~Chapter 7: Jons revenge~

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Chapter 7: Jon's revenge.

(Randy's pov)
I couldn't believe that Renee and that fucker got back together! I wanted her back bad! But he just wouldn't leave her alone. I'm not giving up on Renee she belongs to me! No one else and Jon doesn't understand that for some reason! I sat in my hotelroom angry at Renee I wanted to beat the hell out of her and show her who is boss! I was gonna do exactly that when we got back to work in a few days... she would never disrespect me again and the ass whopping I'm gonna give her will scare her so much that it makes her want to be with me!

(Jon pov)

I didn't know what to do... I didn't know where randy was but I needed to find him. I was just so angry because what he said hurt Renee and I couldn't do anything about it until I saw randy. At this point I didn't care I was going to beat his ass at work. I was in Rennes bedroom with my fist balled up my leg shaking and a few tears slipped, when I get angry and can't do anything about it I guess a few tears slip here and there. Then I heard "jon" I looked over slightly and saw Renee "renee just give me a few seconds I'm to angry to talk right now" I said trying to speak calmly but she didn't care that I was mad "I know you're upset but I'm not leaving you alone in here when you're hurting I can tell that you're angry but hurting so you can yell at me scream I don't care but I won't leave you alone to hurt" she said, she came down and sat next to me.. she grabbed me and hugged me and whispered "jon tell me what else is bothering you" at that point I started breaking down " I feel like I can't protect you, just like I couldn't protect my mom from her abusive relationship, and it kills me" I said "jon you did protect me! You got me out of that relationship" she said to me. I just sat there in her arms it felt good to have someone who loved me for me to hug and support me. "Let's just take the rest of our time off and relax ok baby" she said to me "okay darlin" I said as I kissed her. "But when I see him... I'm gonna break his neck" I said she looked at me and said "and I won't stop you"

(Authors pov)

Jon and Renee spent the rest of there time off having so much fun together and getting to know eachother better... but then it was time to go back to work.

(Renee pov)
Me and Jon got up at about 6 am to make our flight to Minnesota for raw. We got to the airport right on time, we didn't see randy which I was so happy about because although I wanted Jon to kick Randy's ass in the airport would not be the place to do that.  "Renee!!" I heard someone yell.. it was one of my bestfriends Paige! (Another women's wrestler) "omg hey!" How are you! I asked "I'm fine you you?" Better then I was a few days ago. I said "soooo I heard that you and dean are together" "you heard right" I replied "omg so cute!!" We spent the next few minutes talking while Jon went talking to his friends. Then they finally called our flight. I went and found Jon and we got on the plane together. (Hours later)

