SERIS 2!! ~Lock down~

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(Mackenzie pov)
"HELP MY PARENTS ARE HURT!" After yelling that to the officers they rushed in with paramedics. Just then my uncle Seth and my aunt Sasha ran in. "Oh shit!" Seth yelled. My aunt Sasha grabbed me and brought me outside to calm down. I cried as she hugged me and told me it's gonna be alright. I looked over as they brought my dad or on a stretcher. "Dad!" I yelled running towards the stretcher. He was looking around and conscious, "I'm okay princess don't worry" he said as they put him in the back of the ambulance. I saw my uncle Seth get in the ambulance with him. "I'm gonna ride with jon, Roman and bayley are on the way so bayley can ride with Renee Roman is gonna come with me and Jon, Mackenzie can't go in the ambulance she'll freak out so you gotta drive to the hospital with her" My uncle said to my aunt. "Okay" they kissed and my uncle Roman and aunt bayley pulled up. Bayley rushed to the ambulance where my mom was being wheeled in. My uncle Roman got in the ambulance with my uncle Seth and my dad. I got in the car with my aunt Sasha. She put on some music to calm me down. We got to the hospital in about 10 minuets. We got to the waiting room and my uncles were there waiting. "Are they okay!?" I said to my uncle Roman. "They are fine Kenzie" he said hugging me. That's when my aunt bayley came out and hugged me. One of the nurses came out. "Mr. and Mrs good are okay, mr.good did have to get stitches and if he'd lost anymore blood in that house he'd be dead, thanks to mackenzie putting pressure on the cut we were able to stitch it up. Mrs. Good was chocked until she was unconscious but we were able to get air back into her lungs. They are both fine and you can go see them they are in the same room, 239 right down the hall. I got up and my aunts walked with me. "You three can see them first" my uncle Colby said to me aunt Sasha and aunt bayley. We walked into the rooms, my dad was right next to my mom holding her hand. "Dad? Mom?" I said to them. They looked over. "Hi princess" my dad said to me. I hugged them both. "Without you I'm sure I'd be dead.. I love you" My dad said to me. I began to cry at the thought of losing my dad. My mom and dad hugged me. That's when we heard over the intercom. "LOCK DOWN LOCK DOWN!!! EVERYONE SHUT AND LOCK YOUR HOSPITAL DOORS!" My uncles and aunts ran into the room closed and locked the doors and turned out the lights. "What's going on?" My dad asked "someone is in here and has a gun, he's on the 3rd floor, we are on the 1st floor.. we can make it out of here" my uncle said.  My mom looked at my dad. "I will keep you both safe no matter what"  my dad said to me and my mom. "Kenzie stay with me okay, don't worry we will be okay" my mom said to me. My dad and mom got out of their hospital beds they were a little sore but they didn't care. That's when we heard "I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU FUCKERS!" And 3 gunshots follows by screams. I began to silently cry.

(Jon pov) 
I admit I was scared for my life, but my wife and daughter come first so if it costs me my life as long as they are safe I'm fine. Roman and Seth looked at me and said. "We need to get out of here before he gets to us. "Okay here's the plan. We rush out of here sasha, bayley, Renee Kenzie, you four run as fast as you can get the hell out of here and send the police, me Seth and Roman will jump the guy from behind ... and hopefully make it out. "no! Hell no!" Renee said in a whisper. "What do you mean hell no?" Seth said. "I am not leaving you 3 here alone we will walk out together... Kenzie baby you just run" Renee said. "Yeah we won't leave you guys.." bayley said and Sasha nodded. I grabbed Renee and pulled her in my arms. "Renee I love you... and one of my jobs as your husband is to keep you safe, I know you don't want to leave me, but you have to... you have to be there for our little girl if I don't make it." I told her. She started to tear up. She kissed me and understood. Roman and Seth took both of their wives and talked to them... we were all in agreement with the plan. Seth looked out to window and saw the man standing with his back to us.. he was just sitting there staring off for some reason. "Okay on 3 we go.." I told them. We all nodded and me Seth and Roman stood by the door ready to preform all of our wrestling moves on this man. The girls were ready to run.  "1.....2.......3!"

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