~Chapter 19: Recovery~

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(Authors pov)
"My husband is he okay?" Renee asked the nurses worriedly. "He's fine, but still hasn't woken from his coma, he had a slight seizure which is what happens sometimes in comas" she said to Renee. Renee nodded Seth Roman and Jon's mom walked in. "Hey Renee how is he?" Jon's mom asked "not good, he had a seizure the nurses told me that's what happens sometimes in comas but I'm just so scared" she told them crying. Roman hugged her "jon is strong, he will pull through, remember a couple of years back when he had to get that surgery and they didn't know if he'd make it.. he pulled through then and he will pull through now. Jon's one tough son of a bitch ain't no one bullet gonna keep him down for good" Roman said rubbing her back. "They caught randy and he confessed" Seth blurted out to Renee and Jon's mom. "Thank god" Jon's my said. "I hope they kill that fucker" Seth said "no I want him to rot in jail for the rest of his miserable lonely life" I said wiping my tears away. "Mrs good, can we have a word with you?" The nurse said. I got up and we walked a little further down the hallway. "Mr good doesn't seem to be awaking from his coma any time soon. And we are no longer able to read his brain waves, we suggest that you.. let him ... go" Renee looked at the nurse like she was crazy. "No, hell no I will not give up" the nurse nodded and walked away. Renee went over and told the others, they all agreed not to give up on jon.

(Renee pov)
It's been about 2 weeks. Nothing from Jon. Doctors still aren't able to read his brain waves. I was able to see mackenzie yesterday and she's actually grown. I seen her and smiled. I haven't smiled ok about 3 weeks. Seth and Roman had to go back to work even though Jon's state. Jon's mom stayed here in Las Vegas to keep me company. I hadn't  been home in 3 weeks. I went into Jon's hospital room. I sat in the chair next to his bed. I held his hand "I don't wanna give up on you, but they keep telling me you won't pull through. I don't know if you can hear me but I just wanted to tell you I love you, you and Mackenzie are the best things that's ever happened to me, you showed me how I should be treated, you showed me how a real man treats a woman. If you don't make it just know I love you and I'm yours forever" I said crying. Just then I felt his hand grip mine I looked up. "Jon?" I asked. His eyes opened slightly "JON!" I yelled and hugged him. He looked at me with a confused expression. I kissed him but he pulled away "hey get off of me I have a girlfriend " he said "huh?" I said to him "you're very beautiful but I have a girlfriend and I'm in love with her. I don't know what happened why am I in the hospital? And you look very familiar" jon said. Just then the nurse came in "Mrs good, I don't know how you did it .. but somehow you have woken mr good out of his coma" "yeah but he doesn't remember me" I said to the nurse "ah yes, memory loss. He won't remember a lot for a couple of days" I nodded. "Hey um can you call my girlfriend for me? She's probably looking for me." He said. The nurse laughed "mr. good" she said to him "Who is mr good? My name is Jon... I think" he said. I laughed "your name is Jon" I said to him "you look really familiar" Jon said to me "I'm your wife. Or girlfriend however you remember it" I said to him he looked at me confused. "We are married?" He asked "yes we've been married for only a few weeks. But we have a 2 month old daughter" his eyes popped out wide. "IM A DAD?" He yelled. I nodded. "She must be adorable because god you're really beautiful, how'd I get a woman like you? Are you sure you're my wife?" He asked. I laughed at him "yes handsome I'm your wife" I showed him my ring. "Woah, that's really cool" i kissed his cheek and called Seth Roman Jon's mom and my mom. They all got to the hospital in about 10 minuets "JONNY BOY!!" Seth yelled walking in Jon looked at him and tried to remember him "oh hey, it's my brother Roman" Seth stopped in his tracks and said "I'm Seth" I told them about the whole memory thing and they understood "jon man we missed you so much" Roman said "why'd you miss me Seth? I was just with you yesterday" "wow he really doesn't remember" i smiled and nodded. "Now can I have a proper kiss?" I asked him now that he knows I'm his wife. "You wanna kiss me?" He asked me "yes" I said to him. "I don't have a problem with that at all... wow you're gorgeous... are you positive you're my wife?" "Yes handsome" I said stepping forward kissing him. I kissed him and didn't stop... he'd forgotten a lot but he damn for sure did not forget how to kiss. "Don't swallow eachother god damn" Seth said. I pulled away. "Damn nae you can kiss"  "you remember my name?" "Yeah. And I love you." He said to me. I smiled "love you more" "so can someone explain to me why I'm in the hospital?" Seth and Roman explained everything. "But why did randy shoot me?" "We will just give you a couple of days so your memory comes back" we told him. He nodded. "Hi honey." Jon's mom said walking up to him. "Hey.... mom?" He said confused
She smiled. For the rest of the night we all talked to Jon we were so happy that he was back. It was about 10:00pm Seth Roman and Jon's mom went home. I was laying down on the couch that was in the hospital room. "Renee" jon said "yes?" I said to him "come lay in the bed with me" "I don't wanna hurt you" I said frowning "you won't, for some reason I can't sleep without you, I can't remember why right now but I can't sleep without you next to me" I nodded and got on the hospital bed with him. We were dozing off when Seth called my phone "hey sethie. What's up?" "Nae... Mackenzie is missing"

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