Henry's Reality [Henry x Reader]

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I lied. Thanks to VAAAAAAAATI this is the last request. STORYTIME.

Every day, Henry Imagines a future where you'd want to be with him. In his hand, rather than a token is a book that explains how love works.  He carried the book around like it was a tome. The lovesteuck mage kept trying his best to not appear creepy to you. He didn't want you to be scared of him. Rather, he wanted you in his arms and to kiss him and you say you love him. If only he wasn't the creepy blood obsessed guy he was renowned for. But in his defense blood is pretty cool.

The blood flows down into a red puddle. What good are words when your smile says it all?  Every time you notice him hurt or bloody, you will grab your first aide kit and rush to his side. You would patch it up and clean him up. While you help him tidy himself up from his wounds, you would talk to him. Your conversations made him fall even more in love with you. That's why he enjoyed getting hurt a lot More now than he used to. Not only does he get to see pretty blood, but he has an excuse to talk to you. Even if you playfully say you aren't a healer and this wasn't your job, you'd still take care of him.

But in this world of infinite choices, what will it take for Henry to find that special day? Henry sighed, reading his book over one more time. How many times Misty he read the same pages to understand how to make you his? This book pushes the same main points. One: Find Someone that's your type. Two: Be yourself and smile a lot more. Three: Be casual and be open to change. Four: Be interested in both them and their interests. Henry thinks he does these four things, yet he never really can get you. So what will it take to find that special day?

Henry sighed, closing the book. He leans against the tree and wears a frown for the first time in s long, long while. He opens his eyes for once and watches the wildlife in the trees carry on woth their lives. Oh? Two of his crows were there too. Talking with the cardinals and the squirrels. Well, at least they were happy.

"Henry? Woah, I've never seen you so down in the dumps before! What's up?"

Henry flinched and forced his normal smile (or at least tried), closing his eyes again. You sat down next to him, folding your legs into a cross cross applesauce position. You leaned back agaisnt the tree, eating comfortable. You had two apples with you, one already woth a bite in it. You offer the second one to Henry. He sighs and shakes his head. Okay now hats really odd! You have to make your boi happy again!

"Not even an apple!? It's not poisoned or anything! Okay, joking aside. Seriosuly what's up?"

You took another bite out of your apple, holding the other one just in case he wanted it after getting whatever was on his chest off of his chest. You see that he has a book in his lap, his slender pale fingers curled around the cover. You can't read the title from the cover, but you can read it from then spine of the book. Thanks Henry!

Laws of Love? Why would he eye be reading Laws of Love? Oh. That's when it hit you. You almost deflated on the spot. He was in love, and you were pretty sure it wasn't with you. You looked down, feeling Henry move his gaze onto you. You sulked agaisnt the tree,  loving you our knees up so you can hug them. Fightin back the emotions in your throat, you manage do to maintain conversation with him.

"Laws of Love? Good one. I must have read it at least five times."

It's not like that's a lie. You've been interested in Henry since the beginging but you didn't know how to approach him. You tried using that book to help you and one kf the points actually did. Five: Try to interact with the person whenever you can. That's how you two became so close after all. You noticed him hurt one time and you got out your first aide kit, fixing up a dislocated shoulder and popping it right back into place. Unlike the healers, you let him keep the risen head that he claimed as a trophy. Good times.

Henrt felt his heart shatter. The melancholy in your voice is absolutely impossible to hide. You must have realized he was in love, but you didn't realize who he was in love with. You looked like you were about to cry. Henry didn't want that, He hated seeing you sad! So he put in his best happy face, placed a hand on your shoulder, and opened his eyes when you met his. He wanted to make sure this was a heartfelt moment.

"Well, I don't know about you but I have a very special person in mind when I read this book."

He smiled genuinely at you. You sniffed and wiped your eyes. You out your knees down and Henry took your hand. He used his thumb to brush over your hand comfortingly. He leaned over and kissed away a single tear that managed to slip past the dam that was your pride. You smiled, the sadness being replaced with joy as he said the one word that confirmed it all.


931 Words. I think I did this at least decently. My writing is bad, i know. I'm sorry.


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