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The following day Jinee sat at her desk head buried deep into her laptop typing away. "Jungkook! Jungkookie!" Chirps Taehyung happily skipping inside the dorm and into JK's room. But freezes once he saw Jimin in his laptop. V turns back around pretending not to notice Jimin.

"V-ssi?" V stops in his tracks, turns back around looks up to see Jimin staring up from his laptop.

"Hi." V greets shyly "Have you seen Jungkook?"

"He's with RM. Did you need something?" Jinee asks tilting her head.

V bites his lips in his eyes Jimin looked adorable. "Me? No. Nothing important I was just about to go shopping and didn't want to go alone."

Tour was indeed right around the corner and Jinee too needed to buy some things before tour.

Jinee shuts down her laptop and closes it. "Why didn't you say so I'll go with you."

"Oh you don't have to-"

"Nonsense I need to buy some things too." Jinee gets up puts in her shoes and her coat. "Let's go!"

Getting in a taxi the two members were driven to a shopping center. Both went to many different stores V bought many multiple jackets like if he doesn't have enough already at home.

There last stop was at a store that sold underwear. It was awkward at first since the isle they were at was next to the woman undergarments.

Elderly ladies stared at them with suspicion, gossiping to one another.

I just wanna go home.

V says to himself, grabbing a pair of underwear. Jinee had wander off to buy female undergarments but since it was risky with Taehyung here, she had decided to buy male briefs.

Turning around the corner Jinee sneaks up behind V, pokes him in his stomach. He let out a loud yelp, Jinee falls in the floor cackling. "Not funny." He pouts, Jinee apologies she catches a glimpse of what V had in his basket.

"Aw how cute you buy underwear with tigers on them." She teases. Tae snatches them away blushing from embarrassment.

Their hands brush against each other sending tingles throughout V's body. Subconsciously he held onto Jinee's hand, before she had a chance to roam the store any longer.

Jinee looks at V with curiosity. "Is there something on my face?" She ask using her free hand to wipe anything on her face.

Taehyung panics and pretends to be amazed by a pair of underwear. "Look at those should I buy them? What do you think?" Jinee spun around coming face to face with a bright red man thing with an elephant face and a long trunk for well...you know.

"Um it's a bold choice." Jinee says


The next place they went to was the food court. Sitting at a table they munch on their food. Jinee's gobbles down her spicy noddles as Tae ate his food.

Jinee hisses sticks out her tounge trying to cool down. "I told not to get the spicy noddles." Scolds V handing over his bottle of water. Quickly opening it Jinee starts to chug down the water, spilling some water the drops made their way down her neck.

In V's eyes he couldn't take look away from Jimin's tender wet skin. Lewd thoughts rain down V's mind. Biting his chopstick he trails his eye up from Jimin's neck to his lips. They had become pulp and juicy like a red apple.

"V?!" Says Jinee concern grew in her face. "Is something wrong you've been acting weird all day."

Taehyung shakes his head, "Nothing's wrong I'm just thinking that's all."

"What are you thinking about girls?"

'More like I wanna kiss you're' Thought Taehyung continuing to eat his meal silently.

On the ride home they sat quietly, V looks over to find Jimin sleeping soundly. Jimin's head laid against the window knowing how cranky he'll get when he wakes up, Taehyung swiftly shifts his head so it lean on his shoulder.

Taking an opportunity Taehyung snakes his around Jimin's hand squeezing it lightly.

How can someone be so cute.


Jinee opens her eyes to see V had fallen asleep and held her hand. For a second she wanted to remove her hand then she recalled her brother saying that the members were abit touchy so she let it slide.

Slowly the vehicle came to a halt, Jinee paid the driver, shakes V enough for him to wake up. Jinee kept holding Tae's hand since he just woke up, Tae stumbles down the hall refusing to let go of Jimin's hand.

Unlocking the door the two members were greeted by Yeontan. Jinee puts down her bag and pulls out an outfit she had bought for the Pomeranian.

It was a sailor uniform, Yeontan barks with glee wagging his tail. Taehyung watched from afar in how the two creatures got along. V couldn't help but blush at how cute Jimin had been acting all day, he loved the way Jimin laughs, he loved how he's smiles.

He loved...him.

Tae's heart race as he step forward licking his lips. In that same moment Jinee spun around to show V how Yeontan looked in his sailor outfit.

Taehyung leaned in and places a kiss on Jimin's lips, with wide eyes Jinee stood there in shock.

Realizing what he did Tae's face goes red, rips the Pomeranian from Jimin's arms, locks himself in his room. Collapsing onto his bed Tae burrows himself under the sheets.

Yeontan jumps on his owner's bed, tilt's in his head at his owner's odd actions.
The Pomeranian lets out a bark, his human peeks out of his sheets, pulls Yeontan in his lap.

"What do I do now Tani? I kissed Jimin and it's was nice. But he's a guy and I'm a guy and I don't know what to think because I'm sure I like girls but when I see him my chest feels heavy." Rants V petting the black one brown Pomeranian.

Yeontan looks up at his human companion & tilts his in confusion.

'Guy? But that other human was a girl. Can he not tell it's obvious.'

Thought the small Pomeranian resting his head on his owner's knee.

'Humans and be such idiots sometimes.'

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