheeks as well and tugged.

"Jimin let go."

"No you let go first." Jimin says, it was a stand off between siblings neither one of us were going to stand down. "Excuse me are you ready to order?" We let go of each other and stumble to act normal to the confuse waiter.

"I'll have the Miso Ramen." Said Jimin covering is face with the menu. "And I'll have the same as him." The waitress wrote and took our menus despite Jimins struggle to keep himself undiscovered. "Look sis I know it was wrong of me to had you kidnapped. But what did you expect me to do walk up to your school and talk to you there."

He had a point if he went to the university two things could've happened: 1. Jimin would be accused of having a girlfriend. 2. Girls would threatened me to stay away.

It will be like freshman year all over again.

"Okay but you could've called me or something." I argue, "By the way will it kill ya to call home once in a while. Mom keeps calling me I love her trust me but I can't study if she's on my butt all the time."

The waitress came back with our ramen, ripping the chopsticks apart I began chowing down.

"I'll make you a deal. I'll call home more get mom off your back in exchange that you have to be me for a few months." He bargains taking a sip of he unsweetened tea.

I slurp up the ramen, choking on the food, grab my drink of water, chugged the whole thing. Catching my breath I stare at my dear twin brother. "No absolutely not."

Jimin pouts, "Oh come on Jinee we used to do it when we were kids."

"Yeah Jimin when we were kids." I emphasis on the word kid. "If you hadn't noticed I've got breast now. It's going to be very hard to hide these." I gesture to my chest area. Jimin shrugs his shoulders and continues eating his food.

"My dear brother Jimin are you saying I have no sex appeal." I argue.

"Jinee I'm your brother I don't answer questions like those. Besides I thought it would be fun if we played pranks like we use to." He confesses

I nod my head, a smile comes across his face, "Cut the crap what's the real motive."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He grins anxiously, "Hmm ramen so yummy."

I squint my eyes staring at him trying to make him uncomfortable.

"Okay I'll tell you. I want a break."

A break?

"Wait you want a break. From what being an idol." I ask in disbelief. "Yeah good one."

I stop laughing when I saw Jimin's face. "Oh my God you're serious. But why?"

"I get tired sometimes. We're working non stop and I love ARMY but I just want to escape from the music industry just for a while. You know sometimes I wondered what my life could've been if I went to college like you." He explains, "I could've study dancing and teach at a studio once I graduated." Jimin was at the point of tears which made me want to cry too.

I took my twin's hand in mine, "Don't cry chim chim, you have a good life right now. You made it! Which is something not many can say. I get that it can be stressful but, what you due is something you always wanted to due." Squeezing it tight, I wipe away the tears that mange to escape. "Okay I'll help you." His head shots up and crys tears of joy, "But I want a new moped, and if we get busted I'm going to say you blackmailed me."

"Deal what color do you want the moped? I can have it sent to you by tomorrow evening." He exclaimed taking out is phone and open up a scooter page.

"Oh and I can't miss class or work so your going to have to do that for me."

"What?! How is going to school and working at your job going to be a brake for me?"

"You said you always wondered what it would be like if you went to college and to pay for school you have to work hard." I say.

"And you think dancing and singing at the same time isn't a hard-working job."

"As much as I would love to talk to you about your job of making girls heart's flutter. I have to go to work." Leaving the booth Jimin shouted, "I'll text you later." The sky was grey and droplets of rain fell on my cheek. Running I made it on time for my shift, back and forth I went carrying dishes in my arms, greeting customers nonstop. Once we close I sigh and headed to home were I was greeted by darkness. Flipping a light switch I found Seoyun on the couch knocked out holding an empty mug. Taking the mug I gave it a quick sniff, it was a mixture of coffee and a bit of rum.

"Well that's a waste of ramen." I mutter leaving the take out on the coffee table.

Tossing her arm over my shoulder and drag her to her room were I took off her shoes and lay a blanket over her.

Laying in my bed I couldn't imagine what Jimin had to go through to make this decision, closing my eyes I fell in a deep slumber.

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