Surprise! - Chapter 1

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I woke up screaming, like usual. Five boys, a car crash and one of them almost dying. That was always my dream ever since I could remember. I've gone to dozens of dream specialists over the years and all they've ever told me is that it's a sign for something happening. Like that really helped, I couldn't even remember what they looked like everytime I woke up, apart from one boy with gorgeous curly hair and mesmerizing green eyes. My mum even sent me to a psychycologist once but that only made the dreams worse and more vivid. 

I looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table and sighed. The clock said 5.49am. It was a pretty normal time for me to get up, usually I woke up even earlier because of my dreams and once I was awake there was no going back to sleep. I sighed again and got up to get ready for my last day of the summer holidays. It was depressing how quickly the holidays had gone and looking back at it now it didn't even seem as if I'd done much at all.

I went into my own little bathroom and began getting ready. I pulled on some black leggings, a blue vest top and a gray hoodie. I put my hair up in a loose and messy bun and walked out through my bedroom into the living room, not expecting to see anyone. 

Instead I found five teenage boys sitting on my couch. I felt my eyes go wide as images of my nightmare popped up in my head. As soon as I spotted the brown curly haired boy with green eyes I screamed.

"Hey, don't worry we're not gonna kill you." the other one with curly hair chuckled.

I calmed down a little but not a lot, knowing that this would not end well. And why were they in my house?

"W-Why are you here?" I said slowly.

"I think we should let your mum explain..." the one with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes said. I noticed he seemed to have an Irish accent.

A few minutes later my mum came through the door, pulling me into a hug as if she hadn't see me for ages. We've been a lot closer ever since dad left and I prefered it this way.

"Honey, you remember your Auntie Juliet?" she said and I nodded even though I never actually met the woman.

"Well, this is her son Liam." she said, pointing to the curly haired one who spoke up first when I screamed. "Auntie Juliet just passed away and she always looked after these boys. I'm doing them a small favour by keeping them here for about two years. I'm sure you'll get along pretty well, they'll start school with you tomorrow. Oh and three of them will unfortunately have to share your bedroom with you until I leave for work in a few weeks time. The other two can have the small guest room." she smiled and left without saying another word.

All I could think was that they were going to be living with me for the next two years and now I thought about it, they definitely looked like the boys from my dream. Something bad was going to happen and I just knew it. All I could do now was distance myself from the curly, green eyed boy.

The rest of the day seemed to go on as normal, apart from having five teenage boys in the house for the first time ever. I learnt all their names pretty quickly, the blonde, Irish one was called Niall, he liked to eat a lot and I knew we'd be great friends. The black haired one was Zayn, I found out that he was quiet and shy, a lot like me. The one with swishy hair and colourful pants was Louis, he was the troublemaker of the group and always made everyone laugh, I took a liking to him straight away. The curly haired boy was called Liam, the responsible one. Finally, the other curly haired one with the gorgeous green eyes was called Harry, he was apparently the flirt of the group and he was the one I had to stay away from, as much as I didn't want to, just so he couldn't get hurt. I could see that was going to take a lot of work.

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