Feelings - Chapter 4

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We walked into our form room together, gaining a few more jealous looks from the girls on the way. As soon as we were inside I went up to our form teacher, Mrs Cooper, and told her about how the boys are new here. I walked to my seat at the back in the corner as she introduced them to the class. I spotted Mia, the school's slut, twirling her hair as Harry introduced himself. For a moment I felt like ripping her hair out but then I realised that I shouldn't be jealous of who likes Harry or who he dates because I'm not meant to be too close with him in any way. 

Louis and Harry sat down in the two empty seats at the front while the other three slumped down in the seats around me. At the end of form time Mrs Cooper called me over to her desk and told me that the boys would be following me to all my lessons for the week so they could get used to how the school runs and next week they would be given their own timetables. I groaned but took them along with me anyway.

Just as we were walking out of the room Mia came over and started talking to me.

"Hey, how were your holidays Katie?" she fake smiled.

"Urm excuse me?" I asked, bewildered at how 'nice' she was trying to be. I could guess pretty well why.

"I'm just being nice." she scoffed.

"Well they were fine thanks." I said bluntly.

"And who are you?" she asked Harry flirtatiously, acting as if the rest of them weren't here.

"I'm Harry." he winked at her and I could feel my blood boiling inside. NO Katie. There was a moment of silence when Liam cleared his throat. 

"Oh and you are?" she said, not really interested in who he was at all.

"I'm Liam, this is Louis, Niall and Zayn." he said pointing to each of them as he said their names. "And if you don't mind we have a class to get to."

"As a matter of fact, if you're in Katie's next class, then I'm with you too." she smiled at them. I heard Zayn groan in the back but luckily Mia didn't hear him.

"Well lets go then." Liam sighed while Mia led the way.

We were sitting in our first lesson, Biology. We were all seated according to however our teacher, Mr Smith, wanted us to sit. The boys were then placed around the room as they would only be here temporarily and Zayn ended up sitting next to me while everyone else was split up. Unfortunately for Liam, he ended up next to Mia who wasn't very happy either. Probably hoping that she'd sit next to Harry.

"So what's the deal with that girl?" Zayn whispered to me while Mr Smith was talking about some boring crap about Biology.

"Well she's, what I like to call, the school slut." I said.

"I can see that." Zayn chuckled. "She's taking a liking to Harry hasn't she? Look at her staring at him right now."

I glanced up from my doodle book to see that Zayn was right. Mia couldn't take her eyes off Harry. I was actually quite happy when I saw that every so often he would glance back at me and Zayn and roll his eyes at Mia.

"And what's the deal with Harry?" Zayn asked, winking.

"There's no deal with Harry." I said flatly.

"Sure, trust me, before these two years are up, much sooner even, you'll fall for each other." 

"That's what I can't let myself do." I sighed knowing I would have to explain what I thought of my dream to Zayn. But it was alright, because he was one of those people that I could tell I could trust.

"Why?" he raised his eyebrow so I began explaining my whole theory to him.

"So let me get this straight... You think he's going to get hurt like in your dream if you two get too close?" he said, concern filling his voice.

"Well yeah. And I know you might be right about the scream I usually wake up with could be from happiness but I'm not taking my chances. He's just too precious to get hurt." I sighed.

"Well I think you're already developing feelings for him." he stated.

"What?" I asked dumbly.

"Well you're already really worried about him, you just said he was too precious." he winked. "And the look on your face when Mia was flirting with him was pure jealousy."  

I blushed and went back to doodling in silence. Was I really starting to develop feelings for him? No I couldn't let myself do that, I'd only bring him trouble.

But for the rest of the day all I could think about was what Zayn said. Well I think you're already developing feelings for him. I thought about how last night me and Harry cuddled together until we fell asleep, how I thought he was perfect when I stared at his features last night. Could Zayn be right? 

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