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The elevator door slide open we step out into the lobby, Ji-yoo was already waiting outside. Inside the car we drove to an empty parking lot, Ji-yoo took out her make-up bag. J-Hope sat in the back seat in aw as he saw the process of me turning into an old man with a beard and a mustache. Looking at myself in the rear view mirror I gasp in shock.

"I look like my father!"

J-Hope laughs at my reaction. "I think you look handsome. By the way Ji-yoo where did you learn to do this makeup." he pinches my cheek then rubs his fingers seeing if the makeup could get off. "You even added latex to make cheeks more flapping I'm impressed."

Ji-yoo answers, "I use to work as a make up artist for a movie crew."

"I heard you get paid more working on a films, what made you work here?" Ji-yoo looks over at J-hope who was taking a selfie, a light shade of pink run across her cheeks.

I cough gaining her attention, I explain the situation. Once I finished Ji-yoo starts the car and we drive down the highway.


J-hope and I got out of the car, Ji-yoo decides to wait in the ca. As we walk across the parking lot, I look back to make sure we were out of view. "Hey Hoseok what do you think about Ji-yoo?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well don't you think she's very pretty." I grin mischievously.

He shoves his hands in his pocket, ponders a bit. "Yeah she's very lovely."

"Doesn't she have a great personality."

He looks at me with confusion before he answers, "I guess so."

I had a gummy smile on my face, as turn around to face him. "Why don't you ask her out-"

"Jinee." J-Hope said sternly, "What are you getting at?"

"Me?" I smile innocently. "Nothing I just think that Ji-yoo has many good qualities."

I felt my arm being tugged, Hobi held it with a firm grip, his stare sent a shiver down my spine. "Jinee whatever you're thinking, don't just don't." he lets go of my arm and walks past me.

What's his problem? I'm just trying to help him. I was not going to let this go.

"Oh I get it. You think she's not good enough for you is that it. Just so you know she's not like most girls who only like you for your money nor is she someone after fame." I say rolling my eyes. "Typical."

The dark hair boy turns looks back with a glare, "What is that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing, it's just interesting how money can change people. I bet you secretly think you're better than everyone else around you."

My back hit the wall, Hoseok towers over me with both of his hands press firmly on the coral painted wall. "That's not true, I worked my ass off to get to where I am today. I'm not better than anyone else, I'm envious of them because they can be with the person they like and I can't. Yes I have money yes I have a very very long line of girls & guys that want me. But I know better not to get in any relationships. But that doesn't mean that I can't have a crush on then from afar."

I could feel his heart beating fast and his breath was at an abnormal pace. He must have been keeping this to himself, something must've happen when he was a trainee. "Whatever I didn't expect you to understand. I'll see you back in the car." Pushing himself off the wall he turns back towards the car. Without a thought I wrap my arms around his waist pulling him close to me I bury my face in his back. "I'm sorry Hoseok. I shouldn't have said that you, please stay with me."

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