Thoughts - Chapter 25

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Niall and I came out of our last lesson and hurried down the hallway to get out of school as soon as possible. I was still in a daze since mine and Harry's heart to heart talk. I begged Niall not to wait for the others so he texted Liam and told him not to bother to look for us. Finally I could have a private chat with Niall.

"So why didn't you want to walk with the others?" he asked curiously.

"Actually, I really just wanted to talk to you alone for once." I shrugged.

"Okay... About what then?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Well..." I began explainging about the little chat I had with Harry earlier in the day. It seemed like I had gone on for hours but Niall listened all the way through. 

When I was finished he said "I told you didn't I?" He grinned. "I told you he loves and misses you!"

"And I never once doubted you." I winked at him as I opened the front door.

"So what do you think Dani's 'secret' plan is?" he asked, using air quotes.

"I wish I knew." I sighed. "I hope it works though, at least to embarrass her or something. Never mind getting Harry back for now."

"Yeah, she deserves it after everything she's put you and Harry through, well especially you." 

"Yep." I said popping the p. "Let's start making dinner before the others get back eh? I'm starving!"

Niall's eyes lit up immediately and he darted to the kitchen, already opening the fridge and taking out random bits of food. I love the guy, I really do.

I seemed to be the only girl in the house that night because Eleanor was grounded and Danielle said she was too busy adding the finishing touches to her evil plan. So the guys decided to play boring old xbox right after dinner.

"I'm so glad we have a free girl night tonight." Louis smirked and glanced over at me.

"That's true." I said. "I'd probably beat you at a game of COD anyday, you bunch of girls." 

"Apart from Harry, Zayn's the champion at it, you'd never beat him." he stuck his tongue out.

"Fine. I'll take you, Niall and Liam on first then I'll play Zayn. Deal?"

"Deal!" they all exclaimed and soon enough I became just one of the guys. First I played Liam, who claimed to be the worst at it because neither Niall or Louis could admit to being bad at COD. I chuckled at his modesty and quickly sat in the seat Louis' had been sitting in moments ago in front of the tv screen. Liam was definitely quite easy but Louis sucked at the game even more than I could have imagined.

"You're more of a girl than El is!" I laughed, doubling over.

"Shut up." he punched me lightly and swapped seats with Niall. I must admit I never knew leprechauns could play xbox at all but I guess you learn something new everyday. I was actually quite close to losing at one point but just before mine and Niall's playing time was up I managed to win.

"You ready for this?" Zayn raised his eyebrows at me.

"Duhh." I smirked and so the game was on.

I think we played for about an hour until the boys finally decided to snap out of their trances and stop staring at the screen and they told us that the game was over. I looked at the score board where I was first. 

"Told you." I smiled triumphantly.

"Beginner's luck." Zayn muttered and threw a death glare at me which I simply shrugged off and I grinned some more.

"Well I'm off to bed losers, nighty night." I blew them a kiss and went straight off to bed, hoping to get an early night's sleep. I guess I was wrong. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop my brain from throwing all sorts of different thoughts at me.

Harry wants you back.

What's Danielle gonna do?

Is Mia ever gonna give up?

Will I ever have Harry back?

Niall's the nicest guy ever, I don't know how he's still single. 

I hope Louis and Eleanor get together soon.

I'm almost certain that I had about 20 minutes of sleep because the last time I looked at my clock it said 5.39am and when I woke up again it was only 6.02am. I sighed, knowing that there was no point of going back to sleep, and go up to get dressed for school. As I had so much time left I wanted to take as long as I could so I went to have a nice, long cold shower. Once I was done with that it was 6.19am so I quickly blow dried my hair and curled it slightly for the big day of Danielle's plan. It was 6.57am when I only just started doing my make up so quickly I added a touch of mascara but decided to leave the eyeliner and foundation to look more natural. When I realised it was already 5 past 7 I ran out of my room to check if the other boys were awake yet.

"Well hey there." A voice said behind me when I was about to walk into my mothers room where Liam and Niall were staying while she was gone. I spun round to see a, still quite sleepy, Louis looking up and down my body. I looked down to see I was still only wearing a towel after my shower. 

"Go wake the others." I rolled my eyes and quickly walked back to my room. I changed into some jeans, a tie dye t-shirt and a navy jumper. For the first time in a while I was actually happy with what I looked like when I looked in the mirror. 

"Let's get going to see this secret plan then." I said, skipping over to Niall and grabbing him by the arm.

We stood outside the main school hall at quarter to nine. My palms were beginning to sweat from the anxiety. I was really hoping to see Harry somewhere nearby but he was no where to be seen.

Just when I thought Danielle might have actually forgotten about this plan of hers, extremely loud music started coming out of the hall. Immediately people were lining up outside the doors to see what was going on inside. Eleanor quickly came over to join us.

About another five minutes went past and Danielle finally stepped out of the door. I'm pretty sure she saw us but she made us stay at the back of the queue while everyone else was allowed to go inside straight away. There was a lot of confused and excited whispers among the crowd. 

Finally it was our turn. Danielle squealed and grabbed my hand. 

"Close your eyes!" she whisper-shrieked and I did as I was told. She lead me inside and the whole room went quiet. 

Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around. Everyone seemed to be focused on me. Next to me stood Mia with Liam and Zayn holding her arms so she couldn't move anywhere.

"Look!" Eleanor whispered, pointing to the front of the hall. 

Oh my gawd.

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