~Chapter 26: Return of evil~

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(Jon pov)
The next day I woke up and saw Renee cuddled up with mackenzie, I smiled I kissed Renee then Kenzie she was now 7 months old she was crawling and started to grow little teeth, her blonde locks had grown a lot.  After I kissed her she began to wake up. She looked over and smiled "you're a morning bird just like daddy huh?" I said to her she started to giggle as I picked her up and tickled her. Her dimples showed. I went down stairs with mackenzie and saw jade searching around for something. "What are you looking for?" I said to her confused she jumped and turned around "oh I dropped my .. my uh... my pen I dropped my pen, I'll just get a new one though" she said. I knew she was lying.. I knew something was up. "Umm okay" I said laughing a little. I took mackenzie into the downstairs bathroom to brush our teeth because I didn't wanna wake Renee. Afterwards we went in the kitchen and made breakfast for jade and Renee.. mackenzie helped a little bit even though she made a bigger mess than me. Renee cane downstairs "good morning darlin" I said kissing her. "Good morning baby" she said then kissed Mackenzie's cheek. "Good morning" Renee said smiling at jade. We then all sat down for breakfast. "Oh crap, jon we have to go to the store and get something for Lana and Rusev a wedding" Renee said. "Oh yeah, we can go now" she nodded and I put our dishes away "Okay jade we will be back or you can come with" I asked her "oh no it's fine I'll stay here" she said. We got our stuff and left to the store.

(Jade pov)
They'd finally left and I began to search for the safe with the money.. I searched for about and hour before I looked under their bed and found a loose floor board, I pulled it up and found a small safe. I didn't know the code but knowing my brother made the code it was most likely his birthday. I tried that and it worked! I opened it and found $5,000 cash. I smiled and put the safe back into the floor. I packed all of my things took the money and called an Uber to pick me up and I went to a hotel about 3 hours away from Jon and Renee's house. I called the men I owed to tell them I have the money.

(Renee pov)
Me and Jon got home and tried to tell jade we found a place hiring, but we couldn't find her. Jon went into our room and yelled "Renee!!!" I ran upstairs after laying Kenzie down. I gasped when I saw the floor board that hid our savings safe torn and no money in the safe "that motherfucker!" Jon yelled. He dialed jades number and out it on speaker  "what Jon" she answered. "The fuck do you mean what!? YOU STOLE OUR MONEY!" He yelled "you don't know what the hell I was going through I had no choice." She said. "How could you steal from you're own brother I am your blood.. im the closets thing to you besides our mom" he said hurt "I need the money SORRY  SORRY DEAL WTIH IT" she yelled "fuck You!" Jon yelled hanging up. "5 fucking thousand dollars GONE!" He yelled waking up mackenzie downstairs. I went downstairs and picked her up. I went back upstairs and sighed. Jon was very mad, yeah we make good money but no one likes losing 5 thousand dollars. "Fu-" he was about to curse but saw me with me with Mackenzie. We heard a car pull up. Jon looked out the window "who the hell" he said. He went to the closet and got out our gun "stay here don't move" he said "Jon I'm scared" I said to him. He kissed me "I will protect you two with everything in my body nothing will happen to you two, I'll give my life before I let anyone hurt you both I love you" He said closing the door.

(Jon pov)
I went downstairs and checked the window again, I didn't know what to expect but with my sister taking the money I was prepared for anything and anyone I opened up the door and pointed my gun I saw two men get out of the car "who the fuck are you two" I said to them. But they didn't respond, they pulled out two guns and pointed them at me. "Drop your weapon... or I kill your wife and kid" at that I dropped my weapon. They walked in the house "take us to your room" they said their guns to my back. I stared to get worried knowing Renee and Kenzie were in there "why" is asked "TAKE US NOW!" They yelled "or I'll make you watch me shoot your pretty little wife" he said. I sighed and walked them upstairs to our room. We walked in and I saw Renee holding mackenzie.. she gasped when she seen us. "Take the baby put her in a different room" one man said.. he grabbed her "get the fuck off my child" I said trying to grab her "MOVE AND I SHOOT YOUR WIFE!" He said to me. Renee cried and I didn't move.. they put mackenzie in her room. "Tie him up" one man said. They put a zip tie on me and sat me against the wall. "Mmmmm you're a very pretty woman" the taller man said to Renee touching her hair. "Please leave me alone" Renee said crying. I growled trying to get out of the zip tie. "Get out drew" I looked over and seen drew take the mask off and reveal himself. Drew walked out ... "Jon.. did you think you'd get away that easy?" The other man said "who the fuck are you" I said to him "I'm shocked you don't remember me. The man took his mask off and it was ... randy. Renee cried even harder "no need to cry beautiful" randy said rubbing her cheek "STOP TOUCHING HER" I said now trying to get out even more "shut the fuck up or she dies! ... now, you're gonna watch me make love to her" randy said to me "please no please leave me alone" Renee said crying and getting off the bed running over to me, she cradled up to me but randy grabbed her.. I wasn't able to defend her because of the zip ties. He laid her down on the bed and kissed her but she pulled away I closed my eyes... I couldn't look at him doing this. "Don't fight it princess" he said as he began to remove her pants. "Get off of me!" Renee said moving away from him. He grabbed her and pinned her arms down.. he licked her stomach up to her neck. "Mmm don't you taste sweet" I put huge pressure on the zip tie but it wouldn't break I realized it was over 10 zip ties on my arms. "Jon, please don't watch" Renee said crying. I stared to get emotional "damn it!" I yelled he pulled her shirt off and began to remove her bra. He then removed his pants and shirt and started to remove his underwear and Renee closed her eyes. "Look at Me" he said to her she kept her eyes closed. "Open your eyes or you die!" He said pointed the gun at her. She opened her eyes and looked away seeing his naked body she looked into my eyes "I'm so sorry Jon I'm so so sorry" she said crying realizing .. he was about to make love to her right in front of me. I looked down and with every ounce of strength in my body I broke the zip ties and ran after randy. I tackled him and started beating his ass, just then Seth and Roman came in Renee ran into the bathroom. "HE REALLY DID ESCAPE!" Seth yelled as police ran in. They put him in cuffs but I still started to beat the shit out of him "I'm gonna kill this fucker" I yelled hitting him with our nightstand causing his head to be cut very deep. The police stopped me and took randy. I started to calm down. Seth and Roman went to check on Kenzie and told me they found drew in the downstairs bathroom hiding as I went into the bathroom to find Renee, she had put her bra back on but was on the floor crying. "I'm so fuckin sorry darlin I'm so so sorry" I said holding her in my arms, as she cried on my shoulder. She stopped crying a bit "I'm just glad it's over" she said sniffling

NOT RANDY AND DREW AGAIN!!!! But why!? Did jade send them? Did they know jade was at Jon's house? Enjoy!❤️

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