Love And Hate - Chapter 9

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Standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower were me and Harry. It was past sunset and street lights lit up the city creating a magnificent view from where we were. I was speechless as I looked around, taking in the beautiful scenery.

"This is beautiful." I said, wrapping my arms around Harry's neck while his wrapped around my waist.

"Not as beautiful as you." he breathed against my neck.

"Don't be silly." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"No Katie, I am being completely serious. I love you."

I smiled and said "I love you too Harry, more than you can imagine. He turned my head to face him and leaned in, this time unlike in reality, I kissed back. The kiss contained everything, sparkles, fireworks, nuclear bombs, you name it.

He pulled out a small camera from his blazer pocket after the kiss finished. 

"I want to capture every moment with you." he said. I smiled, my heart breaking at how cute he was being, and posed for the picture.

"This is amazing!" I finally exclaimed.

"Not as amazing as you." he whispered and another kiss began.

I woke up with a start to see five familiar faces staring at me.

"What?" I muttered, running a hand through my hair.

"You were saying Harry's name..." Liam explained.

"No I wasn't?" I said, praying in my head that he was only joking.

"I think you'll find that you were." Harry chuckled. I threw a glare in his direction, not looking him in the eyes.

"So what happened in the dream this time? Did you find out I died for sure? You didn't scream for once." he said, suddenly turning serious.

"I-I think you lived." I lied, not wanting to tell him what my dream was really about.

"Really?" he said, much more cheerfully.

"Yes." I fake smiled.

Most of the day was pretty peaceful, for once no one was fighting. Louis and Harry did their best to stay away from each other not to cause anymore arguing while I stayed with Niall the whole time, he seemed to make me feel happier with his little jokes and obsession with food. We all decided to go out for dinner to Nandos seeing as we hadn't really done anything together yet. Apart from fighting. 

We got ready at about 4.30pm and just like every other time, I was done before the boys who stared at me again. This time they had a look of lust in their eyes as I came out in my short blue and black dress with black small heels. 

"You'll catch flies." I joked.

"Can't help that you're beautiful." Harry winked which reminded me of my latest dream. My heart was pounding again and all I wanted to do was pull him over to me and kiss him. I mentally face palmed myself for even thinking such a thing but instead of groaning or rolling my eyes at his stupid comment I just winked back. This surprised everyone.

"What?" I asked innocently, bashing my eyelashes at them.

"Nothing." they murmured. 

Nandos was quite eventful. Actually very eventful. The moment the building came into view Niall ran over to it, practically bursting through the door and scaring most of the people inside. After we apologised for the inconvenience we sat down at a larger booth in the corner. Niall and Louis moaned over and over again until the food finally arrived which was definitely a relief for all of us.

Everything was going really well, even Louis and Harry were talking normally every so often. I was actually happy.

I guess it was good while it lasted because two things happened.

My mum texted me that she had left for her work abroad and now me and the boys had the house all to ourselves for a month or two. I had never actually coped without my mum before so this was going to be pretty hard for me even if I had the others with me.

Also by the time we were leaving we were greeted by someone I really didn't want to see yet there was Mia, standing by the door, awaiting Harry who immediately went to go kiss her. I could feel my face boiling up already but I couldn't tell whether it was jealousy or the fact that Mia was there in the first place.

"You invited her didn't you!?" I screamed, I couldn't bare it anymore, I had to let it out.

"Of course n-"

"Of course he did, why wouldn't he?" Mia laughed. We were away from Nandos now so it was safe to argue. But argue was an understatement. I lunged at Mia, knocking her off her feet.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BITCH!?" she screamed but I just kept slapping her.

"KATIE!" I heard Harry shout. Next I was being grabbed off Mia by the arms. I assumed it was Harry so I just kept kicking and punching the air but I stopped when I realised it was Zayn.

"Why are you taking me away?" I said, still with a slightly raised voice.

"You've gone crazy Katie." 

"Damn right she has, Liam had to take Mia home because she couldn't even walk properly you psycho!" I heard Harry shout, making me even angrier.

"Why Harry!? You knew it would end like this, you knew she'd ruin the day which was so perfect until now!" I shotued at him. I realised people were staring now but I didn't care. 

"I didn't think you'd go all psycho on her! She doesn't deserve this!"

"Dont even say that when you dont know what she did to me in the past!" I screamed.

"What did she do then?" this time it was Louis speaking.

"If you must know then sure I will tell you." I rolled my eyes angrily. We were nearing a road now and I couldn't help but have a very weird feeling about this.

"I knew her since nursery. We were friends for about a day, then she stole my doll." I got a few sniggers from that but ignored it. "Yeah it might sound silly, but that was when I found out what Mia was really like. Harry do you wanna know why I had no friends in school apart from one or two?"

He nodded.

"Because she took them. Every single one. She made up rumours about me, she told them I hated them. They began calling me names. At the age of 12 it drove me to depression thanks to her. I became anorexic for about a year, the amount of food an average person eats a day was probably how much I had during a whole week, maybe even two. By the time I reached 13 she still didn't stop so I was even close to commiting suicide. And do you know what she did?"

They're silence indicated me to continue.

"She LAUGHED. Right in my face. But it was Jade, my ex best friend who helped me through it. She saw my attempts at death and saved me. She stopped the name calling, the hatred towards me, the rumours. She gave me a life." I was so close to tears by this point but I had to be strong.

"Katie... I dont know what to say... I...." Harry stuttered.

"Yeah there you go. My life story. But you know what? You're going to say something like sorry then go back to her again pretending like you didn't even listen to what I just said."

"No I wont." he whispered.

"Yes you will." I said sternly.

"No I wont." he repeated.

"Yes you will." I said raising my voice again. We argued like this for a few minutes, Louis, Niall and Zayn watching us. Then Harry shook me by the shoulder and it all went wrong.

There was a scream and the night's deadly silence fell upon us. 

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