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I hid at Hoseok's sister apartment for the next few days, knowing my brother he would be at my apartment ringing the door bell. My phone rung taking it in my hands I read the caller ID, "JIMIN" tossing it aside I laid back on the couch he's been calling non stop. Even Seoyun & Hobi started to calling me still I refuse to pick up I haven't been online in a long time knowing that if I open any of my social accounts. I know for sure that I'll be seeing the hate comments, the false accusations of being Jimin's girlfriend, being called a gold digger, slut, bitch etc.

Although I didn't want to leave the apartment I still had to attend my classes to graduate, plus I felt that I was being a burden to Dawon though she said that it was no problem I couldn't help but feel like a leech.

Putting on my sneakers I took a pen and paper I found on the counter an went to the university. Walking on the courtyard I saw many girls huddle in a group staring at a phone. "Oh my god can you believe this my mochi as a girlfriend I'm so jealous." cries a girl. "I know I bet she's just with him for his money." says another girl.

That's not true.

"With all this hate I'm sure she'll leave him. He belongs to ARMY anyways he'll always chose us over any girl." They laugh and took off, I continue to walk to class holding a firm grip on my pen. Time moves so slow when thoughts are running through your mind, lunch came around and I couldn't avoid Seoyun forever, she found me sitting in the far back eating a kimbap. "Jinee I've been calling you nonstop. Why didn't you answer?" I stay silent, "Jimin keeps coming around the apartment and I think people are starting to get suspicious of him." Silence. "He... he told me what happened at dinner, I'm sorry I should've told you about me and Jimin it was a mistake I promise." Silence. "You have every right to be mad at me I was an awful roommate and a horrible friend I understand if you want to kick me out." Seoyun whales getting up from her seat, sighing I pull her back down and flick her forehead.

"You dummy I'm not mad at you...well maybe a little but I'm not going to kick you out of the apartment." I explain, "I just needed some time with myself that's all."

Her eyes glimmer with happiness and she pulls me into an embrace. "So are you coming back home."

"Not yet."

"Are you going to talk to him at least?"

"Hell no!" I shout. "I'm mad at him let him suffer."

Seoyun takes out her phone receiving a notification, her eyes widen she grabs my head and turns me to see her phone. "Look at this." Her Twitter time line was open and she was on the BTS account and she clicks on the recent tweet. Which had only the words 'I'm sorry' on it.

It got over 1 million likes and retweets, and thousands of comments. Some stated that why he was apologizing others where calling me a slut and say that Jimin was to good for me. Putting her phone face down, I groan in annoyance Seoyun pats my back in comfort, "I swear these ARMY's are going to be the death of me."

"It's okay Jinee I know how you feel." she says sadly scrolling through her phone.


Classes came to an end and I made my way outside the winds blew blowing my long wig hair in my face, wiping away the hair I bump into someone. "I'm sorry." I say walking away, "Jinee?" I look up to find Jungyoung standing in front of me, "Jungyoung oppa what are you doing here?"

"I came to look for you to say I'm sorry about the dinner I know how uncomfortable you must've felt." Jungyoung explains, "And I came to clear up that me and Elizabeth aren't a thing so we can still go on that date."


"Date?" I ask him putting a stand of artificial hair behind my ear. Junyoung frowns, "Don't you remember you asked me and I said sure but we never settled exactly when so I thought maybe we can have dinner tonight?"

"Tonight? Y...yeah that sounds great!"

Junyoung smiles, "Okay here's my address there's a BBQ around the corner that I thought we could go to." He hands me a piece of paper with an address on it before departing.

I stare down at the paper it felt like I was my old naive sophomore self, fawning over upperclassmen.

Never did I thought that I'd be going on a date with Junyoung. Nor that small spark of affection I put out years ago would ignite once more.

Checking my phone I received an email from my English professor about an opportunity for me.

Stopping in my foot steps I felt that I was being watch. "Who ever you are you suck at being invisible." I say turning around, out from behind a tree came out a figure I recognize.

"Hoseok?" He gave me a cheeky grin but apologizes, for following me. "If Jimin sent you here you might as well go back I'm not going to apologize him." I state.

J-Hope raises his arms in a defense position, "I'm not here regarding Jimin. You have every right to be mad I too am mad at him for not taking his siblings side."

Lowering my defense, we sat on a bench at a park that was not far form the University. "How are the guys?" I ask hating to admit that I actually miss those hooligans. Hoseok smiles before answering, "They're good you know the usual they wake up, we go practice, we come home and sleep but lately they've said that you're cool and they want to hang out with you again. Before we leave to film Bon Voyage season three, and I too will admit that I have miss us hanging out together, there's so much more I want to know about you."

"Like what?"

"Like..." He says, pondering to himself before continuing his question. "Like? If you can actually dance? Because from what I saw in the studio it's very hard to believe."

I gasp at his response, "Well let me tell you something Mr.sunshine smile. I was a great dancer just because I can't dance well to your songs, doesn't mean I don't know how to dance at all." Hobi laughs in my face, I swear that his smile is like the sun's rays and its probably the reason for global warming.

Fixing my posture I heard the song "Sorry Not Sorry" by Demi Levoto come on not far from us, "I bet I can out dance you." He laughs even harder almost falling off the bench."Anytime and place." I challenge his expression changes getting up I started to bop to the beat showing him the control I had over my body.

He raises his eye brows in surprise, gets up and joins me along to the beat hitting all the dances on point. At the end of the song we stood close to each other panting, "I got to say Jinee that was pretty good. Have you ever thought of auditioning for a company?" I shook my head, "God no I am a horrible singer?" I sound like a banshee, looking at my phone and gasp it was getting late and I still had to get ready my date with Jungyoung.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" asks J-Hope ruffling his hair trying his best to fix his hair style.

"Yeah I have a date tonight and I have to get ready for it. Bye!" I say leaving him sitting on the bench. Quickly I turn back around and hug him, that caught him off guard but he also wraps his arms around me in a comforting embrace. "Thanks for today Hoseok I forgot how much dancing could be so fun." I bid him farewell and left to Dawon's apartment.

Hoseok watches Jinee waving him goodbye, he waves back with a smile on his lips. Once she was out of sight J-Hope frowns. A small spark of jealousy grew in his heart as he wonders who was the lucky bastard going on a date with Jinee. He clutches his fists at the thought of Jinee kissing some random guy, he curses to himself and heads back to the dorm.


Hi guys!!! I hope you've enjoyed reading this week's chapter.

Also the Tweets are fake so don't take them seriously. I made them on an app called 'Fake Tweets'

Go support 1 Million Dance Studios they make such great choreography.

I'll see you next time on the next chapter of TWINS.

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