A Happy Home [Stahl x Reader]

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My friend through every fandom! NdragonEyes! That's for the list friend! Let's start with stahl! STORYTIME!

You happily walked around Your hmmm, the happy home you built for your husband. You gave him three children, three wonderful children. Two older daughters and a younger son. In fact, all three of the men were sitting by the family paino. Your oldest, Angelica, was with her younger sister by about a year and a half, Theodosia, teaching their little brother Hercules how to play piano. Hercules was only a small child, yet he learned the difference between the keys already. You were so proud of your children.

Wait, where Is your husband? He would adore seeing his sweethearts learning how to play the paino. You walked off to the kitchen. He loved to eat so you figured he'd be there. You walked in the entryway and nobody was even in the kitchen. How strange. Someone is always in the kitchen. This was a family of gluttony hounds after all. You rolled your eyes and assumed Stahl already made his meal and went to the dinning room to eat. It was odd on how you couldn't hear him in the kitchen, but maybe today could be one of his quiet eating days where he is reading the newsletter of the town. Or the newest letter from his pen pals from the war.

You walked into the dinning room and sure enough, your husband was there. The green haired, kindly man sat there with a muffin or two on his plate and a letter in hand. Seeing as he has grown older and the war somewhat damaged his visionary cortex in his brain, he was using glasses. He only has reading glasses, but they are glasses none of the less. You walked up behind your beloved husband and placed a kiss on his forehead, trying to read the cursive handwriting over his shoulder.

"Love? A letter from Sully and Kellam again? Or perhaps it is Nowi checking up on you?"

Stahl sighed, shaking his head and putting the letter back down on the table, face down. You can't try to read the messy handwriting any more. You frowned and walked around to another chair st the table. Since Stahl was sitting st the head of the table, you took one of the seats beside him. It was a table for six because you often has guests, considering Stahl was a retired Shepard. Stahl clearly didn't want to talk about the contents of the lette,r but you wer epersistant. You wouldn't budge. A stubborn wife needs to know what happens to her husband! Especially with kids running around! He looked in your eyes. His serious, almost melancholy expression made your heart sink. No. It can't be what you think it Is.

It can't be. You worked too hard for this to be happening now.

"Darling, you know a recall could happen any time, right? Well, Exalt Chrom asked me to be on duty for no more than three years! I promise to be back before then!"

Tears welded up in your eyes and your throat had trouble letting any words or breathes go in it out. Three years!? That's practically all of the time Hercules needs when he grow so up! He needs a fatherly figure! The child is bloody three years old!!! Stahl can't leave a three year old son, a seven year old daughter, and an eight -almost nine- year olds daughter! Hercules, Theodosia, And Angelica need him! You slam your open palm on the table. It's no place for a woman to raise her voice, but you feared you must.

"No! I won't lose you! You promised me when you got married to me you'd be done with the Shepards the second I got preganant with one of your children! You wanted to be there for them! Where's that thought now!? What about Hercules!?"

Stahl felt a sob in his chest, desperate to get out. Truth is, he didn't even want to. But Chrom was asking him directly to drop his family matters and go. But his wife. His loving wife who gave him three beautiful children. Can he really leave that? But orders? He was so conflicted, and he wanted to cry because of it. A grown, fatherly man wanting to cry over something that should be the simplest answer. Chrom is the Exalt. His word is practically Law. There isn't a shred of common sense to disobey a request from the Exalt. But you.... he can't...

"You're even considering it!? Chrom was your colleague! He will understand! He has two bloody children! He can understand wanting to be there for them in their bloody childhood! I mean, look at Lucina! Just write to him and tell him no! It's simple! I can't lose you."

Stahl stood up abruptly. You were right. He can always write to Chrom. He wasn't a man if formality anyways. He let out his tears and a smile overcome his lips. He already has a happy home, why even consider breaking it. His three children. Is beautiful  wonderful children. They need a father. They need him to be here constantly for them. He will support them. He will tell Chrom no. He watched you stand up and stand right in front of him. Right in cuddle range. You rammed yourself into his chest, squeezing him tight and sobbing.

"You're my husband, Stahl. We need you. I need you."

Stahl nodded and smiled, hugging you back with one arm and using his other to stroke your hair. He loved you too much to leave you. His happy wife in his happy home. Referencing the title so much must be overbearing, huh Reader? What!? It's not like I'll pass up my fourth wall break! I need on every oneshot! Lordie! Just didn't expect it so late I to the oneshot, huh? Well I'm sometimes hard to predict. XD. Back to the emotional story that was supposed to be fluff but I had a good idea. Sorry N, I failed you.

"I need you too. I won't let him take me away from my family."

Whole yout wo hugged it out, Angelica was standing outside of the doorway with tears in her eyes and both hands covering her mouth. She asked Theodosia to watch Hercules while she went to check on her partners. She heard her mother screaming and all. Even thinking about the thought of Daddy leaving her broke her heart. She wanted to run in there and hug both you and Stahl, but she stayed out crying to herself.

Yeah, she doesn't want Stahl to leave this happy home either.

This was supposed to be a fluff, lol. Sorry N. This sucks, doesn't it? Well at least it's 1113 Words. Heh. Sorry.


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