Fair Date - Chapter 27

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*Skipping 3 months*

We're now halfway through April and it's been raining and snowing non stop. Me and Harry have been happilly dating the entire time and for once nothing has been there to disturb us. No Mia, no dreams, nothing. My mum has only called me twice during the whole time she's been away and she's told me that she'll be away for another few months. Liam and Danielle are still dating and Louis and Eleanor are what you would call 'friends with benefits'. 

"Katie?" A voice from behind me in the kitchen said.

"Hmm?" I said, turning round to see curly hair and green eyes.

"I've realised that we haven't been on a date in a while..." he said planting a kiss on my forehead. This boy was too cute.

"What do you have in mind?" 

"You'll see. Just be ready by 7 tonight and wear something casual." he winked.

So I called Eleanor and Danielle to come round as soon as they could to help me with my outfit, make up and hair. They came round by 5pm and immediately started helping me get ready. Danielle put my hair in a messy bun and did my make up so it was simple but effective while Eleanor looked through my clothes to find me an outfit. Finally she picked out some black skinny jeans, a blue patterned top and blue converse. 

"You look gorgeous!" They squealed when I was ready, making me blush.

"Let's just hope Harry thinks that." I muttered but unluckily for me they heard.

"Of course he'll think that! I've never seen a boy so in love with a girl!" Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"Sure." I said flatly and walked out into the main room to see Harry already waiting for me. "Am I late?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, I was just early." he stuck his tongue out. "Shall we go?" 

"Yes!" I squealed and he took me by the arm. We called a taxi because wherever we were going was apparently quite a while away. Harry's hand never left mine during the ride. When we arrived I was suddenly blindfolded.

"Just hold my hand." Harry breathed into my ear sending shivers down my spine. He guided me for a few minutes and I heard loud music playing from a distance.

"Harry where are we?" I moaned. He took the blindfold off and I immediately recognised where we were. The fair. "Oh my gosh Harry! I haven't been to the fair in like forever!" 

"Exactly, I thought you'd like it." he smiled warmly. 

"You're so sweet it's unbelievable!" I squealed and brought my lips to his.

I was so happy right now absolutely nothing could ruin my mood. We went on almost every ride there was. My favourite was definitely the ferris wheel with Harry where he decided to take a bunch of photos with me and then gave me one of his many wonderful kisses. It seemed that every time he did something cute I would fall in love with him all over again.

"Oh my god look at that teddy bear!" I said, pointing to the many toys at the game stands.

"How much for the bear?" Harry asked the man who ran the stand.

"You don't buy it, you win it. It's a dollar for each try." the man said. I never expected Harry to be any good at the game but surprisingly he won only after 4 tries.

"Awwh thank you babe!" I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"What do you wanna do now?" he asked wrapping his arm around me.

"I guess we should go home now." I shrugged. We walked home and talked about pretty much everything. It was one of the things I really loved about Harry, you could always talk to him about anything and he would still listen but he was still nothing compared to Niall. 

We were a few roads away from my house when we walked past a pub full of drunk men. There were three men who were standing just outside, smoking and drinking.

"Hey, beautiful." One of them said, slurring their words. Harry growled under his breath and gripped my waist. 

"Come have some fun with us love." Another one said, laughing.

"We won't bite... hard." The last one grinned. By now Harry was gripping my waist so hard that I was pretty sure his fingers were digging into my side. 

Just as we were almost past the pub one of the men, the first one that had spoken, walked towards us. "Hey I don't want any trouble but just give your pretty little girlfriend here and we'll take good care of her." he said to Harry. Harry clenched his fists but didn't move or do anything. I was about to start crying out for help when luckily a police car parked right outside the pub so the drunk man quickly scurried back to his mates.

The rest of the walk was completely silent, neither of us said a word to each other. When we got home Harry went straight into the bedroom, earning a few confused looks from the others. I shrugged, giving them the same confused look back and followed Harry into my room.

"What's wrong?" I said, sitting beside him on the bed.

"It's nothing." he muttered.

"It's obviously something." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just forget it, I'll be fine." 

"No,  I think as your girlfriend I have the right to know." 

"Fine you wanna know? I'll tell you. When those men were being so disgusting and saying all that stuff to you, I felt so helpless, I couldn't do anything. And when that man came up to us and said to give you you to him, I felt even worse because even though I was about to lose my temper I didn't think I could win against him anyway. Go on, laugh." he said, turning away.

"Harry, you're so stupid sometimes. Why get so worked up over this? I don't care, it's enough that you were there with me and you would have at least tried to protect me if anything happened, even if you couldn't win against them. You're too cute sometimes you know." I said, turning his head back to face me. He smiled weakly and looked down again so I pecked his lips before being interrupted by Niall running into the room.

"Sorry to interrupt anything, but we have some big news!" he exclaimed.

"What's happened?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Eleanor's PREGNANT!" 

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