I'm Back - Chapter 11

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*Katie's POV*

I threw my arms around Harry when I realised he was awake. I stopped when he wasn't hugging back.

"What?" I said.

"Well I'd love to know who you are for a start, seeing as I think I know you but I don't know how." he laughed. Suddenly all the hope I had left was gone, replaced by despair. I quickly called Louis, who answered the phone on the third ring, and told him to get the others to come to the hospital right away. I got the nurse to come in too.

Once everyone was here she said "Well it seems like your friend here rememebers parts of his life but  not completely."

"I remember I had four bestfriends, which I'm guessing is you lot." Harry said pointing to the boys. "I also remember you but not your name or why I even know you." he spoke to me. "And I remember some other girl which I guess I was going out with?"

"Anything else?" Liam asked.

"A lot of fights, the last was the worst. Then I blank out." Harry shrugged.

"So you don't remember the accident?" I said, kinda of relieved.

"Accident? No? What happened?" 

I hesitated before explaining about our fight. 

"So you basically almost killed me?" he said chuckling. I expected him to be angry and hate me but instead he was joking about it. 

"Do you know when and if his memory will come back?" Louis asked the nurse. She shook her head.

"I guess we just have to help him remember then." I sighed.

By the morning Harry was able to go back home but we were meant to bring him back if anything happened with him.

I was sitting in my bedroom when Niall and Louis walked in.

"Hey." I waved at them

"Hey Katie." they waved back. 

"So we were wondering, what's the first thing you wanna try to get Harry's full memory back?" Niall asked.

"Well, as much as I dont want to do this, I think we should get Mia to come here and see him. Maybe he'll remember something." I shrugged. 

So that was it then, we called Mia and she showed up at our house by 5pm. She looked so scared when she saw me, I couldn't blame her after everything that's happened.

We sat in the living room in silence for a while until Harry came out of my, or shall I say our bedroom seeing as all of us shared it. I crossed my fingers, hoping for something to trigger Harry's memory. Mia jumped up off the sofa and ran over to Harry, holding her arms out waiting for a hug. He just stood there with a blank expression.

"Urm...?" he said.

"Harry? It's me Mia?" she said confused.

"I told you about him didn't I?" Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Yeah..." she hung her head. "I guess I better leave. Oh and Katie?"

"Yes?" I said.

"I'll do anything if you get him back." she sighed. I stared after her, shocked, as she left the house. Someone cleared their voice as I was still staring after her. I spun around to see the boys staring at me.

"What?" I said.

"Well Plan A didn't work, what's your Plan B?" Liam asked.

I thought for a moment, then another idea hit me. "How about we show him photos of you guys and the few you have with me?"

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