Chapter 1

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My name's Gabrielle Blue,I'm 17 years old,and I'm a werewolf. Yep you heard me. A werewolf. My parents were the Alpha and Luna of our pack Blue Trial until we got ambushed by a feuding pack. My parents hid me away in a panic room. Before my parents left me my mom gave me her bracelet she'd been given by her best friend Celestia and a necklace engraved with "my little wolf" and I was told they'd always be with me and I was believed to be the sole survivor of my pack. Now I was only about 6 or 7 years old around the time it happened so I didn't understand much at the time. From then on I was a reminder to them that they succeeded and that the Blue Trial pack was now just a memory. I was no longer a human being. I was a maid since they're too lazy to too anything for themselves. I cooked,cleaned,did laundry, you name it. I did it. It was always useless though since after I was done, they literally turned the pack house in a pig pen.
                          11 Years Later

    Today's the day. Today I leave this pack I don't care if my parents were the Alpha and Luna. They'd want me to be safe and happy.

"Gabby now's our chance! Let me take over!"

"Ok ok all you Di."

I knelt down and let Diana take form. My bones crackled and shifted into place. I felt my canines enlarge and hair grow all over my body. It's go time. My wolf barged through the door and ran through everyone and everything in our way. We weaved through the once familiar pack house and finally escaped. I didn't turn back. The  place I grew up in. The place where I once was happy was just a thing of the past. I can't ever go back. We kept running and running till days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.

"What's gonna happen if someone sees me?"

"Don't worry about that now. Let's just find shelter for now and hope we're not in another pack's territory.I'll keep our scent masked."

"Ok. Sounds like a plan."

Miles later we came across a cave like structure and spent the night there. The next morning the sunshine beamed down on my face and I took over control so Diana could get some rest in case of an emergency. I can't understand how we got here but I guess it doesn't matter as long as no one sees us. I decided to walk around the area to try and find some  food when I heard two guys talking. I immediately sat down behind a tree. I position myself so that I'm able to watch them,hopefully without being seen. They look young. I think around my age if not a little older. One boy has blonde hair the other has black hair.

"Can this count as our training for today J? We've been walking for miles!"

"Nope Harv. My dad would kill us both. Plus training starts in 6 hours dude."

"Yeah but Jacob there's no one out here."

"Fine, you go back I'll finish patrolling."

"You're gonna be the nicest alpha in Dawn history."

"Fuck off."

"Seems someone woke up on the wrong side of his bed."

"That and I also didn't fall asleep till about 4 AM I think. My dad keeps piling up the paperwork."

The blonde hair boy walked back the way they came.

I stay still as I hear him getting closer to me and his scent is thrilling he smells like something sweet. Maybe vanilla? I'm not sure. So that's why we're here. I hear Diana yell "MATE!" and "MINEEE!!" Several times.

"Don't you dare unmask our scent!"

"It's mate he won't hurt us."

"We are still a rouge in his territory. How do we know we can trust him?? Hmmmm?"

"Fine I won't do anything."

"Good girl! Oh shoot he found us!"

I was expecting him to mind link his Alpha and rat me out or have me thrown in prison for trespassing.

"Are you alright? Do you need help?"

"Honestly I'm not sure and yes please."

"I'm Jacob Dawn."

"Nice to meet you I'm Gabrielle Blue."

"Gabrielle Blue? That name sounds familiar somehow. Wait you're a grey wolf aren't you? Oh and nice hair. I've never seen someone with grey hair."

Oh shit. Wait I think I know why my name sounds familiar. Wait that ring on his finger. That looks familiar to me. Wait oh shit I'm in Red Moon territory.

"Yep that's me. I ran away I think a few years ago I think. I lost track the following days. I'm pretty sure I'm the only left. It's funny. I think I knew a Jacob Dawn when I was younger."


"Don't kill me."

"I'm not gonna kill you."

"Is it weird if I say you kind of look familiar?"

"No. You look familiar too."

"Di ya may as well unmask our scent. He knows who we are."

Jacob's POV
*mind link from dad*

"Have you located anything?"

"Yes. I found a female rouge but she needs help"

"What do you mean she's needs help?"

"She looks like she hasn't eaten in months. She's all skin and bones. And she's a grey wolf. Isn't that what mom is? "

"Alright fine bring her to the pack house. I'll have your sisters make up a room for her. Wait you mentioned she's a grey wolf. That's impossible. They  got wiped out years ago. Your mother's the last one."

"Apparently not."

"When you get back meet me in my office."

"Yes Alpha."

*End of mind link*

I need to get her to come with me somehow. I'm a complete stranger and she's in my territory.

"Offer her food and shelter. She obviously ran away from her pack for a reason."

"Now Gray how am I supposed to do that?"

"Um erm."

And just like this she lost consciousness.

Oh crap.

*mind link to dad*

"Dad she just lost consciousness. I need to take her to the doctor."

"Alright son. I'll let her know and I'll meet you there."

*End of mind link*

I carefully pick her up and begin to run to the ER to get her check out.






Then it hit me her scent. She smells like roses it's faint  but no time to debate on scents now. I need to get her checked out now.


"First off stop yelling at you're giving me a headache and secondly can we discuss this later? We're almost at the doctor."

"Ugh fine."

I don't know how long later but finally I got Gabrielle to the doctor.

"Dad! Dr.Hart!"

"Now what's this emergency your father told me about?"

I showed him Gabby and explained to her and my father everything I knew.

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