How Is This Fair? - Chapter 16

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"HARRY EDWARD STYLES!" I heard Liam yell. 

Before I could see what was happening Eleanor and Danielle dragged me away into a different room. I was sobbing and shaking uncontrollably and both of them were trying to comfort me as much as they could. 

"I'm so sorry Katie."

"You don't deserve any of this."

"It's Mia's fault, Harry was just drunk, he loves you really."

But none of it was helping. 

"W-What happened?" I stuttered, placing my head in my hands.

"Well... it could have been worse..." Eleanor began but groaned when Danielle elbowed her in the side.

"Yeah it could have been worse if we were about five minutes late." Danielle rolled her eyes. "Anyway, when me and Liam walked in Harry and Mia were having a full on make out session, like more intense than you two ever had. And well... she was only wearing her underwear." she sighed.

This is why I liked Danielle a lot, because she would always be truthful with me no matter what, however bad it could hurt my feelings.

"Well I guess this is it then." I said.

"Don't be too harsh on him, he was drunk. You know how boys are when they're drunk." Eleanor defended.

"I dont care El." I said harshly. "He blew his last chance. It's over."

"For now." Danielle muttered loud enough for me to hear. I gave her a death glare.

Eleanor offered to let me stay the night at hers seeing as I really wasn't in the mood to see Harry. Liam and Niall came in to check up on me before they left to get Harry home.

"I'm really sorry for this." Liam said.

"It's not your fault, tell me how everything goes with him when I'm back home." I sighed, kissing them both on the cheek.

The next day I went home fairly late, taking as long as possible to get ready and walk home. I knocked quietly on the door and almost immediately Niall answered it.

"Hello!" he chirped.

"Hi." I said bluntly, giving him a one-armed hug. 

"He's in your bedroom, probably crying his eyes out." Zayn mumbled from across the room. I nodded and slowly made my way over there.

His eyes immediately landed on me when I stepped into the room. He looked like he was about to say something but I quickly stopped him with a look. He sat back down on the chair and once again put his head in his hands, breathing heavily. 

Half of me wanted to run up to him and hug him, forgive him and tell him how much I loved him no matter what he did because after all - he was drunk at the time. But the other half of me was looking for another fight, I was wanted to shave his precious little hair off his precious little head and scream at the top of my lungs. 

In the end I resisted both and went back to the other boys.

"How was it?" Louis whispered. I simply shrugged.

"Not you too!" Niall moaned. I gave him a puzzled look. 

"Harry hasn't said a word to us since he woke up after we told him what he did. Don't you dare go mute on us too." Louis pouted. 

"I'm not going mute." I snapped. 

"Woah." he said, putting his hands up in defence. 

"Sorry." I hung my head.

"Shall we watch a movie?" Zayn asked.

"And get some food!" Niall piped in.

I giggled. "Sure why not."

"Toy Story 3!" Liam exclaimed making the others groan.

"Pizza!" Niall yelled. I nodded and whipped out my phone and called up the pizza place.

We watched the movie and ate in silence apart from the few sniffles at the end when the sad part came up. As soon as we turned off the tv Harry stormed into the room.

"Please forgive me." he whispered to me, his eyes red and puffy.

"No." I said crossing my arms.

"Why?" he whined.

"Because this isn't the first or last time you've hurt me." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well you and Liam seemed to be pretty close last night too!" he shouted.

I felt my eyes go wide, most of the others were staring with open mouths too. "What!?" 

"You heard me." Harry snarled.

"We were just talking! I didn't know I wasn't allowed to be friends with anyone now?" I snapped.

"It seemed like more than friends." he scoffed.

"Oh please just listen to yourself!" I yelled standing up now. "I wasn't even flirting with him or anything besides we all know Liam has a thing for Danielle and she likes him back too! I know exactly how you think about all this; it's okay for you to go round and almost have sex with a girl who's ruined your relationship with me and your best friends just because you're 'drunk' but I'm not allowed to hang out with a friend who also happens to be one of your best friends while everyone else is doing their own business. How is that even fair!?"

"I don't think of it like that... I know it was wrong..." he lowered his voice.

"Then why did you do it?" I shot at him.

"I... I dont know." he mumbled under his breath.

"You know what Harry? I''ve come to a conclusion. I might like you, love you even, but I'm so sick and tired of your constant bullshit. I would never even THINK about cheating on you, drunk or not, I would never even want to think about hurting you the way you've hurt me and these guys lately." I said pointing to the boys, sitting on the sofas stunned at what was happening. "Maybe if you don't have a girlfriend you don't have to worry about who you go round having sex with right?"

"W-What?" he stuttered, taken aback.

"I've been through a lot these past few weeks, A LOT. I've had enough of being treated like crap by you and Mia and although I always try to protect you from her you always throw it back in my face. I'm tired of playing your silly little miserable game. Either you want me, and only me, or you can have any other whore in the world."

"Katie don't do thi-" 

"No, you honestly need to figure this out for yourself. If you 'love' me like you always say you do, you'll figure out sooner or later and prove it to me, if not... then it was nice being your girlfriend for a bit." I smiled weakly and ran off to the bathroom just before the tears spilt. 

I hate Harry Styles, I hate him with all my heart.

As much as I tried repeating those words inside my head it just wouldn't work. I had fallen way too hard for him now, he had been there to catch me once but then just let me fall again afterwards, picking me up every so often but then letting me drop again. 

I love Harry Styles and that's the truth.

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