~Chapter 11: Missing you~

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(Jon pov)

"FUCK YOU SUMMER!" I yelled as I walked away to get Renee. I would never disrespect a woman, but she is on a mission to destroy my relationship and I can't deal with that. "Renee... darlin" I said as I saw her outside sitting on the ground crying I walked over to her got her up and hugged her "I would never hurt you ever! She's a lier. I brought her to my locker room and told her to leave you alone. I knew she was causing you stress. I will never ever hurt you beautiful" I told her. She cried in my chest and said "jon it's all just to much" "what do you mean?" I said to her "this me and you it's to much... I just think we need space" she said to me my heart sunk and I felt broken "what? Nae I promise I didn't do it I would never hurt you ever!" I said as I looked into her eyes she cupped my cheeks in her hands and said "I know Jon I know you wouldn't hurt me, but it's just to much with summer being in our way the baby is already causing me stress I just think a little space will do us both good" she said as she kissed my lips "we are still together but we just need some space" she saw me start to get red she kissed me again and said "jon I'm still yours and you're still mine, space is good only for a few weeks" "but I love you. I can't be without you" I told her "I love you too, but space will do us both some good. I talked to our boss and he knows I'm pregnant he's giving us the next few weeks off, I'll go and stay with my mom you can stay at the apartment" "no, you don't have to leave I'll find a hotel" I told her "no Jon it's fine, me and my mom want to spend time together anyway" I nodded and she said "my mom is about to come and get me since my car is at the apartment, I have some clothes at her house already" I looked down, when her mom pulled up. "Don't be sad jon. Remember I still belong to you" She said as she kissed my cheek and walked to her moms car. She drove off and I went to my car. I texted Rome and Seth and told them what happened "god damn it summer fucks everything up" Seth replied "that's bullshit. Summer needs an old fashion ass kicking" I drove back to the apartment and when I got there I took my shoes off and sat down on the bed. *ding* my phone rang "and please don't beat yourself up about this jon" the text said from Renee. "Okay darlin" I replied. "And remember you still belong to me don't go out searching" i texted "I'd never" she replied. I took my shirt off and sighed. I got in the shower. When I got back out I put on a pair of basketball shorts and laid on the bed I turned on a movie and looked in my phone. I had pictures of Renee and I looked at them and smiled "so beautiful" I said to my self I decided to text Renee and ask "can I FaceTime you every morning still?" "Yes Jon" she replied I smiled and went to sleep

(Renee pov)

I admit, I'm missing jon so much and it's only the first day. But we need a little break, i don't want us to break up. I woke up the next morning to my mom cooking breakfast I went to the bathroom then sat down on the bed to get my clothes out. I decided to go shopping today to get everything off my mind. I got in the shower brushed my teeth and got dressed. I got in my moms car since mine was at the apartment and went to Forever 21. I went shopping for about 3 hours I got Jon some stuff.. almost everything I bought was for him because I missed him so so much. He hadn't texted her called me all day long. I thought it was weird but didn't say anything I got back to my moms house at about 4:00 "hey mom" I said walking in with all the bags. "Hey... oh my gosh look at all this stuff! How much was all this!?" I picked up my receipt and said "$235.56" my mom looked at me and said "Renee most of this stuff is for Jon... you must really be missing him..." I sighed and sat down. I looked at my mom as a tear ran down my face. "I miss him so much, but I think this break will help us" I told her "I know honey, but if you can't take it then you need to see him, do not force this break." I nodded and she said "how about instead of 3 weeks make it just a one week break" "you think that'll be enough time?" I asked "yes" I nodded and said "my bump is starting to show a little more" I rubbed my stomach and smiled "show me what all you got" she said to me I pulled out all the new jeans and shirts I got Jon I also got myself a new bathing suit that Jon would appreciate very much. After showing my mom everything I went upstairs into the room I was staying in and laid down. Still no text from Jon. I have in and texted him "jon.." I texted. "Yes beautiful" he replied 5 minuets later "FaceTime me" I told him I wanted to see him and make sure nothing was wrong. His contact name "my love" came on the screen as a FaceTime call. I answered and saw him. He looked like he got no sleep his eyes were red. "Jon have you slept?" I asked "only got 2 hours of sleep darlin" he said "Jonathan you need sleep! Why aren't you getting sleep!" I said getting upset because he needs his sleep "because I can't sleep without you nae, I can't eat I can't think straight I can't function without you" he said I started to get teary eyed "I miss you to my love, only a few more days and I'll come back." "Days?" He said "yeah I changed it to just a one week break so on Friday I'll be there" he nodded "get some sleep handsome I love you" "I love you too" He said I hung up and laid down it was about 8:00 and I was so tired from shopping so I went straight to bed

(Author pov)
The next few days went my very slowly Renee was slowly starting to get more of her pregnancy symptoms, she missed jon which caused lack of sleep and she didn't eat much. Jon wasn't doing to good either. He woke up everyday went to the gym came home and thought about Renee. The truth is this break made jon realize there is no way in hell he can live without her.. she had to be his forever. And he was gonna make it that way.

(Jon pov)
It was Thursday 8:00 PM. Tomorrow was the day I got to see Renee and see her baby bump. Tuesday Wednesday and all of today, me and Renee hadn't got on the phone, we texted a little bit but not much That was because the tome apart wouldn't do anything if we always texted. I just missed her so much I couldn't wait to see her, I guess that was the point of the break to actually miss eachother. I was sitting on the couch when Seth called me. I answered and said "hey man" "hey Jonny boy, how are you holdin up?" He said "not to good man, but I get to see her tomorrow so I'll be fine then" "jon I'm like 100% sure Renee misses you just as much as you miss her, I talked to her mom the other day.. she spent like $500 dollars on you this pass week" he told me "holy shit" I said "yeah man she really does love you so don't hurt her" "i would never... I think I'm gonna do something nice for her tomorrow " I said "yeah man you should" "I'm gonna do that thanks for checking on me man you and Rome are always there for me" "of course Jonny boy we are your brothas" I laughed and told him I'd talk to him later. I got off the phone and went to the store. I got flowers candles Renee's favorite candy (chocolate) and I found a romantic comedy in Netflix I could set up. I hid everything in the closet so tomorrow she wouldn't see it when she walked in.

(The next day)

(Renee pov)
I was so excited to see Jon. I woke up showered and brushed my teeth I put on a pair of shorts with whit sandals and a white top. I put my hair up in a bun,I didn't need to pack anything since the clothes that I wore stayed at my moms house for when I decided to stay with her from time to time. My baby bump started to show a little, I was only 3 weeks pregnant. I set up my first doctors appointment on Tuesday. I texted Jon and said "I'm on my way" he responded about 2 minuets later saying "okay darlin" my mom pulled up into the driveway and said "tell me how it goes, and tell Jon that me and him need to talk" "okay mom, thank you for everything" she smiled and hugged me. "Don't forget your bags of clothes you bought for Jon" "can I come get it later?" I said to her "yeah of course honey just call me when you're on the way" I nodded and I walked up to the apartment door and opened it up. Jon was standing in the kitchen. He looked over and I dropped my purse and jumped into his arms I kissed him and said "I missed you so much" " I missed you to gorgeous, you're so beautiful" he said to me I smiled and kissed him again. He put me down and said "No more breaks" "no more" I told him.

Jon and nae just needed a little time apart... but now they are back!🙌🏽

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