Life Changing - Chapter 31

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Okay so we all ended up alive after the flight but all three of us were having trouble standing on our own two feet. Niall still looked like he could throw up any minute soon and Harry was pretty shaken too.  I was just extremely happy that we managed to land safely in the end. Now the next part of our trip was to go and arrange my mother's funeral. 

Most of my distant family was already in hotels all around New York and I was meant to meet them tomorrow to discuss everything. Even my father, who I hadn't seen in two or three years was here to help me through this tough time.

"Are you alright?" Harry whispered into my ear when we were settled into our hotel room. 

"Sure." I whispered back and layed down on the bed. I closed my eyes and soon enough sleep found me. 

I woke up the next morning at a ridiculous time. The clock on the wall said it was 5.06am. I looked around the dark room and saw Harry sleeping on the sofa while Niall slept on the other single bed on the opposite side of the room from me. 

I must have sat there for ages, just listening to Harry's and Niall's faint snores until I finally got up to go have a shower and get ready. I managed to shower, do my hair and make up, get dressed and even have something quick to eat before the boys woke up. Niall immediately went straight to the kitchen to get himself something to eat while Harry walked to the bathroom, stripping as he made his way over there. I grinned to myself but covered my eyes just in time before Harry took his pants off and closed the door to the bathroom. 

Everything was silent until we were all finally ready to go find my father who was staying in a hotel near ours. It was only about a 20 minutes walk from our hotel but we still decided to take a taxi anyway.

"Katie!" My father exclaimed as soon as he saw me. I run to hug him for the first time in years and smiled at him. "Who's this?" He asked pointing to Harry and Niall.

"This is Harry, my boyfriend and Niall, my best friend." I said winking at both of them.

"You better take good care of my daughter Harry." He growled slightly.

"Don't worry sir, I love her too much to hurt her... Again..." Harry said, whispering the last part so my father couldn't hear him.

"And I hope you take good care of her too." My father said to Niall.

"Of course." Niall said politely although you could see he was a little uneasy. 

"Dad we need to talk about the funeral now, forget about me for a bit." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yes of course." He said and led us into his little hotel room. "So, first we have to talk about where and how you're going to live. I guess you have a few choices." 

"What are my choices?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You could stay with me for example, I could help you through life for a while until you find yourself a job and a family..." He said.

"As much as I'd love to see you more often than I do, I'd rather go to my next option seeing as you now live in Spain and even though I love that place, it's just not for me." I sighed.

"Okay well your next option is staying in your little house in England and living by yourself, I would send you money every month so you don't starve or something and you'd get your mother's money from her will too." 

"Anything else?" 

"Last option is, well I guess you could travel the world. Your mum had quite a bit of money. You've almost finished school now, you could buy a house even in New York here and live here for a bit then move on to a different place." 

"But what about them and the other boys?" I said, pointing to Harry and Niall who were sitting beside me listening to everything. "They live with me, what am I meant to do with them?" 

"You take them with you of course. Your mum had enough money for a lifetime, you'd also be getting money from me and I'm sure the boys would start working sooner or later." He raised an eyebrow at the two next to me.

"What about Eleanor and Danielle?" Niall piped in.

"We could take them too I guess?" I shrugged.

"Alright then that's sorted." My dad smiled. "Now to plan your mother's funeral..." 

We talked about that for an hour or so, planning where to hold it, where to bury her and how to make it a cheerful occasion because my mother never liked sadness. It was a lot of work just planning it and it was just gonna be worse having to actually do everything but I was alright with it.

When we got back to our hotel after the day with my father I immediatly called Louis. Luckily Eleanor and Danielle were with the boys too. 

"Guys I have some news..." I said.

"What is it?" Liam asked and I realised I was on speaker.

"I have a choice of travelling the world or just moving to some other place like New York but I don't want to leave any of you there. I'm sure you guys would be more than glad to come with me seeing as Harry and Niall have already decided but question is if El and Dani want to come with me too just after we finish school?" 

There was silence for a minute then I heard the girls squealing. "Oh my god that would be amazing, we love you so much Katie!" 

"It's no problem." I chuckled and hung up. 

This was going to be such a change to my life but I was definitely glad I would be spending it with my 7 best friends.

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