We got to the arena finally "alright babe I'm gonna go and put my things in the locker room I'll be in catering after if you need me". I told Jon. "Okay babe I'm about to go to catering to see Roman " he said he kissed me and added  "if you see randy text me right away, I'm gonna try looking for him" he said to me "okay" I gave him a hug and walked to the locker room. When I got in there no one was there because everyone went to catering. I was setting my things down when I heard a "well... well.. well." I jumped and turned around to see ... randy.  "Get away from me!" I yelled I tired to pick up my phone and call Jon but he grabbed it out of my hand and took me by the neck "don't you ever disrespect me again!" " I will end you" He said while throwing me to the ground. He got on top of me and held my hair tightly "now.. you are mine and mine only" I started to cry he covered my mouth and slapped me across the face he picked me up and threw me into the wall causing my nose to bleed. I whimpered and said "please stop" he grabbed me by my shirt and kissed me... but I pulled away he grabbed my face tightly and said "kiss me!" I was in pain but I'd never kiss him back especially because I'm with Jon. He tried again and I yanked away he then pushed me on the floor and took off his belt he started to hit me with it hard I could no longer scream I couldn't get the words out. I cried as he hit me he then took the belt and wrapped it around my neck and pulled it tight I gasped for air "if I say kiss me then kiss me" he let go and kissed me but I still pulled away "fine then! Fuck you!" He yelled and stormed out of my locker room. I gasped for air and cried .. I needed to get to Jon. But I didn't have the strength to walk.. so I crawled out the locker room and looked around to make sure randy wasn't there.. my nose was bleeding my neck was red with a bruise my lip was busted and bleeding and I was crying... I crawled to catering I still couldn't speak for some reason... I saw Jon but couldn't walk or talk I came in luck when Jon looked over at the door and saw me. "WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled as he ran to me. He picked me up and I started to cry while Roman Seth and Paige cane running over "baby what's wrong what happened!" I still couldn't talk so I grabbed my neck and shook my head. That's when Jon saw all of my injuries my neck nose lip and the belt marks he kneeled down and grabbed my hands "Renee" he said in a shaky voice "i need you to talk to me baby" I tried speaking but it wouldn't come out. I guess I was shocked. "I'll get some paper she can write it down" Paige said as she ran to get paper and a pen she gave it to me and said "please nae tell us" I took the paper and wrote *randy* Paige looked at the paper and said "uh oh" Roman and Seth took the paper from Paige and said "holy shit Jon's going to jail tonight" "what are you all talking about?" Jon said as he took the paper and read it.. he turned red instantly and ripped the paper he walked off angry "alright nae.. Jon is about to kill randy and he's gonna get very violent I'm sure you wanna see this but we need to get you to the trainers off because you're hurt *NO! I wanna be with you guys and see Jon beat the hell out of him* I wrote while sitting at the table "ok kiddo" I stood up able to walk now.. we all caught up to Jon and heard him saying "WHERE THE FUCK IS RANDY!" We approached Randy's locker room and Jon barged in. Randy was on his phone but dean ran up to him and punched him in the face "FUCK YOU! YOU PIECE OF SHIT" Jon yelled. He picked up randy and slammed him on the ground he then got on top of him and started beating his face in.. by now Jon had already broken his nose "YOU MOTHERFUCKER YOU HURT MY GIRLFRIEND" He yelled as he took him by the shirt and put him in a head lock. He then started to choke the life out of randy when he let go he started punching him in the face rapidly. Randy was bleeding uncontrollably Roman and Seth said "DEAN OK YOURE GONNA KILL HIM" "FUCK THAT" he yelled Seth and Roman grabbed him and held him back but somehow he broke out of it and went back to kneeing randy in the stomach they grabbed him again and took him out of the locker room and closed the door Randy laid on the floor and coughed up some blood we heard Jon yelling "GET THE FUCK OFF ME" I started to cry because the whole situation was so much. "Come one nae let's get to the trainers room. We left through a different door because I didn't wanna see Jon so angry. That's when the COO of the company said "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" Paige explained the whole situation and he said "god damn it randy! You're fired!" Randy coughed and said "what!" The coo called some doctors to get Randy's bleeding to stop and they tried to get me to go to the trainers room but I wanted to make sure Jon was calm enough. "No... Jon I wanna see Jon" I choked out finally able to speak a little. "Renee I need you to go to the trainers room I'm sure Jon wants you there to, we are gonna get him calm" the coo said. I could still hear Jon screaming to let him back. I nodded and Paige walked me to the trainers room.

(Romans pov)

Jon was absolutely livid, I had never seen him this upset. I saw how he got when his sisters boyfriend cheated on her but this was different jon tried to kill him literally. If we weren't there jon was gonna make him bleed to death. "Jon chill out man" Seth said to him "FUCK THAT" is all he kept saying we held him back from going into the locker room he soon sat down on the chair outside but still his leg was shaking and his fists had blood all over them "Renee... I gotta check on Renee" Jon said then jumped up. We grabbed him and said "Jon wait until you've calmed down all the way" he agreed and we walked him to get water and clean off his hands. He had calmed  a little more  and said "I hope I didn't scare nae to much" "jon I'm sure she loves you much more than before" "love?" He questioned " duh. Renee loves you you can see it in her eyes" we told him.

(Jon's pov)
She loves me? I thought to myself. "Wow... I didn't think she loved me" "come on Jon let's go see her... looks like you have calmed" Seth said. I nodded my head and we walked out the bathroom to the trainers room. I walked in and saw them giving her some instructions for her throat. She looked at me "hey baby" she whispered. I looked at her nose. It was cleaned up I looked at her lip it was a little swollen but she had ice for that I looked at her neck and saw a bruise. I walked to her and lifted her chin to look at her neck as the doctor walked out the trainers room and said "I'll give you two a moment" with Seth and Roman following behind him out the door. I touched her neck and she tensed up. I looked at her and said "I'm so sorry, I couldn't protect you, i wasn't supposed to let anything happen to you" "baby" she whispered I looked up and she said "you just almost killed a man for me.. I could never ask for more"  I kissed her lips very softly. When I pulled away she said "let's go to our hotel I'm tired" I nodded and helped her get off the bed. We got to the hotel and relaxed "I finally got revenge" jon said.

FINALLY RANDY GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO EM!👏🏽 this chapter is a little longer because it has more pov's. ENJOY!

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