Boxing Day Dinner - Chapter 19

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I woke up in the morning in an AMAZING mood. I rolled over and smiled when I saw Harry asleep beside me. Memories of last night flashed in my head making me blush. I placed a soft kiss on his lips before getting out of bed. He wrinkled his nose and slowly opened his eyes. When he realised I was about to go he grasped my waist and pulled me back down, crashing his lips onto mine. I smiled behind the kiss and finally pulled away when I could barely breathe. 

"Morning beautiful." he said in his gorgeous morning voice.

"Did you know you have a very hot voice in the morning?" I giggled. 

He smirked and said "I do now." I giggled again and finally escaped his grasp. I got up and searched my wardrobe for something to wear. Finally, I picked out some burgandy leggings and a white tank top.  As I was about to get changed I realised Harry was still in the room and was staring straight at me with his mouth slightly opened. I decided to tease him a little. Slowly, I took off my pyjama shorts, with my t-shirt just covering my underwear, and threw them beside Harry on the bed. His eyes grew wide and his mouth opened even more. I smirked at his expression and pretended to take off my top. He sat up, still watching me. There was a knock on the bedroom door and when he wasn't looking for just a second I decided to walk over to him and slap him lightly round the head.

"What was that for?" he whined, rubbing his head.

"You didn't actually think I was gonna change in front of you?" I smirked.

"Well I think I saw enough of you yesterday." he muttered, earning himself another slap round the head. 

"Oww!" he cried.

I stuck my tongue out and went into my little bathroom to finish getting changed. 

I walked back into the room to see Harry changing - a lovely surprise - and quickly covered my eyes. I stood there for about a minute or so until I felt someone's arms embrace me into a hug.

"Are you dressed now?" I asked.

"Maybe..." Harry said and I could practically hear him smirk. 

I peaked through a gap in my fingers and saw that he now had jeans on, even if his chest was still bare. I was about to lean in for a kissm when there was a knock on the door, just like a few minutes ago, but louder this time. Harry groaned but let me go so I could open the door. 

"HEY!" a girl yelled in my ear and pulled me into a hug. I realised it was Eleanor.

"Hello?" I laughed. 

"Oh my god why didn't you tell me about what happened yesterday!?" she shrieked.

"The morning part or the night part?" I smirked, looking at Harry.

"Urm, the morning part... There was a night part...?" she raised her eyebrows.

At that moment Louis and the others came in. "You don't wanna know about that." Zayn snorted.

"Yeah you could hear the bed creaking." Niall winked at me.

"And all the moaning." Louis grinned.

I glared at them, blushing a crazy shade of red. It was probably very easy to mistake me for a tomato. 

There was a moment of silence then Liam cleared his throat. "So... Shall we invite Dani and have a Boxing Day dinner?" he suggested.

"Does someone wanna see little Danielle?" Louis nudged Liam in the ribs.

"Ow. No, I just thought it would be mean if we left her out." Liam shrugged.

"Alright then, I'll call her now." Eleanor said. "Katie, you come with me, I want all the gossip." I nodded and followed her.

Once we were in the kitchen, away from the nosy boys she grabbed my shoulders, looked me straight in the eyes and said "SPILL IT."

I supressed a smile and began telling her the story of my crazy Christmas morning. She nodded her head a few times and gasped nearer the end where Harry almost got ran over, again. 

"He's an idiot right?" I chuckled.

"A little, but I think it was cute." Eleanor shrugged.

"A little?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well yeah he could have died but he was only doing it to make you stop hurting."

"I think I would have hurt even more if he died." 

"True but you get what I'm saying right?" she said, I smiled and nodded. "So what about this night part of your day?"

"Do I really have to explain?" I said, sending us into fits of laughter. When we were done laughing she urged me to tell the story anyway. I got a lot of 'oohs' and 'ahhs' in response.

"So... was he good?" she winked.

I blushed again. "I swear I'm gonna end up with a permanently red face soon."

"Was he good?" she repeated. I refused to answer the question again. After another five times of Eleanor asking the same question over and over again, I gave in.

"Yes he was good!" I exclaimed and then we heard footsteps shuffling past the kitchen door. I raised an eyebrow at Eleanor and, slowly and quietly, we crept up to the door and opened it suddenly, causing five boys to topple over each other onto the floor. 

"Well, well, well..." I said, crossing my arms.

"I-I tried to stop them..." Liam mumbled, blushing.

"I'm sure you di-"

"No he didn't, he wanted to find out what you were saying as much as we did." Louis scoffed.

"How much exactly did you hear?" I wondered aloud.

"Just after you started talking about the night part." Zayn smirked. I face palmed and made my way out of the kitchen. Thankfully there for a knock on the door so no one stopped me from leaving. 

"Hey Dani." I smiled. 

"Hey, Eleanor just told me..." she smirked making me face palm again.

The dinner was... interesting. We had to decide on what type of food to order so obviously Niall was the first to choose. I declined his request to get a Nandos so he went for pizza instead. Harry and Louis voted for a chinese while Liam decided on burgers and chips and Zayn asked for an indian. So that left me and the girls asking for salad, the only kind of healthy food we ended up having.

Me and Eleanor set up the table and by 6pm we were finally ready to sit down and start eating. Me, Niall, Louis and Eleanor sat on one side while Harry, Liam, Danielle and Zayn sat on the other. It was a pretty awkward time for me after this morning with the boys listening in to mine and Eleanor's conversation. I refused to look Harry in the eyes, which was pretty hard seeing as he was sitting right in front of me.

Only 20 minutes into the dinner I was already stuffed after having pizza, chips and some salad. I was sitting there watching Niall stuff his face in some more indian and chinese food then I suddenly felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked down at it under the table. The text message was from Harry. I snuck a glance at him but luckily he was engaged in a conversation with Liam. I opened the message to see that it said So I was good was I? ;). I giggled slightly and when I processed the message a bit more in my head I realised the others were watching me because I ended up laughing hysterically. I looked up at Harry who was also staring at me and blew a kiss at him across the table.

"Hey Katie?" Dannielle said from across the table.

"Yeah?" I turned to face her.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked, beckoning me to follow her to the guest room. When we were inside she said "I'm scared..."

I stood in silence and let her continue.

"I've been having... those dreams..." 

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