Good Morning [Xander x Reader]

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Requested by KiranVang66. Thanks Kiran. STORYTIME!

Like everyone else, the Queen if Nohr has a morning routine. Normally your typical day starts out at six in the morning. You wake up with a smile and notice your his and, Xander, is passed out from a long night of decision and stuff. You like to brush the hair out of his face and give him a good morning kiss while he sleeps before getting up and starting your day. 

You'd get out of bed and throw on a normal dress. No armor or anything. You just like a casual dress when nothing really big or special is going on. Maybe a dagger or small wound spin on hand just in case. Dagger or tome or sometimes a sword if you're feeling feeling adventerous. But today you just slipped a dagger under your dress and called it day. Then you'd normally do your hair and everything.

Then you'd leave your bedroom quietly, making sure Xander is sound asleep. He deserves the extra hours, no matter how much he protests and scolds you for letting him sleep in. Sometimes he's cute when he's stubborn so all the Moreno reason to let him sleep in more. You see a guard or even sometimes Peri or Laslow tannin outside the door. You tell them not to let Xander out until at minimum nine in the morning. One time he woke up at eight thirty and got so mad thst the door was locked from the outside. You and Peri had a blast for those thirty minutes, listening to him bang on the door and cuss himself out when he tried to kick it down but banged his big toe.

After you make sure he's all nice and secure you take over whatever job Xander is supposed to do In the morning because you're a wonderful wife and queen and you love your husband very much. Most of the time it's paperwork but sometimes a delicate or royal from another country would visit and you'd deal with them. Sometimes it would be someone you know, like Hinoka, Ryoma, Izana, etc. other times it'd be someone who's really annoying about you not wearing some big extravagant gown. Luckily today it was just Sakura.

"Princess Sakura, welcome back to Nohr. I'm afraid Elise is most likely still asleep. She's usually up around eight. We have about an hour and a half."

Then you would spend however much time you need to with the person, sometimes being able to do other tasks as well. Sakura nodded and followed you to the next room. You had some paperwork to file out for Xander. He's never been the most organized person and sometimes when he's super tired he will file the paper in the wrong section, so you always double check his work for him. Sakura sat down across from you as you took out the file.

"So, how's Hoshido? Is Saizo treating you well?"

The shy princess simply nodded, blushing a little bit. She was recently wed to a Hoshidan Royal Retainer under Ryoma: Saizo. You attended her wedding and wished them a blessed marriage. Seeing th little princess blushing was kind of adorable. All the more inventive to trade her like she was your own little sister.

"Y-yes. Well, um, I... I'm actually. Uh..."

Sakura bowed her head and played with the hem of her dress. Oh? She can't  possibly mean what you think she means. Well, you've been married to Xander far longer than she's been married and you've never ever even gotten pregnant yet. If Sakura got it on the first tryin that would be beyond incredible.

But before you could hear the answer the door slammed open. A very annoyed king of Nohrian stood there, in his pajamas and with some severed bedhead. Felicia was fumbling behind him, trying her best to prevent him from the inevitable. You smiled at your husband, placing th folder back on th desk. Meanwhile Sakura snapped up in her chair, fixing her posture and reddened cheeks growing Scarlett. Hinoka's now woukd be healous of the color of Sakura's face right now. It's adorable.

"Good Morning Sleepyhead. You're up early. It's only seven."

Xander was clearly still tired. He barely even registered Sakura's presence. This was exactly why you need Xander to get that extra sleep! If he was like this every morning the kingdom would be disfunctional! Xander stumbled over to the desk and leaned on it for support. Then he whipped his head over to you and glared at you, focusing hard. You just smiled innocently and Sakura watched you two shyly, not knowing what to say.

"Stop doing that."

You sinply hummed and looked over at Sakura to see if the youngest Hoshidan princess's was uncomfortable. Well, if she is Pregnant we don't need her stressed now do we? With th most innocent voice and look you could get, you managed to reply to your very sleepy husband.

"Doing what?"

Xander growled and scoffed. Groffed. Wait that sounds like something Jonathan Griffin would say after he had sex with someone. "You just got groffed." Why did I even say that NOOO!!! Back to the story and away from the fourth wall breaking, Xander slammed his palm on the desk angirly. He won't be this mad when he wakes up. He always forgives you because he loves you too much. He's just cranky in the morning. Well, unless he sleeps until nine thirty or ten. And that's a rare occurance.

"Locking me in the bedroom! I need to be awake to rule Nohr!"

You rolled your eyes. Yeah sure. He needs to be awake twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. He has siblings, he has a wife, he can sleep as long as he needs to. Sakura just started cringing. She didn't like it when anyone yelled around her, especially someone as intimidating as Xander. Yeah you need to apologize for that later.

"I can handle the early mornings, Babe. Chill. Go back to sleep. Don't make me get Camilla and Elise to force you back to bed. Neither of them would be happy to be up at this hour."

Xander grumbled and walked out of the room, not wanting to argue any more. You watched him leave and slam the door. You turned back to Sakura, sympathetic look on your face.

"I'm so sorry. You'd never expect Xander to be cranky waking up, but he is. He doesn't normally act like this. Just when he's tired."

Sakura sighed and nodded, understanding in full. Saizo gets like that too. Well then. They had thirty minutes to waste before Elise wakes up.

What to do?

1095 Words. Now this is More like it! Now only if it wasn't so bad....


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