Good Luck Honey [Azama x Reader]

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I'm so freaking slow and terrible! Oh my god! This should have been done DAYS ago! I'm so sorry to everyone including the requestor Joske27. Sorry. Also STORYTIME.

You sighed, sitting in the feild of petunias. You were at a loss. You had a hopeless crush on someone who probably is asexual. No, you don't mean he reproduces with himself! You mean someone who probably isn't interested in romance and/or sex at all. Who is your mystery guy? Read the freaking title I'm trying my best here!

So you started plucking the flowers, sighing to yourself. That's when none other than princess Hinoka walks up next to you and sits down. She grabs a flower for herself, examining it. She let out her own sigh. She must be having issues with love too. You reached and put a comforting hand and on her shoulder. She flinched and looked a tad you, shocked. She must have not realized you were there.  That happens a lot.

"Oh! It's just you! You gave me a scare there...  why are you here?"

Now it was your turn to sigh. Why exactly where you here? Grimacing over a relationship you know will never happen because your crush is a douche bag who is snarky and sarcastic to everyone, even the fucking ovals of Hoshido! Still, here you were plucking flowers in front of the redheaded princess who also seemed to have her own problems to contemplate.

"Just thinking about... stuff. You?"

Hinoka bowed her head, obviously blushing. Based on how tight she clenched her fists, her blush must be putting her hair to shame. You took another flower and started plucking it yet again. Trapped in a bad romance. Wooooooooooaaaaaaaah. Born in a band romance. RAH RAH RAAAAAH ROMA OOH LA LA WHATEVER THE SOUNDS ARE! BAD ROMANCE!


You sat back and placed the stem back down. That's another's flower to mauled and plucked the petals off of just so you can get over yourself and your hopeless crush on a terrible guy who isn't at the same time an awesome guy. Basically, you felt super conflicted about your man.

"By 'stuff' do you mean romance? If so I am in the same boat."

Hinoka looked up and felt a connection. You also understand aches of the heart and knowing that the other person would never love you? Hinoka took your hand Andy let a single tear. When you looked in her eyes she took the other hand and both of you just sat like thst before she began talking.

"Do you promise me you won't say anything? I'm not ordering you, but are you promising me?"

You nodded. It's  not like anyone else was ever going to talk to you. Hinoka then let go of your hands and took a a sharp inhale. She did this thing with her hands to move with her breathin to make it go slower and so she can be calmer. You rose an eyebrow. We're her nerves and emotions that wacky that she has to physically move to calm herself? Huh, weird.

"Well, I may or may not have strong feelings for... Hinata."

Hinata? You smiled. What was she talking about? She had a pretty damn good chance with him! Hinata for a fact has a soft spot for women, much less princesses! Or should you say much more in this sense? Asking the real questions. Either way, you sinply smoled wt her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Princess Hinoka. I'm sure he won't  be able to resist you!"

Hinako smiled and wiped her eyes. Had she really been crying over this matter? Huh, weird. That's when she looked up and remembered you also had a problem involving love. Huh. She wondered who that person could be. Doesn't hurt to ask, right? Yeah, she was curious.

"So, what about you? Who do you like?"

Your face went blank. Oh right. You did hint at the fact you had strong emotions for Azama, didn't you? Well, there's no harm in telling Hinoka. Another plus is that Hinoka is his Leige, maybe you actually could have a chance if you get on good terms with her? You know it doesn't make sense but just roll with it! I'm the one writing the shitty fanfiction here not you! 




Hinoka places a hand on your shoukder and bows her head. You raise an eyebrow. Oh come on, it can't be that bad! Uh, right?

"Good luck honey."

Yep. It's bad.

I rushed at the end! I know and I'm sorry! Only 709 Words! I'm the worst author in the world!


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