~Chapter 15: Welcome Mackenzie~

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(About 2 month later)

(Renee pov)
I was 9 months pregnant and I was about ready to pop. Jon wasn't gonna be home until tomorrow because he was on the road. I was laying down in bed when I had really bad contractions, they were not that far apart. I stood up because it was getting bad "gosh Kenzie you're killing momma" I said rubbing my stomach. I walked down the stairs carefully and got to the kitchen. I was fixing up the kitchen when I heard a splash. I looked down and saw a puddle of water from me. "Holy shit my water just broke" I said "damn it jon why can't you be home" I said to myself. I called Jon right away. I FaceTimed him and I saw he was with Seth Roman and big e. "Hey darlin" He said with everyone else adding "hey Renee" "Jon... MY WATER BROKE!" I said to him "WHAT!?" They all yelled "SHIT SHIT I GOTTA GET HOME!" He yelled "WE ARE COMING WITH" Seth said while big e and Roman nodded. "Alright baby I'm about to tell Stephanie (our boss) that I need to go, we are only 3 hours from home. I'll be there as fast as I can, call your mom and get to the hospital now!" "Okay I love you" "I love you to" he said while hanging up.

(Jon pov)
I ran down the hallway and passed summer she grabbed me and stopped me "jon" she said "get the hell off of me" I said and ran away. I bursted into Stephanie's office "steph me Seth's Rome and big e need to leave. Renee is in labor" I said to her out of breath. She gasped and said "okay okay go get your stuff you're free to go good luck! And send me pictures of her!" She said "thanks and I will" I said while running out. I grabbed my things. Seth Roman and big e were already in the car waiting. I jumped in and said "go go go!" Big e was the best driver out of us so he drove. I rolled my shoulders back, I do that when I'm nervous "relax Ambrose   we are gonna get there" Seth said "I know just afraid to see the baby that's all" "I know you're nervous Jon but you're going to be one hell of a father it's okay to be scared" I nodded and continued to think when Renee's mom called me "hello" I said "hey Jon me and Renee are at the hospital they have her hooked up and they are watching the babies heart rate, they are monitoring Renee she's 3 centimeters dilated meaning she's in the early stage of labor, when she reaches 10 centimeters she has to start pushing" "okay thank you for updating me, how is she doing?" "She's fine right now she's watching tv, the contractions are driving her crazy but she's fine here you can talk to her" she said "hello" I heard Renee say in a slightly exhausting voice I smiled and said "hey beautiful" I saw seth smile "hey handsome I miss you" "I miss you to, I'll be there soon darlin don't worry" "ok good because I can't go through this without you" "I wouldn't miss it for the world gorgeous" "I love you jon" she said "I love you to baby I'll see you soon" "okay" she said. I hung up the phone and Roman Seth and big e said "awwwwww" "shut up you three" they laughed and Roman said " before Renee you never told any woman you loved her you were all over the place" "I know, but not anymore she changed me for the better"

(Renee pov)
I was in the hospital room waiting on Jon, I just wanted to see Jon that's it and that's all.  The contractions were horrible and Jon not being here definitely did not help. "He will be here soon honey don't worry he wouldn't miss this" my mom told me. "I know mom" then the nurse Came in and said. "Alright you are 4 centimeters dilated it might take a lot of time to get to 10 but seems like your daughter is ready to get out tonight but we will see" I nodded and shut my eyes feeling another contraction. "Damn it" I said while squeezing my eyes shut hard.

(Jon pov)
I about 2 and a half hours later we pulled into the hospital. "Told you I get us here faster than 3 hours" he said while jumping out the car. I ran inside to the front desk "hi sir how can I help you" the girl said at the front desk "my fiancé Renee Paquette is in labor please tell me what room she's in" the woman nodded and looked at her papers "shes in room 246 you'll have to take two elevators to get there" the woman said I nodded and Roman Seth and big e ran to the elevator with me. I started to tap my shoulder showing how nervous I was getting "relax" Seth and Roman said to me. We got to the second elevator and got on. Then we finally got to her room. I stood there at the door getting my thoughts together "jon we know you're nervous, but this is a beautiful moment with you and Renee" I nodded and walked in her room she looked over and smiled "hey handsome I missed you so much" she said I walked up to her and kissed her for some time "I missed you to darlin... how are you felling?" I asked her "I'm fine now but the contractions are starting to get worse" I kissed her forehead and said "I'm right here beautiful I'm gonna be with you the entire time" I told her "hey Renee" the guys said to her "hey guys thank you for coming" "of course we are Jon's closest friends and now you're our closest friend. You two are like siblings to us" Roman said. We nodded "are you two good?" Renee asked pointing between Seth and Roman "yeah we are fine, I couldn't just throw away me and his friendship although what he did was horrible" "again I am sorry and I explained the whole thing to Seth" "what do you mean?" I asked them "oh I forgot I never told you. Okay so the night that Paige tried to kick summers ass I was going to my hotel when I saw Paige in the lobby at like 3am and she stopped me and talked to me, she started to flirt but I didn't know her and Seth were together yet, and Jon you didn't know either because it was secret. So I kinda flirted back. She told me that she was kinda talking to someone but they weren't really working. So I thought she was single. We went on a few dates but then I found out her and Seth were together. I told her we couldn't do this anymore but every time I tried ending it she'd kiss me and beg me, and I didn't know what to do" me and Renee both nodded "wow she's horrible"  Renee said "yeah that's just dirty, she knew you two were friends" "yeah but I fucked up to, I shouldn't of gave in to her pressure"  they all sat down by Renee's mom on a booth by the window. "Hey boys" her mom said "hi how are you?" Roman said "I'm fine and you? "Wonderful thank you" I pulled a chair next to Renee. I stared at her she looked over and smiled "yes Jon" she said "you're so beautiful" I told her "thank you handsome" she whispered. The nurse walked in "hello you must be the father and husband" she said to me I nodded and shook her hand. "Okay so you're about 5 centimeters dilated. We might be pushing by tomorrow morning" we nodded. She walked out. A few hours later I was sitting with Renee.

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