A Christmas Surprise - Chapter 17

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For the next few days an eerie silence ran through the house, the only sound came either from the tv or occasionaly the radio. Harry mostly stayed in the guest room by himself now while the others stayed with me either in my bedroom or the living room. Eleanor and Danielle came by once or twice to see how I was doing. They were completely shocked when I told them about my latest fight with Harry.

"Asshole." Eleanor had said.

I tried to shrug it off like it was no big deal but deep down it was hurting, a lot. 

It was now the Christmas holidays with only two days to go till Christmas Day. We had already set up our tree and me, Louis and Niall decided to go out shopping for the last of our presents.

When it finally got to Christmas Eve we sat around on the sofas all curled up together, even Harry although he didn't seem like he really wanted to be there, and watched a bunch of movies. We tried as much as possible to get Harry to feel better, I was past the point of being mad at him now but he was still determined to make himself miserable. 

I woke up on Christmas Day to a weird start. I heard screaming and someone was shaking me awake.

"Katie wake up right now!" I didn't bother to notice who it was and got up quickly, blood rushing to my head but I managed to keep my balance.

I saw the boys standing outside the house screaming and shouting at someone standing the middle of the road. I rubbed my eyes to gain focus. There he stood, in the middle of the road, awaiting the truck speeding towards him.

"Harry!?" I screamed.

He turned to face me and smiled weakly. "This is how it was meant to be from the beginning. I shouldn't have even survived that first accident. Now I'm doing everyone a favour." A tear rolled down his, now pale, cheek.

There was a bunch of different things I heard from the boys.

"Harry you idiot!"

"Don't do this!"

"We love you man come back!"

The truck was now only about ten metres away from him. He braced himself for what was coming. I stood there shocked for a moment, unable to move. 

I was frozen to the spot along with the others although they still found the will to shout stuff at the stupid boy standing in the middle of the road, ready to take his own life.

9 metres away now. "Harry don't do this." I whispered but no one, not even Niall, who was standing almost within reach, heard me.

8 metres. "Harry!" I said but still barely more than a whisper came out although Niall was no able to hear.

7 metres. I screwed up so bad.

6 metres. "Harry!" My voice louder this time, at least around me heard me. They stopped shouting, allowing me to speak.

5 metres. "D-Don't do this Harry." I said, tears building up in my eyes and my voice cracking. He only shook his head.

4 metres. "Harry!" I shouted desperately.

3 metres. I love you.

2 metres. "I love you." I whispered but he couldn't hear. "I love you!" I shouted and he spun around to face me.

1 metre. "NO!" I screamed as he began walking towards me right in front of the truck. Although every bone and muscle in my body refused to move I forced myself to run onto the road and pushed Harry aside. Just in time.

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