~Chapter 22: Afraid~

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I barley slept that night feeling like something was missing as I slept. I woke up the next day to an empty bed. I got up and saw Renee downstairs on the couch asleep. "What the hell" I said to myself.. Renee never ever sleeps alone even when we argue she can't sleep without me. I sighed and picked her up bridal style off the couch. And carried her to our room. She started to stir as I walked up the stairs. I kissed her lips she opened her eyes as I laid her down on the bed. "Why'd you sleep on the couch?" I asked her. "Just figured you wanted the bed to yourself" she said to me "Renee I can't sleep without you.. I knew something was off as I slept" "sorry" she shrugged "it's fine" I said to her she got up and went to the bathroom. I sighed and sat down to think when I heard what sounded like cried from the bathroom "Renee?" I said knocking on the door. "I'm fine hold on" she said through what sounded like tears and pain. I opened the door and found her in front of the mirror. She started to wipe her tears when she saw me. Sniffling she said "Hey baby" "no don't hey baby me, you're hurting.. something happens to you and you're not telling me, you need to tell me what's wrong" she sighed. "My moms calling me give me a second" she said walking out our room to the guest room.

(Renee pov)
"Hey mom" I said answering the phone. "Hey honey, what's wrong?" She asked me "huh? Nothing" "then why do you sound like you've been crying?" She asked me. "Oh nothing just allergies" I lied. I talked to her about how mackenzie is having a lot of fun with my aunt and how she is coming back next week. We got off the phone and I put my face in my hands and began to cry. Jon walked in. He wrapped his arms around me "I don't know what's wrong with you, but my heart can't take much more of this baby.. I hate seeing you cry, please talk to me. Tell me what's wrong" I cried in his arms "baby please" he said starting to tear up himself. "I'm scared you won't look at me the same" I said wiping my tears away. "Baby there's nothing you can do to make me look at you differently" he said I sighed and sniffled. I got up and walked away. I went downstairs and called Sasha. "Hey sash" I said "hey Renee have you told Jon?" She asked me. "No not yet.. I'm scared"I told her "please tell him" she said to me. I told her I would eventually. We got off the phone and I went upstairs into the bathroom. When I pulled my pants down I saw the bruises on my leg drew left. I then got a text from and unknown number. "Check the door" it said . I went to the door and looked out the peep hole and saw a box. I opened the door and picked up the box. I opened it and inside was a photo that drew took of him raping me. I started to cry when I seen it but heard Jon coming downstairs I hid the picture under my leg. "Baby.. are you crying again?" He asked me. "No" I said walking past him running upstairs. I heard him sigh and said "damn it jon you're losing her" I hid the picture under our bed.

(Jon pov)
Renee was in the kitchen cleaning and I decided to try once more to get to her. I went from behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist "hey baby" I said kissing her head. "Hey" she said "can we talk?" I asked her. "Okay" she said quietly. We sat on the couch. "What am I doing wrong? I want and need to fix it, I can't lose you" she sighed "jon it's nothing I'm just tired" she said standing going back into the kitchen "no it's not just nothing something is wrong with you, and I refuse to let ignore it" "why are you making this a big deal? Just forget it if I say it's nothing it's nothing" she snapped at me "It's not nothing and you no it's not, but if you want it that way then be that way" I said to her walking up the stairs after snapping back. I was just so upset because she wouldn't talk to me. I picked up my phone but dropped it under the bed. I got down and looked under the bed to get my phone. As I grabbed my phone I saw some sort of picture. I pulled it up and my blood ran cold, my face turned pale. It was Renee on the ground crying while drew mlycintire Randy's friend raped her. I now knew what was wrong. I went downstairs slowly. "Renee" I said to her holding up the picture she looked at me and began to cry. "I'm so sorry Jon I told him to stop but he just wouldn't ..." "no baby don't be sorry"I said to her tearing up. I hugged her and kissed her and let her know I was here.. I was trying hard to contain my anger

(Renee pov)
His skin turned pale.. he walked out of the room and called Seth "Get the guns. Come to my house call Roman get him and bring Sasha over to keep Renee company I'll explain when I get here" he hung up "I'm gonna make that son of a bitch pay for what he's done to you.. you are MINE HE FUCKING HURT YOU! LOOK AT WHAT HE DID TO YOU IM GONNA KILL THAT FUCKER!" He yelled punching a hole in the wall "Renee I love you... and I might be going to jail tonight" he said as Seth walked upstairs "holy shit Jon are you crying?" Sasha walked up and told Seth what happened to me "Let's Kill this fucker " Roman said walking upstairs "Please jon dont kill him" he ignored me and they all three walked out the door.

(Roman pov)
Seth and I were breaking down in the inside, Renee was like a sister to us. And Jon... he looked like he was dying. We knew drew was in town because he lived in Vegas. We pulled up to his house and Jon kicked the door in we saw drew on the couch with a beer "What the fuck?" He said when he saw us. Jon grabbed him and started beating his ass. Blood started to come from his head but this time we didn't stop jon. He kept beating him until he was no longer conscious Drew's wife came out of nowhere and screamed. She tried to call the cops but Seth explained what happened.. now she only wanted to call the cops because she wanted drew to pay for what he did, she also wanted to divorce him. Jon picked up his gun and pointed it at drew as he started to wake. "Wake up motherfucker" jon said to him "jon dont do it I know you're mad but don't " "FUCK THAT SHIT" jon yelled as drew woke up. "You put your hands on my WIFE ! YOU VIOLATED HER AND WHEN SHE TOLD YOU TO STOP YOU FUCKING HIT HER!" Jon yelled as he beat drew with the gun and started to get emotional. The police barged in. "POLICE PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" They yelled. They took Jon's gun and got the medical staff for drew. "FUCK THAT" jon yelled running to drew knocking him off the stretcher. The police came over and had to calm jon down .. but he wouldn't calm down and he was way bigger then these police officers after all jon was 6'4 225 pounds and huge biceps and huge shoulders. They put him in cuffs and put him into the police car. "What the hell! Why is he in the police car" Seth yelled "sir we just need him to calm down" the officer said "Bullshit that man raped his wife how would you react if your wife was raped!" I yelled. "Sir we understand mr.good won't be sent to jail but we do need mrs.good to come here and explain exactly what happened to her" he said. I called Renee "please don't tell me jon shot him" she said "no he didn't but he did cause him to get stitches. He hurt drew really bad I'm not sure if all his injuries yet" Renee sighed "we need you to come here, police wanna talk to you" I told her. "Ok I'm on my way" jon still wasn't calm yet he wanted to fight drew, he wanted to take him one on one no interruptions but the police wouldn't allow it which pissed him. off Renee got there. "Can I see my husband?" She asked the officer. "Mrs good he will not calm down we can't allow you to see him" "if you want him to calm down I need to see him" she said to the officer. "It's true the only way he calms is if he sees her" Seth said.

(Renee pov)
The officer sighed and agreed to let me see Jon. They got him out of the car and he was angry but then saw me and he completely calmed when he saw me crying a little.. they took him out of the cuffs and I walked up to him and hugged him. "I lost control" he said "I know" I told him he kissed me "I love you so much" he said to me. " my breath hitched as I said "I'm sorry Jon but... I want a divorce"

DREW GOT WHAT HE DESERVED! But why does Renee want a divorce?☹️ find out next time ... ENJOY❤️

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