My Leg! [Keaton x Reader]

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Request by epicface752. STORYTIME.

The second ya tried to get out of bed you're legs said NOPE and you crippled to the ground with a loud thud. Your husband wasn't in the room with you so you were on your own. You blinked amd tried to process what just happened. You just woke Up and tried to stand up but your legs became a liquid and you fumbled to the floor of your private quarters.

You gripped th bed and sat up, trying to pull yourself up. You got on one knee and collapsed yet again. You huffed and decided to just leave it and lay back. You lay on the floor and just stare at your ceiling, extremely annoyed. What even happened!? Did you overwork yourself yesterday? Train too hard? Injure yourself? You'd think you'd remember this one.

That's when the door opened and you saw your little brother of conquest there. You look over at him with this blank expression. He pauses. Both of you just stare at eachother for a moment. Then Leo sinply facepalms and you sigh. You sit up again and Leo walks over to you, offering you a hand.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know. My legs don't work. Watch."

You grabbed his hand and tried to put one foot up only for it to wobble and force you back down. Leo almost lost his balance with you, but luckily he dropped you and regained his. Be looks down at you as you cross your arms, completely annoyed. Leo thinks back. You didn't injure yourself at all. You didn't do anything to hurt your legs.



"Sister, was Keaton here with you last night?"

You rose an eyebrow. Keaton was your husband. Of course he was with you last night! You always like to cuddle together. Keaton was your adorable little puppy husband! You sit up again and nod at Leo, indicating he was with you last night. Leo groans and you just cross your arms and wait for an explanation.

"Wait here. I'm gonna get a healer."

Wait, where was he going!? Why wasn't he telling you anything!? Before you could yell st him he left. YOu huffed and crossed your arms. So what if you and Keaton cuddled last night!? How would that even effect how your legs work! Keaton is your husband! He has dignity! The only way your legs would hurt after spending time with him was....


Oh my gods.


A small chapter that's comedic because I know epicface752 enjoys the comedy chapters and doesn't mind short length.

Sorry it's so bad.


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