Can't Help Falling In Love [Frederick x Reader]

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Won't lie, not a huge fan. But he's on NdragonEyes's list so I guess it is STORYTIME!!!

Frederick sighed, sitting in the field of grass on his own. He picked at the grass, trying to figure out how Sumia's little flower divination of telling if they love you or not works. Normally, he would be fawning over Chrom or even Lissa if he was mad enough at him. However today was different. 

The issue on the table: Frederick was in love and it was interfering with these unproductive things called emotions. In turn, these emotions made him distractive and clumsy and less to helpful to Milord and Milady. So either he needs to get his head straight and continue on like it was nothing, or vent and get it Off his chest. But what is venting if there is no one to hear it? So he sat in this grass beside campm away from everyone else, picking at the grass like it was going to tell him if he would even bother with this silly Crush.

That's when the princess he serves was standing there, hands on her hips and pouting. She knew something was wrong with Frederick! After he canceled their little training session for the day, being on Support Level B borderlining Support Level A, that was the major sign he wasn't feeling himself! And when someone isn't themselves, that's means either they're sick or in love! And even Frederick admits when he is Ill! So he must be in love with someone in this army! Because that's the only logical conclusion to draw on the situation! That was sarcasm. Duh.

So Lissa stomped over there and plopped herself right next to Frederick, leaning on his shoulder. She looked up at him innocently, giving him a cheeky grin. There we go! That snaps Freddy Boi right back into reality! His reality! Come on, that pun was a gimme! I mean, look at the video above this oneshot! That should be enough fourth wall breaks for this chapter. His brown eyes look at hers and he sighs in relief. It wasn't the person of his unwanted affections. That would be horribly cliché.

"Milady, May I ask why you use my shoulder as a pillow?"

Lissa giggled, leaning over across his crossed legs. Now she was using him as her bed. Frederick simply sighed and sat back, this being a usual antic for the already married princess. What? Lissa was already married to Ricken by now. Or as married as two teenagers can be. Owain is the proof of their future marriage so that technically counts. But Lissa was his closest friend in a way. Other than Chrom. He doesn't associate much with the rest of the army.

"Or my body as a bed?"

Lissa just looks duo at him a grinned one of those sneaky grins. One of those smirks that's like a fourth grader saying they know who your crush is back in elementary school. Yeah, one of those little childish grins. It actually fitted Lissa's Personality well. Plus it looked good on her. Ricken was a very lucky boy. Good thing Frederick's relationship is only professional and platonic. The essentric Type really wasn't his type.

"Oh just quit with the stalling and admit it! You're in love!"

Feedereick felt pink dust his cheeks as the blood underneath started to boil. He leaned all the way back, his hands touching the ground and arms supporting the weight of both him and his heavy great knight armor. She knew. Was it really that obvious that he always seemed to have you on his mind? Oh wait. HE ALREADY THOUGHT TOO MUCH!!!

"Okay so spill! Who's the lucky girl?! Sully? Sumia? Cordelia?"

Lissa sat and next to Frederick instead of on him, hungry for the gossip. Now, Frederick was a man who was trained never to reveal any secrets, never to take to any bias, or never put anything before the safety of Chrom and maybe Lissa if you look into it. However if his stupid crush for you could get on the way of that, he'd rather jump off of a cliff into the roughest waters imaginable. He kept his mouth shut.

"Come on Frederick! Don't make me order you to do it! Is it's Panne? Cherche?"

Goodness, she's getting close isn't she? Lissa was a persistent, bubbly, stubborn girl of a princess now wasn't she? Soon enough, she may get it and he knew his emotions would do one of those embarrassed surges again. You know, the feeling when she someone mentions your crush. He wondered what you would call that while Lissa kept listing names. But finally, he got to the one that caught his attention, causing him to gasp and even jump a bit.

"Is it (your name)?"

The blush on his face and the fact he averted his gaze from her to the grass yet again confirmed it. Lissa squealed, jumping up and twirling around in a fit of happiness. Oh my god he likes you! That's perfect because you were strugggling with a crush on him fir the longest time! Lissa needed to tell you he loves you too!

"Oh my god it is! She will flip when she hears!"

The second she saw Frederick flinch and start to stand up she knew she better start running. Good thing that Frederick was also training her how to run! She dashed off to go find you. You were gonna be so happy when you heard that Frederick has a huge crush on you! It was gonna be great!

Too bad Freddy boi didn't think so too.

This one was draining. I've had a rough day so I'm feeling pretty dang tired right now. I still have the rest of the list to go though! I will try!

Oh, and this was 955 Words. Pathetic, i know. I'd love to one day be able to reach two thousand words oneshots as my normal.


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