Wake Up - Chapter 10

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It's all my fault.

We were sitting in the hospital waiting room, we meaning Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn and me. You can probably guess by now where Harry is. I could never forgive myself for this, I didn't think all of this would happen. When he made a grab for my shoulders to knock some sense into me and calm me down I reacted without meaning to.


I had just told the boys, apart from Liam who was taking Mia home, about how she had ruined my life but I knew Harry wouldn't care when she was back in the picture. 

We argued for a while longer until he finally took hold of me and shook me by the shoulders. I felt disgust when he touched me, I didn't want to be held by his grasp, so I took his hands away from me and pushed him away. Pushed him into the road. 

The next thing we saw was the lorry speeding towards him, trying to stop at the last minute but for some reason Harry wouldn't budge. His eyes filled with terror and shock as the lorry ran him over. 

Louis immediately called the ambulance and in about five minutes they arrived. I was speechless, just staring at Harry lying, most probably dead, on the floor. So it was Louis who had to explain what happened and say how I had no intention in doing any damage to Harry. 

When Harry was taken into the ambulance and rushed to the hospital, Louis went with him while me and the others took the car and quickly rushed after them. 


"Katie?" Someone whispered to me. I turned around to see Louis, with red puffy eyes staring at me. 

"I'm not gonna hold a grudge against you, that's for Harry to do." he said jokingly but then turned serious. "But is this what happened in your dream? Now tell me the truth."

I nodded, not wanting to speak in case I started crying.

"Then shouldn't you be the one to go and see him first when we can?" he said.

I finally found my voice and spoke. "No, maybe if you guys go in there the reality of the dream will change, maybe he'll be okay and no one will scream or see anything horrible?" He nodded, understanding what I was trying to imply.

"You should get some sleep." he said. So I did as I was told and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I open the door to the hospital and scream, like usual. But this time I go inside to see what''s inside. Harry lays on the hospital bed, with not so much as a scratch but what terrifies me is that the heart monitor, which is connected to Harry, shows no pulse. 

I scream again and this time the nurse comes in. 

"What's wrong!?" she shrieks and I just point to the monitor. She goes over and taps it gently so it starts showing a pulse. I let out a massive sigh of relief. 

"I still have some bad news though." the nurse says. I let her continue. "Your friend appears to be in a coma and we can't figure out how long it will last. Once he wakes up he may remember everything, nothing or only some parts."

I stared at her in shock. 

I woke up with a start, processing the dream over in my head. I turned to Louis who was slouching down in his chair.

"Lou, I think I know what happens to Harry next and I don't think it matters who goes in there first to see him." I said and quickly explained the dream I just had. 

"So he might wake up after who knows how long and then not even remember who his best friends are?" he whispered.

"That's right." I nodded. "Then you'll just have to bring his memory back by showing him things that could trigger it."

A few minutes later the nurse came to get us, telling us that we could now go and see Harry. I took a deep breath and stood up slowly. We walked down the hallway in silence, me and Louis giving each other quick glances every so often.

"You should go first." Niall said and the others nodded. I took another deep breath and slowly twisted the door knob. Just like in my dream, Harry was scarless. The boys behind me, apart from Louis, gasped as they saw the heart monitor. I quickly went over to it and tapped it gently just like the nurse did in my dream. 

The nurse came back in a few minutes after explaining the situation Harry was in at the moment. Me and Louis didn't even bother to pretend to be shocked while the others mouths dropped.

"What are we gonna do?" Zayn said.

"I guess we just hope for the best and if in the end he does wake up and lose his memory, we'll just have to help him gain it back." Louis explained.

"Wake up please Harry." Niall muttered, a tear rolling down his face.

A few days had passed since the accident and Harry was still in hospital. Me and Louis stayed by his side the whole time, only leaving the hospital when we had to go wash or bring a change of clothes. The others explained to our teachers what had happened and we were excused from school for the next two weeks unless we wanted to go back. 

It was now Thursday night and Louis had gone back home for the night to wash and have a better nights sleep, leaving me with Harry on my own. I didn't mind though, I preferred it like this, I felt like I should be here no matter what seeing as this was all my fault. I sat right by his side, occasionally holding his hand. 

I noticed something strange every time I held Harry's hand or kissed his forehead or cheek. Every time I did this his pulse would speed up, leaving me confused. Was this even normal?

I had fallen asleep by 11pm on the little chair I was given, my forehead against Harry's and my hand still clutching his.  I no longer dreamed, it's like even the dreams had no idea what was going to happen next.

I tried planning out in my head that Harry would suddenly wake up and remember everything, even if that meant he wouldn't forgive me. I thought about it like that every night before I fell asleep, hoping that I would dream about it and it would amazingly come true but I still had a dreamless night every time. 

*Harry's POV*

I didn't know what state I was in right now. I could hear and smell everything but I couldn't speak or see. However hard I tried I could not lift my eyelids open. My throat was soar and dry so that  was no use either. 

For the last few days I had been like this, I always felt someone holding my hand and kissing my cheeks. My heart beat sped up instantly as this happened. I could only think of one person who would make me feel like this. Katie.

Then I remembered everything, my four bestfriends, the good times we had before, the multiple fights me and Katie had, how I had hurt Louis, how I was dating Mia only to somehow win Katie over, how I stupidly invited Mia to come see me after our dinner at Nando's, how I realised at the last moment what a fool I had been and how much of a jerk I was to Katie because I never knew how much damage Mia had inflicted upon her life. I also remember the worst part of it all, mine and Katie's most recent fight. The way she lunged at Mia when she saw her and how she shouted at me when I tried defending Mia. The last thing I remember was shaking Katie by the shoulders and then my memory blacks out.

Suddenly I opened my eyes. It was a big shock to be able to do that all of a sudden after trying so much. I looked around and stared into the darkness, I guessed it was the middle of the night. I looked to my left where there was a heart monitor showing me my pulse. Hospital. 

Then I felt hand holding mine, I looked down to see the most beautiful face beside me, sleeping peacefully. For the life of me I couldn't remember her name yet I was sure I was just thinking about her moments before but those thoughts were also gone. I nudged her softly, trying to get her to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at me. She shrieked and backed away quickly. It took her a minute to realise who I was and that I was finally awake so she flung her arms around me.

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