Without Harry - Chapter 23

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Day 1 without Harry - It's absolute hell. I haven't said one word to anyone since yesterday, not even Eleanor or Danielle. Harry hasn't showed up yet so I'm assuming he's getting busy with Mia. We were meant to be back at school today but there was some problem with the school plumbing so we got another week off.

I was having another one of my silent moments in my room, sobbing into my pillow and watching a sad movie, when Liam and Louis came into the room. 

"We're going out to Nando's for dinner, wanna come?" Louis asked. I shook my head and went back to watching the movie.

"Call us if you need anything." Liam sighed and the two of them left the room. 

I was already prepared for something to happen while they were gone because that's just how it always is. It's just my luck. So just when the movie I was watching finished, there was a quiet knock on the front door, so quiet I thought I might have imagined it. But when I got up to answer it there was definitely someone standing there.

That someone was Harry.

"Urm, hi." he said, not meeting my eyes. Without saying anything I opened the door wider for him to come inside. "I thought you would have gone with them to Nando's." he said quietly, still not meeting my eyes. I just shook my head and slumped down on the sofa. I watched him silently as he went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. When he came back he sat down beside me and said "So how you holding up?" I simply shrugged.

"What are you a mute now or something?" he chuckled but stop as soon as he realised I was giving him a death glare.

"Katie..." he said slowly and finally met my eyes which were still red and puffy from all the crying earlier. He opened his mouth as if to say something but quickly stopped himself and shot up off the sofa. "I think it's best if I go." 

I nodded, trying my best to not burst out crying right in front of him. I wasn't going to show any sign of weakness, especially in front of him. 

Day 2 without Harry - More crying into my pillow. More sleepless nights. More silence. I guess Mia won again for the second time. Without even a doctors comment I knew I was depressed, there was no question about it. Here we go again. What's next? Anorexia again? 

"We're really worried about you Katie." Niall said to me when everyone else was out shopping. I still hadn't said a word to anyone. Now, more than anything, I wanted to talk to Niall. He had always been there for me since the beginning. He never once doubted me. But however much I tried to open my mouth and say something to him, no sound came out. 

"Please talk to me." he sighed. The look of despair in his eyes was unbearable. "The others think you've gone mute and you're depressed. You can't do that to us Katie. You can't do that to ME. You have to be strong, you can't let Mia win this." 

"She's already won." I said quietly, my voice hoarse from not using it for so long. This surprised Niall quite a bit.

"No she hasn't." he said once he finally got over the shock of me talking again.

"Of course she has Niall. She has Harry and she's ruined my life again. What more could she want?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Katie..." he said, tilting my head so I would look at him properly. "Harry loves you more than you can ever imagine, he calls Lou constantly asking how you are. He says how much he misses you, he'll never forgive himself for hurting you all those times. But trust me, this time is only to protect you. He'd never go back to Mia again if he had the choice."

I shook my head to show I didn't believe him. "Don't tell the others I talked to you today. I prefer the silence sometimes."

He nodded and left the room to go into the kitchen. 

Day 3 without Harry - The nights were becoming less and less bearable. I missed having Harry wrap his arm around me during the night. Niall offered to sleep with me sometimes so I wouldn't be so lonely. No doubt the others put him up to it. 

I refused to talk to any of the guys apart from Niall occasionally but I finally began talking a bit when it came to Eleanor and Danielle.

"So how are you El?" I said.

"Me? What about you? You've had us worried sick for the past few days. You know Lou even wanted to go find Harry and get his sorry butt over here to talk to you!" she exclaimed.

"I'll be fine." I sighed. 

"A broken heart isn't that easy to fix Katie. Neither is depression." Danielle stated.

"I know."

"Well we're gonna do something about it, whether Mia likes it or not." 

"What are we gonna do?" Eleanor said, raising her eyebrows at Danielle.

"Something that should have been done a long time ago."

"Are we gonna murder Mia?" I fake gasped, sending them into giggles in which I joined in shortly after. For the first time in the past three days I actually felt happy. 

"I have a different plan." Danielle winked but refused to tell us what it was.

Day 4 without Harry - I was getting pretty bored without school. So bored that I even started talking to the guys again finally. They were definitely pleased, Niall of all people because he would no longer have to keep it a secret that I only talked to him. 

"We've missed you." Louis said, hugging me.

"I've missed you too Lou." I giggled. 

"Mrs Mute is back." Zayn stuck his tongue out at me. That comment would have probably made me pretty mad a few days ago but now that I was in a much better mood I laughed and shrugged it off and pulled him into a big bear hug.

"Promise you'll never do that to us again?" Liam said.

"I promise." I grinned and pulled him into a big hug too. When it came to Niall I didn't bother saying anything to him at first. I just flung my arms around him and kissed his cheek. Then I whispered "Thank you." into his ear. 

Just as I was hugging Niall, Harry burst into the house. But he took one look at me and Niall and took off again with a very hurt look on his face. I rolled my eyes and pulled away from Niall.

"Don't worry Katie it'll be fine soon, I have that plan remember." Danielle winked at me but I still wasn't completely relaxed.

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