Pregnant Fun [Keaton x Reader]

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Request by RebeccaTheJackal. STORYTIME!

Keaton was your husband, as you were his wife. He was laying over your legs, wagging his tail as he plays with a small ladybug in the grass you were both laying on. You were taking a break in the deeprealms, Keaton visiting you while you were preactically banished here because of your pregnancy.

You felt the gentle breeze in your hair and the sunshine of the warm deeprealm on your skin. This was the pregnant paradise. You could escape the war and give birth to your child while being absent for only a week. Heck, you and Keaton could be gone for a month in real world time to have your child already fully grown and having a great relationship with both of their parents.

You smiled, hinting about the child. You looked down and he was enamored. Wait, a butterfly flew down on his nose. He lifted his chest, now focused on the butterfly and forgetting completely about the ladybug. Now he was double enamored! You giggled at his cuteness, causing him to jerk his head over his shoulder and the butterfly's to hurriedly fly away to prevent itself from a possible threat.

"What's so funny!?"

He narrowed his eyes, his tail still wagging with delight. He could barely hide the little snide smirk. You just rolled your eyes back and smiled innocently at your werewolf husband. He really was the best husband in the whole entire world. That's when you feel yourself get tackled to the ground. The next thing you know, you see Keaton hovering over you with a smirk and his tail wagging faster. He was having fun. Who were you to stop him?

"I said what's so funny! You're supposed to tell me what's so funny so I can laugh too!"

Keaton pouted. You almost felt sorry for him. You would! You really would! If it wasn't for the fact he started tickling you mercilessly. His fingers and fuzzy fur brushed against your skin, causing the tickle nerves to start being tickly. Wow. I'm definitely using that in my personal essay. Thank you Science Side Of Tumblr. Get why that's a meme, and you're also trash like me. That's enough fourth wall break. Back to our lovely story.

"Tell me what's funny! What's funny!"

You were laughing so hard your sides hurt. Wait, maybe this isn't exactly the best thing for a seven months pregnant woman. Oh well. It looks like your medical state of pregnancy will force you to forfeit this battle. However this isn't just one victory Keaton will win in the grande war called marriage. Taken notes. You'll need to know this.

"You! You're funnt and adorable!"

Keaton sat up, his ears going straight and his face flushing pink. He averts his eyes, crosses his arms and legs, and pouts. Awww, he's so cute like that! You take your little intermission of his flusteredness (good for the soul) to sit up and feel your stomach. The baby didn't seem to be affected. In fact, you think it enjoyed the little tickle onslaught. But you enjoy seeing Keaton being an adorable tsundere even more. 

"I'm not adorable!"

You cocked your head and let out a little Aww. The baby kicked too. Probably also disagreeing with your husband. It says a lot when even an unborn baby will argue that Keaton is the most adorable ever. You reached over and started to scratch behind keaton's ears. He bit his bottom lip, resisting the urges to flop and lean into your Touch. His one weakness: being scratched behind thr ears. Not pet, scratched.

"Yes, you are. Accept it."

Keaton sighed, letting his of go and nudging his head against your hand. He gave in. Good. Now he will be submitted to a series of love and affection he deserves for being the best husband and the best future father for your child. Possibly children. You wanted more children. All the more excuse to come back here and have one on one time during the war. Plus, you get to be pampered solely for the fact you're pregnant. Pregnant life in the deeprealms was great.

You used both hands to scratch him behind the ears. Keaton wasn't a cat, but he didn't this weird little purr thing that you fell in love with. You giggled as he rolled over on his belly and you have him belly rubs.

10/10 best husband.

731 Words? God I'm pathetic. I just don't know what else to add. I'm the worst author in the world.

I'm sorry.


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