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It had finally been the day that Teahyung would be arriving and when Yoongi would leave heading back home. He didn't tell us why he was leaving but that's his personal business not mine.

Early in the day we drove to a scubas diving lesson, just to prepare us for our time scuba diving later on.

I admit I have never been the best swimmer not have I ever scuba dive. Not to mention that I worry about the bandage getting soaked and pulling me to the ocean floor.

After the lesson weast decided to head to a restaurant. Hearing the news that the would be meeting us there, everyone reminisced about how much they've missed him. And how odd it has been with out his goofy self.

"Hi guys!" Tae says happily walking up to our table.

Waiting for our food, Tae had arrived with his luggage. I had missed Tae he was always ready to explore wherever he went. Taking hold of V's hand I tell him I'll show him around later on the evening. He nods not knowing how to react at the sudden touchy gesture.

Later that day we went to scuba dive despite my protest to not go in and instead to hangout with Tae fly boarding. Jungkook pouts, "But you promised that we'd go diving together."

"That's right beside Jin is going to be with V so he won't be alone." Said RM already wearing his diving suit. Nodding I grab my diving suit out of a cabinet and change.

Staring into my reflection I remove my shirt revealing the bandage. Unbinding them I could see the dark purple bruising just above my breasts. Slightly touching the bruise I hiss, lately it has been a but difficult to breath with my chest being wrapped especially when we have practice.

"Have they gotten smaller?" I ask myself measuring.

Putting on the diving suit we all did one last equipment check and dive after the instructor into the sea. Opening my eyes I was amazed on how beautiful the ocean floor was. 

Fishes of all kind swam past us even some swam right up to us kiss our goggles before swimming away. Staring up the sun's rays glisten against the current grinning I couldn't believe I was actually here I felt like Ariel from the Little Mermaid. 

Turning around I came face to face with a dolphin waving 'Hello' the dolphin chirps and swims around me. I reach out to capture film of it for the show, it swam closer to me curious about the camera warped around my wrist. As I was focusing the camera the creature Takes hold of the camera and pulls on it. Lightly tapping on the dolphin's nose I shook my head signalling it to not do that. The dolphin chirps then swims away, adjusting the camera I was caught off guard as the dolphin came back and rams itself in me, somehow it manage to get a piece of scuba equipment in its mouth and it swam pulling me along with it. Struggling to pull the equipment out of it mouth I saw I was getting farther away from the group, pulling in the equipment hard the dolphin lets go and swam away.

Gaining control I swam back towards the group, breathing in I ended up with sea water inside my mouth. Checking the oxygen tank the needle was falling rapidly into the red zone. The dolphin had bitten a hole into the hose that gave the diver oxygen. 

Holding on to my last breath I did my best to swim up to the surface. I'm not going to make it I was to  close to the ocean floor. My vision blurred, my heart race uncontrollably, one last air bubble escapes my mouth. My body became  heavy, it was shutting down. God this isn't how I want to leave this world.

Opening my eyes I saw something swim up to me. My vision focus Hoseok was in front of me, he took our his regulator and puts it in my mouth. He signals me to breath inhaling I felt better, handing it back to him I made my way back to the surface.

As soon as my head pops came up I gasp for air, the crew fish me out the water and drape towels on me. On board the boat I assure the production crew that I was fine and that I didn't need any medical attention. Hoseok came aboard yanks off the equipment tosses them to the crew and pulls me into him. "Thank god you're okay." He whispers resting his head on my shoulder.

Cupping my hands on his cheeks I smile. "I'm fine don't worry. I'm tougher than I look."


Later that evening we were all back at the house. Changing outfits I went down to V's and Jungkook's room. "Tae are you ready?" I barge in to see V kissing his phone screen. He looks up shock and hid his phone behind his back. "Jimin!"

"I'll wait for you outside." Closing the door shut I go into the kitchen wanting to forget what had I just witness.

Both RM and J-Hope sat at the kitchen table. "Jimin-ssi you sure you're okay to go out?" asks J-Hope

Leaning against counter I give him a shrug. "I didn't break anything so no harm done. I still can't believe a dolphin tried to drown me." I say in disbelief, "Besides I already promise him and I always keep my promise."

"Yeah but...still, you should let the medical team check you." Namjoon says ready to call crew.

"NO!" Shouts J-Hope and I grabbing Ram's phone, he dodges us causing us to stumble.

"Oh look V's ready see ya later."

Grabbing a piece of watermelon out the fridge I munch on it and head towards the front door, where V stood waiting patiently.

Walking around the island I showed V everywhere we had went. Window shopping at the plaza square, after eating we decide to go back to the house since the sun had begun to set. Passing a restaurant I caught a glimpse of a familiar figure. Elizabeth sat around a table giggling with her girlfriends, she looks up and we meet eyes. "Jimin!" she calls out getting up from her seat.

Pretending to not hear her I continue to talk to V telling him we should go this way. Elizabeth kept calling out Jimin's name she quickens her pace almost catching up with us.

I knew that if she got a good look at me my cover would be blown. Doing the only thing I could think of; I grab Tae's and ran as far as I could catching V and the camera man off guard.

V was able to keep up because he has super long legs compare to me petite female legs. 

Turning the corner I finally stop to catch my breath,  "Sorry I just-"

"You don't have to say anything I get it. But if I can just say, you should apologize to Jinee she's in pain too." He says understandingly resting an arm on my shoulder.

That wasn't the reason I ran but it was calming to know that V and the others were worried about me. Knowing this made me feel more guilty for fooling them like this.


Hi guys I just want to say that this chapter was suppose to be longer. But for what comes next is going to need its own chapter. I just have to look up some information and I will start to write chapter 20.

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