~Chapter 5: Sweet sweet revenge~

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(Jon pov)
It was a few days after I confronted randy, me Renee and the rest of the wwe superstars had a week off because there was a vacation we all are taking. Me and Renee were almost a month into our relationship and we were enjoying eachother so much. We both were at her apartment in Las Vegas watching a movie together. "I'll be back babe I'm gonna make some popcorn" I said "okay handsome" she said I smiled at her and walked out the room. (Few minutes later) we were watching a movie and Renee was about sleep. "You going to sleep babe?" I asked her "yeah I'm beat work killed me these pass weeks " she said in a sleepy voice "okay, goodnight beautiful" "goodnight baby" she said. I turned off the lamp and pulled her in my arms. I was starting to fall asleep when Renee's phone went off it was a text message I ignored it and went back to sleeping ... *DING* another message I was tired and didn't wanna let Renee go. *DING* *DING* I decided to tell Renee because I didn't wanna get her phone and read it because that was her privacy even though we are in a relationship "Renee baby your phone is going off over and over" she groaned but didn't move instead she clung on tighter to me .. making me smile down at her *DING* another message .. "Renee your phone keeps going off it's obviously something important you gotta check" I said ... nothing just soft snores I gave up and got her phone I read the messages which read

iMessage from: RANDY; hey baby is he sleeping?
iMessage from: RANDY; Renee what time should I come over

There were many more messages but I opened the phone to see what they had been texting about earlier the messages read..
RANDY: I miss you so much Renee
RENEE: I miss you more I don't wanna be with this loser.
RANDY: then be with me baby
RENEE: soon I will I love you
RANDY: I love you too, when can I see you?
RENEE: tonight after he is sleeping
RANDY: okay baby
*end of conversation*
My blood was boiling as I read the messages I couldn't believe Renee would do this to me, I couldn't understand why she would ever do that to me, we are only 1 month into the relationship but I still felt like me and her actually had a bright future. "Renne" I growled no answer .. I got up causing her to let go of me making her wake up "what are you doing Jon?" She said "Renee why would you do this to me" I said in a low voice holding back tears. "Huh?, what are you talking about Jon?" I handed her the phone and walked across the bedroom to put my shirt on, I started to pack my things. "Jon wait! I didn't send these messages it wasn't me!" "Then how did they get on your phone Renee! If you didn't want to be with me then why'd you tell me you did!? You could've said you wanted to be with randy, that would hurt a lot less then getting me wrapped up in you just for you to run back to randy!" I said "JONATHAN I DIDN'T DO IT!" She yelled "bye Renee" I said as I walked out of her bedroom. She followed me out of the room "jon you are not leaving because I didn't do it! I don't know how the messages are there but I didn't do it!" I ignored her and walked down the stairs. She got to the door before me and blocked it. With tears in her eyes and a whimper she said "Jon please, I didn't do it" I couldn't watch her cry so I looked away and said "then how did they get there Renee" "jon I don't know" I couldn't believe her as much as I wanted to I just couldn't, it made no sense. "Renee that doesn't make sense!" "I know but I didn't I promise" she whimpered out. I sighed and asked her to move away from the door. "No" she said with a low tone. "Renee I just need space right now okay, it's best if we get some space maybe we moved to fast and you're just not ready to be with me maybe you should I don't know talk to randy that seems like what needs to happen" I said "HELL NO!" She yelled. I moved closer to her and said "please" she stepped out of the way and said "if you really wanna leave then I can't stop you" she said with a few tears slipping down her cheek. I couldn't see her cry so I turned around and walked out the door. I booked a hotel earlier just in case we weren't able to get in her apartment so I already had somewhere to sleep. I walked out the door and went to my car... then I heard a laugh.. a low evil laugh. I didn't know who it was, but I knew it wasn't Renee because when I looked back she was standing at the door crying. I gave it no mind and drove away.
*Few hours before dean saw the messages
and all this happened*

(RANDYS POV!) *new pov*
I was sitting at home angry because of what dean said to me.. I couldn't believe he embarrassed me like that! I already knew what I had to do.. break those two up! I knew where Renee's apartment was so at about 8:00 I went to her house and came in the window to her bedroom, I heard her and Jon downstairs I saw her phone on the mattress and I made some fake messages to make it seem like she was cheating, I was so happy! "Finally some sweet sweet revenge" I said quietly. I hopped out the window and hid in the bushes to see what would happen. A few hours later I heard Jon and Renee arguing... I smiled and laughed as Jon went to his car and I saw Renee crying. "My job here is done" I said as I crept back to my car.

(Renee pov)
I sat in my apartment devastated, I felt like my heart had been ripped out, I didn't know how those messages got there I was so upset... but I knew one thing, Me and Jon were not gonna just give up like that. I was gonna figure out how to get him to believe me, I would never hurt him like this. I went and looked at the messages over and over again to see how they got there, I didn't even have Randy's phone number anymore. I kept searching until I looked in the bottom right corner and saw the date on the messages... they were old screenshots that randy still had if him and his ex wife... I knew it was him because he showed them to me when me and him were just friends and him and his wife first got together. "That fucking bastard" I whispered to myself. I decided to call Jon... no answer, I knew he wasn't gonna answer anymore tonight so I went upstairs and tried sleeping. I tried to sleep for about 2 hours but no luck. I needed jon here with me...

(Jon pov)
When I got to the hotel i sat on the bed and put my face into my hands... I was so unbelievably upset, Renee means so much to me.. I knew I wasn't leaving her for good because I couldn't get enough of her, but for now I just had to be away from her... maybe until she gets her head together on who she wants. But I wasn't gonna be cheated on, so for now I guess you could call us broken up. I was laying down even though I knew with out Renee I wouldn't get any sleep, my phone started to ring and I looked over "darlin'" was her contact name in my phone and I didn't wanna change it simply because i still like her. I didn't answer the call... I couldn't hear her voice it would make me even more upset. I started to finally fall asleep when she called again. I knew she wouldn't give up. I answered and said "yes beautiful?" I was very upset with her but I'm respectful of her and she deserves nothing but respect which is why I answered with that "Jon I have to show you something please this sh- " I cut her off and said "Renee I think you're just confused on what you want, you and randy were dating for almost 2 years... Maybe you just weren't ready for another guy. And I understand that, And I still am very much into you , but this hurts me... so I guess I'm gonna have to get over you, get some sleep Renee" I said before hanging up the phone.

(Randy's pov)
I followed Jon to his hotel room, I booked the room right next to his and I'm listening to him and Rennes conversation. I'm so happy that they are over! I accomplished everything I needed to, I can finally get my woman back.

Ugh! Randy is so annoying😒, BUT FINALLY WE HAVE A RANDYS POV!! how'd you guys like the chapter? I'll be publishing chapter 6 tomorrow!🙌🏽

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